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Everything posted by rct

  1. Man, I wouldn't trade anything for them days. It was hard! rct
  2. lolz. We faced our cabinets backwards. rct
  3. Truth, ksdaddy. "My Sound" is a stock Esquire, back and front switch positions, caps and resistors galore in them things to make them Esquires, into a '68 Custom Princeton with each and every knob on 10. Exhilarating. rct
  4. I don't accept your apology as it is not needed. There was a time, I can think of two or three of my early 70's guitars, that capping the volume(that's what we called it) was a requirement. Most Fedners of the time were just icepick-y at the bridge pickup, and thin and wimpy as you moved the volume knob to what should be a good spot. So I too ended up with all of my volumes capped. But that was then. I stopped doing that in the early 90's. There was, for whatever reason, no longer a need for that. Proper value pots? Better pickups? Better wiring? I don't know why, but the need to cap volumes just went away. Maybe our hearing got better and we stopped having to have others tell us what is "right". Maybe that's it. rct
  5. Poor grounds, poorly grounded bridge. Does the buzz stop when you touch metal, like the bridge or tailpiece? rct
  6. I've done several iterations of both and always go back to a pedal board. rct
  7. Wouldn't a CS guitar have a serial number that starts with CS? rct
  8. They can be. I've had them walk right up to me and schniff me all up and down while sitting out in the valleys overnight. Their conversation with each other, all night, the entire herd just murmuring reassurances to each other, is some of the most beautiful music you will ever hear. Especially under a clear night sky. rct
  9. We've gone fly fishing once, with a well armed well trained guide, out in the back country. It really was divine, we'd probably do it again, but not something we'll fall over ourselves to go and do. We'll be out there May next year to just loiter and spend nights out in the valleys and relax. Haven't been since 2019, getting itchy! rct
  10. Like all things that cost a lot and are beautiful, when you look close there can be small uglys in there. It is just fine. Go for it. rct
  11. I wouldn't be, but then, I'm taking it out and making it look way worse in a few months. What are you going to do with it? rct
  12. The Custom existed long before there was a Custom Shop, my friend, and it didn't cost much more than a Les Paul. Fretless Wonder, because of the low skinnys on it. I had a couple before I was 17. rct
  13. See him while the earth has him, for there is and will be only one of him. rct
  14. They can always blame the government and finally achieve bankruptcy. rct
  15. Mrs and I are going to see Tom Murphy next week, a sorta anniversary get away. He's going to give a lecture and stuff, we've seen him before out there at Old Faithful, cool guy. This will have a Shark Cuter Ree board and some wine and such, so a few hours of hard drinkin too. Very looking forward to it, he can sign this book for us: rct
  16. The internet makes everyone a genius all at once all the time. The seller knows what they are selling, or they would have it at about $5000 US for one of the 59 355 modern day reissues, or it would be at $15000 US for a real one. Less than 20 seconds on the internet will tell them this stuff. The buyer, and there will be one, is so certain that they and they alone have scored an unbelievable wet dream of a guitar buy that they will be an internet genius too, ignore all reasonable and customary consumer thoughtfulness and buy it. They will be in here in a month moaning about not being sure "what it is I have here", with people like me lol ing out loud at them. And so it goes... rct
  17. Take a basic economics course, and take Business 101. Review the history of the New World Order and the Global Marketplace, starting around 1984 or so. You need to understand international business and how it works, not that it is some personal thing where one country doesn't care about what another country gets from them. rct
  18. Until this thread I never thought of Zappa. Well, I've never thought of Zappa for any reason, but particularly not as Leon Redbone. Interesting that a few here said similar. We had a record or two of his around the house, I can remember plonking at my Penco acoustic along to them. rct
  19. Remember him on Saturday Night Live? I do. A good one. rct
  20. It was a thingish around the turn of the century. My LPClassic had slightly yellowed inlays, I suppose an attempt to make them look older. Mine weren't as yellowed as the ones in this picture. rct
  21. No man, you don't want to do that. I remember them. It's worth a few grand, 4.5, 5k tops. If you found a guy that has every Explorer but that one well sure, you'd get 10 or 12k maybe. It's just an Explorer, Korina is just mahogany, it doesn't matter how many they made or didn't. I've had more than my share of rare, hard-to-find, they only made a few of these guitars in my life. It's just a guitar. That's how I look at it, including my own. Good luck with it. I hope you get an appraisal for a decent price. rct
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