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Everything posted by slimt

  1. Sometimes its just not about value. But more whats more versitile and popular.
  2. There just a more popular guitar. those others you mentioned are good guitars. Just not as good. yours a single or double p90?
  3. Es 330 is a better guitar . es225s are okay. I would just buy a 125, 150, or 225. And keep the 330. Otherwize to your question. I think you would be making a mistake .
  4. https://imgur.com/wNjiUSq https://imgur.com/i4n3XP0 Its a 2 page brochure from 1993 of the options you could request from the custom shop , Every custom shop guitar at that time came with a certificate and a leather case cover .
  5. You should fit the guitar to the case before you get it restored. Reason. One. Thats a Redline Case , You could possibly sell that case as is for 300 .00 or a little more and actually find a actual Gibson case that will fit your guitar. The mid 60s cases are out there.
  6. Thats a Archtop Gieb case. Have you fit the guitar to that case?
  7. I have the same issue uploading. Most here suggest imgur for a photo hub. Something like photobucket. But no fees involved yet.
  8. $1000.00 to 1200.00. Thats what I would be in the range of offering .
  9. If its a Geib redline case. Your guitar may not fit. Is it a round bottom or bell bottom case? Thin waist? Or? Was the case for a dreadnaught Martin? Post a picture if you can.
  10. It should be a black case with Gold fun fur lining and a Gibson plaque by the handle. A Heritage is the same as a Hummingbird, Square shoulder SJ.
  11. Hi... what are you refering too?? there are no decals for serial numbers. unless its a mid 70s.
  12. Hi. Very hard to say. Probably the best thing to do is take it to a music store and ask what they will give you for it. Then tack on 25 to 30 % that would be there sell price to the customer. Then look at the average price of a 74 Hummingbird on the selling sites. It will give you a fair idea. I have a 21 Gibson A4 here. With a fine heal crack. I am going on a limb thinking its worth half of a Nice one. Its a player at this point. A decent player. But not a collectible value in its state.
  13. I can think of alot of makers that never got attention. But that does not mean there guitars are not good. I dont think most have found them yet. In time, they will. its all personal preference.
  14. I dont see anything wrong with that at all. It looks fine. actually thats a nice grained top. Nice 45.
  15. Those old U.S . Guilds are workhorses. There great guitars. And Well built. They may have not had the popularity But out of the three brands. The Guilds had the least issues. I like Gibson , Martin , Old Guilds brands. Myself. As well as the Franklin Acoustics at one point from Sandpoint ID .
  16. Back then you could order a Gibson acoustic with a different finish I did that with J45s and Doves. Those at that time were either burst or natural tops. I requested ebony finishes. A little up charge , but they were not designated as special or custom orders .
  17. Pins are plastic , not sure if the had dots in the middle though. They should be a off white in color.
  18. AJs are great guitars. There nice dressed up too.
  19. These old Round holes got a unique tone. There cool guitars.
  20. I did it lots through a dealer in Montana back in the 90s. 1 Brazilian SJ200 , 1 Brazilian J2000. 3 Brazilian AJs , 1 Birdseye AJ ice tea burst 1 1994 Sj200 in Old east indian that has the appearance of Brazilian , with the superjumbo 200 scribed on the heal cap , all signed underneath the tops from those that had a hand in building each guitar. these had to be ordered through a dealer. I had my choice of using my Brazillian or Gibsons stash . I used mine as it was already bought , but.. It was the purchase of each guitar in production. Then I used a form to fill out my request on what I wanted as features. Thats when the $$$$ goes up. Now back then a custom guitar was actually built in the custom shop. Under Rens Guidance . its probably the same now. In todays builds but your wood selections are limited unless you can discuss with the Gibson Dealer about using wood from your personal stash and permits that are required to keep everyone from getting in trouble. you can add features block inlays, script or block pearl logos, flowerpot or torch inlays. Binding selections But it comes now with a Hefty price. not sure if thats the info your looking for
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