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Everything posted by rct

  1. I've never understood why two really good songwriters and arrangers like Gilmour and Waters couldn't Just. Get it. Together. I like some songs, and still do Wish You Were Here, but haven't really followed them at all. rct
  2. Fender Zodiac amps. LOL!!! rct
  3. Effects boxes that plugged right into the amp. I remember a guy that played a Flying V into three or four of them plugged into each other into his Marshall. That was a disaster waiting to happen. Electro Harmonix Linear Power Booster. LPB 1 plugged into yer amp, LPB 2 on the floor. Noisiest gottdam thing ever invented but man I loved my LPB 2s. Fender Rhodes. Steel milk crates, the original amp stand. rct
  4. Heh. I kinda wish. Ma was ok with it. One of the regulars was Miss Vickie, the wife(may have been ex by then I don't remember) of Tiny Tim. No, he was never there. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 9pm - 2am, two, three weeks a month for a couple years in that place. Club Mardi Gras, Westville NJ. rct
  5. Yes, 16 years old playin in a strip club. What A Wonnnnderful World... rct
  6. I used Peavey Classics for years. Peavey 1200 board was the size of a picnic table. Spider Cabinets on top of carpeted Cerwin Vegas. Traynors that weight 500 pounds each. Stood in front of Acoustic and Sunn bass cabs with 8 10s in them. Mic stands weighed more than todays entire PAs. Kept my drink and ashtray on the Leslie. Good times. rct
  7. rct


    Good deal brutha. I can't even imagine what you are going through. Best to you and your family. rct
  8. rct


    Yeah, for Heroes David Bowie song. Promptly lost it or gave it away when we didn't do that one anymore. it was tricky to use, I remember that. rct
  9. This is the point at which otherwise ordinarily intelligent and rational people go over the cliff. Somehow they can grasp that the same tension is required between the nut and the saddle, but that if you change something on either side of these two stopping points, the in between will be different, even though it takes the same tension to achieve the same note. It's all dogma from there, even though the very same folks will flood you with the very same data that should tell them that absolutely nothing changes in between. Weird world for sure. rct
  10. Used to be a web page Grocery Shrink Ray. You could report things you found in the store that had changed size down but not changed price. 5lb bag of sugar comes to mind, quite some time ago now. They don't update it anymore I don't think, but here's a link to some of it. It was good fun, but if you do the shopping in your house as I always have, it is maddening what these jokers get away with. If you and I did it it would be fraud. Put the letters INC or LLC behind your name and it's just fine. https://consumerist.com/tag/grocery-shrink-ray-2/index.html rct
  11. Fender Japan exists because FMIC knew 35 years ago that the only way they would ever put a serious dent in Asian counterfeit guitars was to take Fender to Asia. Build them in Japan, sell them in Asia, cut the bottom out of the fake market. The hope was people in Asia wouldn't buy fakes when they could buy the real thing in their own currency, made in their own country(ies). That's the only reason Fender Japan exists. rct
  12. The new Tone Master amps are digital reproductions of the originals. A digital solid state Twin and Deluxe. Half the weight, that makes them interesting for sure. rct
  13. rct

    Firebird X

    Which we then cram into our disk drive-less cloud storage tablet, apply 47 different Analog Plug-ins, move out of tablet to mix in an all analog environment, and then digitize back into the computer machine in order to squish it into digital distribution to be listened to on $10,000 worth of all tube analog equipment or .75" Surround Sound Digital Dolby Real Feel earbuds. Man it's a weird fukkin world! rct
  14. I like Paul's guitars. They are beautiful pieces of work most of the time. They sound their own thing. I play whatever I want and I spend whatever I want on whatever it is I want. I take it out and use it and recoup whatever I've put into it less depreciation, with no investment value. I have never owned a Paul Reed because I do not like the necks. I have given guitars by other makers including Fedner a try even though I disliked the necks and it is a dead end street, they always end up going. Hated the neck on my SG. Do Not Like the new Fender Elites with the mystical multiple Rainbow and Unicorn compound radius at all. Not good neck, not buying it. I got too much to do up there to be futzing around with an unhappy making neck. rct
  15. Wait. Outta here as in outta here, or as in outta here? What? rct
  16. I did not know Brutus at all, but I too still miss him. rct
  17. Don't forget big fat orchestral arrangements using acoustic guitars of like, well, Big Country maybe. Or Alive And Kicking perhaps. The locals'l know them. lolz rct
  18. Man I hope you get RETIRED old soon! Tom Cruise, end of Taps: "It's beautiful, man" We are 39 years the week after you are 42 years. Don't really run into people like us that much any more. rct
  19. Get the acoustic mavens to play up high, do Maggie May. The audience will thank ya. rct
  20. Lola. Always goes over when we do it, great for somewhat sloshed up sing along. rct
  21. Everybody misses somebody so, you know, Wish You Were Here. Always goes over well, good singalong sometimes, good place for acoustic mavens to stretch out and try to cop some licks down by the nut. rct
  22. All I Want To Be, Wind Of Change, Lines On My Face, and for the instrumental folkies, Penny For Your Thoughts, by that Framptoon fella. rct
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