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Everything posted by Larsongs

  1. I use Lemon Oil on my Necks to clean & condition every time I put new Strings on... SOP for me.. If you're going to the trouble of removing old Strings replace them with new.. You'll be glad you did..
  2. Wouldn't that be the ES339? Also available as a Casino Coupe...
  3. Has the OP said anything about the Warranty not being worth the paper it's written on? I've had 2 Warranty jobs done at Gibson Factory.. They were good to work with & both Guitars were repaired & returned better than new.. They exceeded my expectations on both occasions.
  4. Unlike most of the MIC & MIK Casino's the IBJL's, even though they are MIC, have USA Gibson P90's which are the best sounding P90's in the Gibson family.. Also have Switchcraft Switch upgrades.. Even though they are MIC they are extremely good Guitars.. Not quite an Elite or Elitist but close.. A couple other models with same USA Gibson P90 Pickups & Swtchcraft upgrades are the MIC Epi Ltd. Edition 50th Anniv. 1961 Casinos. Some with Tremotone.. Total production of 1961 Guitars. The other is the Gary Clark Jr. Blak n Blu Casino similary equipped but with Bigsby.. All 3 versions aren't available new anymore but are excellent Sounding well made alternatives that are in reach $$$ wise of most Players. I own a couple & my Son in law has the Gary Clark model... Even though I've ordered the new USA Casino I'll keep the others I have as they're really good Guitars...
  5. I've noticed IBJL's are going up too...
  6. My Pedalboard consists of a Boss Tuner, Byrds Janglebox Compressor, TS808, Boss Digital Delay, Boss '64 Fender Reverb & Keeley Double Tracker. I use FX more often with my Fender Amps. Much less or not all with my Vox Amps. Not so sure I agree with the OP's theory. I bought a used Janglebox & it needed to be rebuilt in a year. Almost invested the cost of a new one. A year later it died & I bought a new one. I think the Used one had been used to death by the original owner. I've been using the new one for a few years & it's still like new.. I should've bought new to begin with..
  7. I'd like to see a IBG USA built Wilshire too.. Also an Inspired By Gibson USA Gold ES295 with Bigsby.
  8. Larsongs


    I watched a lot of Music on YouTube. Or did until a month or so ago. They made some changes that completely ruined it for me. I no longer have all the Tutorials & various genres of Music Video Playlists I've assembled over the past few years. I'm watching YouTube far less now.. I wish there was a way to return it to the old format....
  9. A new Guitar should be without serious flaws.. A twisted Neck is a serious flaw.. A repair couldn't guarantee it won't twist again. Making it an unsatisfactory resolution IMO. It should be replaced with an flawless new Guitar. That's what he paid for. Gibson has always done right by me. I'm sure they will do the right thing.. Larson
  10. Gibson vs Epi. Cadillac vs Chevy comparison. True since the '80's. But that wasn't always the case... There was a time when Epi & Gibson rivaled eachother where they were built, quality of build & price. I think the intent of the new Inspired by Gibson Series is an attempt to return to that time. Odd choice of name for this new Epi Series. Particularly with regard to the new upcoming USA Inspired by Gibson Epi Casino....
  11. I've had to send 2 Guitars back to Gibson for Warranty work a few years ago. One was my 2001 Gibson Bozeman Masterbilt J-160E & the other was my 50th Anniv. 1961 Epiphone Reissue Casino with Tremotone. In both cases the wait was long but well worth it in the end. Both came back as perfect as Guitars can be. Even including the Set up. Luckily I have other Guitars to play while I waited fror ther return.. Hope yours comes back soon & as perfect as mine.. Larson
  12. Like Cars Gibson & Epiphone reserves the right to make changes every model year. Sometimes even sooner. There are so many model variations of Gibsons & Epiphones it's almost impossible to keep up. There are many Books to help. Also the Kelly Blue Book for Guitars helps for those who want to dig deep. From Les Paul to Eric Clapton to Jimmy Page & a whole slew of other Artists there have been creations, cross overs & just about anything imaginable.. All for the sake of keeping us excited about the next new thing or some treasured vintage Guitar to keep us spending our all mighty Dollars..
  13. I read somewhere to turn down the Volume & Tone Knobs to about 25%. Turn your Amp up to the level you like. I tried it & it brightened the Sound. You can tweak to the desired sound you want. It opens up an entire new realm of possible Sounds & Tones...
  14. I'm not seeing any 355's available new on any of the Online Dealers either.. There should be some excellent lightly Used 355's available. Try Reverb.com or GBase.com....
  15. Very nice! I have the same Sunburst & like it a lot.. Missed out on one of those Black 355's with Bigsby.. Beautifull! Gibson Websites historically have been inaccurate as far as what is currently available. That's nothing new. They had 355's at NAMM last year.... The should be available even though they're not on the current website...
  16. Many years ago, As a young broke Musician my Band buddies & I went searching for an Electric Guitar for me. After looking at several new ones & realizing I couldn't afford a new one we started looking in Pawn Shops in Wash. D.C. After a long search that yielded nothing but Guitars I couldn't afford I spotted a Guitar up on a Shelf in the back of the Shop. Almost I visiable because of the boxes & stuff in front of it. What's that? I asked. The Proprietor said, Awh, you don't want that old relic. I asked to see it & he got it down. It was pretty dinged & scratched. Nothing like the new a Guitars I was lusting for.. The neck seemed ok. So I asked how much? He said, how much do you have? I said, $75.00. He said, coincidentally that's how much it was. LOL.. Turned out to be an early 50's Gibson Les Paul Jr.. with P90. One of the best Guitars I've ever owned. Foolishly I sold to our Lead Guitarist because I wanted something better.. LOL again... I've had several since but that was one of the best!
  17. I bought different LP models, as listed in my previous post above, as I don't feel the need for duplicates. At least at this point in time. But, I did want different LP's.. Though the weight relief & Pickups may be different on each of them my impression is the weight relief may have a slight, if any, affect on the Sound. I still think the Pickups have much much more affect on the Sound...
  18. Great looking pair of Blues! Best of both worlds! Enjoy!
  19. Larsongs

    ES 335

    It's definitely a beauty, you're gonna love it! But, we need more info about it...
  20. Why the curoiusity? If it's for rarity, collectibility, or resale value forget about it. I doubt there are any even if they're owned by someone extremely famous... Maybe in 50-60 years.. Even then, there will be such a flood of old Guitars I doubt it.. If you want a valuable collector Guitar they can be had but seriously doubt in a new one... best to buy what you like & enjoy it. If it holds it's value, great! If it doesn't, you got to enjoy it.. Good luck!
  21. Over the years there have been so many variations it would almost be like trying to describe the difference between every make of Automobile... Pickups alone there are numerous variations of Humbuckers & several P90's.. Then you get into various eras & so many Models. Plus, New, Used & Vintage.. It's good to inquire here but also check out YouTubes. There are also Gibson Guitar Books available which can be a good source of information. Going to every Store you can to play as many different Guitars is the true test though. If you live near a big City like L.A. There are stores like Hollywood Guitar Center that will blow your mind! They have everything imaginable.. They say you'll know it when you play it.. That's pretty much true IMO. The quest can be never ending... Good luck!
  22. I have a Gibson Les Paul Special P90's, Les Paul Std. Plus 490R/498T & a Memphis Blacktop ES Les Paul MHS & Bigsby.. The lightest is the ESLP at 7 lbs. The heaviest is the LP Std. Plus at 10 1/2 lbs. IMO the biggest sound difference comes from the Pickups. Although, it seems like completely Solid Bodies have a muddier Sound.
  23. Our Band, or me, has never played 19th Nervous Breakdown. I mean the Arrangement like the actual Record.. It's a fun Rockin' Tune & a blast to play & sing...
  24. I have a recent Gibson Memphis ES335 & Blacktop ES Les Paul with Bigsby. Both are outstanding quality Guitars.. Every bit as good as my Vintage Mid 50's Les Paul Special & Vintage 1959 ES345. Also equal to my recent Terada Gretsch George Harrison Duo Jet. I'm hoping the new USA Casinos will be every bit as comparable. If they are I'll be very pleased to own & play one.. I've played some recent Heritage Guitars at NAMM & was really impressed with their quality, playability & sound. Extremely Fine Guitars! If the new Casinos are as good as those mentioned above it will be a huge success! If they're not.. Might as well stay with a Used Elitist..
  25. I wouldn't drill a hole there & put a Strap Button there. I don't think the wood is thick enough to support long enough Screw to support the Guitars weight. Put a Bigsby on it. It will balance the Guitar, help the Nose dive, improve the Sound (IMO) & look great.. Finding the right place for you to position your Guitar with Strap on does make it more comfortable.. Try adjusting Strap length to see what is most comfortable for you.
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