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Everything posted by Larsongs

  1. I think this is my most favorite Eagles Period. Yeah, that’s awesome! If anyone has the live performance of “Out Of Control” which I think is from that same Concert will you please post it? Thanks.. Here’s “Outlaw Man” from the same Concert.. I’d like to get the DVD of that whole Concert if anyone knows a Source… Thanks
  2. Tom Murphy should be making a Killing!!
  3. I’m left handed & do just the opposite of his daughter…
  4. I don’t work for Sweetwater but I’ve bought from them.. I saw this video & thought I’d share it.. I’m not getting paid anything just providing a FYI…
  5. If it’s a sale made within 45 days, if they’re a reputable Store, I would think they’d let you exchange it for another new Guitar that has the same retail Price.. Like for like. As long as your Guitar is in perfect condition… They might even end up making something on the deal..
  6. If you bought it new I'd seriously think about returning.. How many J45 models are there? About 30 or so? I wouldn't void my Warranty & take a chance somebody might screw it up worse...
  7. I was walking down the Street in downtown San Diego one day between my 2 adult daughters shopping.. Both are beautiful ladies.. An older woman about my age was walking towards us.. As she got closer she started giving me dirty looks.. As she passed she said, “You Dirty Old Man!”.. I was speechless!
  8. Back in those days all the Teachers & Principals had devices for Corporal Punishment & used them. I had my fair share.. In 6th Grade I had a Teacher by the name of Mr. Stammerjohn… A real Asshole! He hated me.. One day while I was made to stay in the Room while all the other kids went to recess. He said something to me that I didn’t like.. I said something back.. He came at me & I started running around the room… He caught up to me & kicked me in the back & laid me out.. He threatened to do worse if I ever said anything… My Dad went to visit him.. I never knew for sure what happened. My Dad probably beat the crap out of him. After his visit I didn’t go back to that School… Those we’re different times..
  9. China isn’t far behind Gates.. They own 192,000 Acres of Agricultural land in the USA…
  10. I went to Public School & they beat my Left Hand with a Wooden Ruler… It was a different time…
  11. I’m left handed but play Guitar right handed.. I only had access to right handed Guitars so that’s what I learned to play.. In my early School days my Teacher smacked my hand with a wooden Ruler trying to force me to write right handed. I would try to write right handed but I would write from right to left on the paper backwards.. You’d have to hold up to a mirror to read it.. . My Teacher thought I was smarting off to him & hit me harder. I told my Dad.. My Dad was 6’ 3” & was about 220 lbs.. He was a WWII Army Vet. He went to the School & told them to stop or there would be a serious problem.. They stopped… Those were different times… I remember being told that left handed people were the mark of the Devil….
  12. That old saying replies to many Musicians playing all kinds of music! But, quite honestly an Epiphone Dot, a Squier CV Tele & a Squier P- Bass will work quite well for those $50.00 gigs..
  13. About 90-95% of Musicians are Hobbyists & Weekend Warriors. The latter, for the most part, play their local Bars & Pubs for Peanuts. Of course they can’t afford $4000 + Guitars… Do they really even need them? The cheaper Epiphones, Squiers & Electromatics make affordable decent options that work fine for those applications… When you hit the Big Time & are making Big $$$$ then you step up… You earned it! That said, if you got the $$$ get whatever you want….. But it ain’t worth crying about, nothing you can do about it…. It is, what it is….
  14. That sounds like an amazing Guitar setup & the Calif. Tweed is a perfect Amp.. That Setup should sound great with your Band.. Best regards!
  15. I disagree.. An Executive Decision was the initial cause. We probably should stop here before this Thread goes off the rails..
  16. I hope Gibson isn’t building Acoustic Guitars from new Wood they bought last month! Seriously, most Acoustics are built from Wood bought quite a while ago.. It’s usually stored for some time before using to build Acoustic Guitars.. That said, it doesn’t mean Guitars should be priced at what Wood cost at that time. Or any time.. I don’t know of a single Price on anything today that hasn’t gone up exponentially… It seems to trace back to the Pandemic Lockdown & shutting down American Oil Production. When that happened prices went crazy.. The latter being a Man made Problem that didn’t have to happen… Prices for Guitars are crazy but so is $7.00+ a gallon for Gas (in Calif) in my neighborhood…
  17. I really like those Calif. Tweeds! Good choice my Man! What is that Semi Hollow F hole Guitar? Have a blast! Good luck with the Band.. You should still have an Acoustic Electric Guitar! Best of both Worlds..
  18. I dig it! I have a Black C6 with 23,000 miles on it…
  19. Tell that to Musk, Bezoz, Buffet & Gates.. While they all may be assholes they are still Brains! I think your quote pertains more to Politicians!
  20. In a Business someone has to be Boss…
  21. & 60’s.. The Muscle Car era is King! Although, I did like my 55 Chevy & 57 Ford.. My Dad had several 50’s Cadillacs & that is definitely my favorite era for Caddy’s…
  22. I don’t get that? Bite the hand that feeds you? Somebody has to be the responsible one & make **** happen.. Otherwise you wander off into worlds of Heroin or making Movies that are Flops & drain money like a siv. Or decide you’re going to become an Actor… Left alone they weren’t to wise without Paul & his Connections to the Eastmans.. You can’t spend your life as a Clown if you want to be something….
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