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Everything posted by scriv58

  1. http://www.bbc.com/culture/story/20190612-bruce-springsteens-of-the-world-unite
  2. Interesting read for those so inclined: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/15/opinion/sunday/country-music-tim-mcgraw-jon-meacham.html
  3. Yes i like it but never use it- the zoom h4n really suits my purpose. Sometimes i have more money than sense.
  4. I was fortunate enough to never spawn any chips-off-the-old-blockhead, but happy fathers day to those of you who did.
  5. Double pickguard J200 models sure do spark a lot of political debate
  6. They sre good- 3 years ago i bought the myrtle, which is close in specs to edwina.
  7. Milk Carton Kids also are mic-only users. I saw Gillian Welch in 2011 in St. Louis and the crowd was ridiculously loud and conversant and stupidly drunk. The mic only performance did not suffer from crowd stupidity. If the crowd drowns out the performer, perhaps it may be best to accept the role of being a minor distraction in a sea of babble. I prefer my front porch, the desire to perform disappeared in my rear view mirror long ago. Best wishes for success on your sonic quest.
  8. Ask what time it is and they tell you how to build a clock.
  9. Does the Seymour Duncan MagMic need a pre amp or other device between it and the guitar amp?
  10. https://www.iheart.com/content/2019-06-10-david-gilmour-hopes-guitars-sold-at-auction-go-to-people-who-will-play-them/
  11. moleskin? composition? spiral bound?
  12. nobody mentions the best pencil/paper for the songwritin' part of singer/songwriter...another forum, i reckon
  13. I agree with the earlier advice to buy an old one- about the same prices as new ones. But the vintage Gibson prices are rising, I am fortunate to have bought mine during the slump.
  14. My condolences for your loss- and how dear for you two to have known such love.
  15. This is also quite useful I bought the green one first and realized the stiffer blue one is better for me https://www.amazon.com/TheraBand-Tendonitis-Resistance-Tendinitis-Intermediate/dp/B000KGOMBC/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=Theraband&qid=1559055717&s=gateway&sr=8-4 i use this product regularly on my hands and wrists they feel like new after use https://www.chewy.com/absorbine-veterinary-sore-muscle/dp/168364?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=hg&utm_content=Absorbine&utm_term=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_NyNosG-4gIVTfDACh0EnQWTEAQYASABEgL9rPD_BwE ok all done with getting too personal
  16. the first minute is a stupid intro but the reminder may be found helpful
  17. Pringle's jingles now at a grocer near you
  18. I am most shocked by the fact that photobucket pics are visible to everyone.
  19. I have only one Martin, an HJ-38, so that was easy. Unable to choose between my '57 CW, '46 SJ, or '36 RSSD. Tilting toward the '57 CW. Suppositions...what if I just quick thinking about what if
  20. Seems like a good reason to fire up the Montblanc and post some original tunes.
  21. Awww shucks, Buc, you being a songwriter must surely make you cognizant of the fact that love is but a moment’s sunlight fading in the grass, no? http://forum.gibson.com/index.php?/topic/126295-juliet-j50/ Best wishes on your sale
  22. Haters gonna hate- how could someone with Vince's talent NOT want to play with the Eagles? I reckon my filter is way different, because i didn't experience any loathing after viewing the docu History Of The Eagles.
  23. It is a great idea- Gibson has produced runs of j45 rosewood models with ebony, and i have a Martin jumbo and a Whipple Creek om, both of which have rosewood b/s with ebony bridge and fretboard. Nice looking Taylor, the youtube samples have sounded very good, not like that shrill crinkly tinny-ness I usually associate with Taylor.
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