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Everything posted by sparquelito

  1. Oh, not to worry. I tug on my weenie all the time, and I rarely get an injury. ๐Ÿ˜—
  2. I'll be the lone voice saying, "YES," I like the revamped Pro Bowl format this year. Seems like a lot of fun, and very few players will get hurt. That said, I don't watch TV anymore, so it's not like I'm going to see any of it. But I get where Payton Manning and the League went with it this season. ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. Naw. Sheepdog lives many miles north of me. 645 or so. Nearly ten hours drive by car. Even IF we found ourselves attracted beyond intellectual discussions regarding music and musicianship, the distance alone would put the kibosh on any chances of a serious relationship. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ
  4. Love you, too Sheepdog1969. Whenever I go back to try and play and sing that composition, I end up changing the chords and adding more, for more nuance. But yes, that's the essence of songwriting and collaboration. We always strive to improve, and to evolve a song. ๐Ÿ™‚
  5. I'll go out on a limb and say that it will be Fender. ๐Ÿ˜—
  6. YES. I stand by DeOxit D5 electrical contact cleaner and lubricant. Spray some into the tiny aperture on the edge of the pots, and work the knobs left and right. Problem solved!! ๐Ÿ˜‰
  7. DONโ€™T PLAY GUITAR WITH CHEAP JEANS (a Country song) C Donโ€™t play guitar with cheap jeans G I remember my mama used to say โ€œAnd make sure your drawers are cleanโ€ C Sheโ€™d wash, dry and fold them everโ€™ day C Donโ€™t forget to brush and floss G Gotta protect those pearly whites And if youโ€™re gonna douse your eggs with A1 sauce C mind your napkin and chew each bite F When she went off to Tutwiler Prison C I cried and cried all day F As sure as the Lord died and arisen G I can still hear her say C Donโ€™t play guitar with cheap jeans, Johnny G C Look pretty when you go to play (pedal steel guitar solo) C G C G F F C F When she went off to that womenโ€™s Prison C I cried and cried all day F As sure as the Lord died and arisen G I can still hear her say C Donโ€™t play guitar with cheap jeans, Johnny G C And send me some of your pay (spoken) And cigarettes, and magazines. Maybe a case of Tab diet soda C (fade) Okay, I'm gonna shut up now. ๐Ÿ˜”
  8. I reckon that if I get a retirement (part time) job, it will have to be in a gun store. Then there's no worries about some fool acting up. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  9. Looks authentic. After reviewing Gibson Marauders found on the internet this morning, I can say that most of them have six serial numbers. Like so. This is from 1975. Some have eight. Like this one from 1977 / 1978. The ones validated to be from 1976 have a completely different stamp on the back of the head stock. So, the one you are considering would be a tobacco sunburst model (only 240 of them ever manufactured in that finish), and it was made in 1979. Fjestad's Blue Book values yours at approximately 600 Euros. But all year groups of them are going for right around 1,500 Euros on Reverb.com. It's nice that the seller has included the original pickups. ๐Ÿ˜—
  10. Feeling crushed and sad right now. I was just watching an interview with him a few days ago. And he was the same funny, loose, wonderful car-guy, guitar-guy, all around great-guy that we have all come to know. Prayers to his family. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ
  11. My favorite CB350 of all time, the 1972 edition. https://s1.cdn.autoevolution.com/images/news/low-mile-1972-honda-cb350-makes-up-for-lack-of-power-with-great-looks-and-light-anatomy-190376_1.jpg My least favorite, just a year later. https://www.nashvillemotorcyclerepair.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/CB350F-11.jpg
  12. To be clear, these are the zip ties I was referring to earlier. They hold my world together. ๐Ÿ™‚
  13. They sell duct tape in all colours. Find the right shade, fix it with the duct tape, and your problems are solved. (This is how I approach all problems in life. If it can't be fixed with duct tape and zip ties, then it probably can't be fixed.) I'm gonna shut up now. ๐Ÿ˜”
  14. Interesting stuff. A bit over-produced. But good traveling music, I reckon, if you are driving down the highway and there's a storm coming. One thing, and this may seem petty. I don't mind ink, and most tattoos are passably attractive to me. But the center guitar player guy, and that full neck sleeve tattoo; It's distracting, visually, and off-putting. Great player though. Nice chops. ๐Ÿ˜
  15. Here is John Sebastian playing Lucy, in her original goldtop finish. And here are the McCoys with Lucy, not long before she became refinished. Rick Derringer's dad hated the 'beat up' appearance of the goldtop anyway, so Rick was all too glad to take it to Gibson for a refinishing. That's Rick's drummer brother Randy Zehringer holding Lucy in that photo.
  16. Willkommen. Sehr schรถne Kombination aus Gitarre und Verstรคrker!! ๐Ÿ™‚
  17. The model for that album cover was Nicki Howarth, of Monty Python fame. https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/nicki-howarth
  18. "Captain on the bridge," shouted the helmsman. The weary, 3rd shift sailors in the conning tower came to the position of attention as Captain Augustus Bellwether turned to secure the hatch behind him, and then to take his position on the bridge. The dim red lighting took a few moments for his eyes to adjust. "At ease, carry on," he said to the men present. He turned to the Adjutant. "Right, LT Commander Smythe. Anything to report?" "Routine night, Skipper. Three allied vessels were vetted and passed thru the straights and so on to Tangier. HMS Melbourne, the USS Aberdeen, and Escort Destroyer Adrias." "Well enough then. Any monkey business from our friends out of Kiel?" "Bosun's Mate Woolsley reported spotting a suspected, not confirmed, Scharnhorst Class Frigate around 01:00 hours, but that one turned a mile out and steamed off toward Marbella. I wired HMS Egret directly she departed, and advised they be on the lookout." "Right. You are relieved, Smythe. Good work, and go get some sleep." "Aye aye, sir." The men exchanged hand salutes, and the Adjutant departed the bridge. Captain Bellwether made an entry in the log, and pocketed his ink pen. "Steady as she goes, helmsman. Sea state treating you alright this long night?" "Not bad, Captain. Two Low Long thus far. Visibility is good." "Our sister ships holding the line then?" "Aye, sir. Blockade Operations Normal, five mile legs. Her Egret to the north, and the USS Hart to the south." "The Hart? What happened to the USS Lake?" "Steamed to Tarifa to check out a distress call. She needed servicing anyway." The radioman interrupted, "Skipper, we just got a wire from her Pelham. She's two miles out, and requests to rendezvous for mail pickup and rations drop-off." "HMS Pelham. At bloody four in the morning? How was their radioman's fist? All seem in order?" "Not the fastest Morse Code I have ever taken, sir. But I wouldn't call it poor, and the authentication code was correct." "Okay, Jonesy. Advise the men on watch to report directly she comes into view." "They just reported, sir. She's in sight, going at full steam, and her running lights are in order." "Hamilton, flash the Challenge, please. And Jones, put gunners on Ready Alert" "Right sir." Ensign Hamilton manned the spotlight control console and flashed two white bursts, and one red. "Okay, Challenge sent." The Captain stepped toward the window panes, and peered through his binoculars. "No flash back yet. What colour flash should we be seeing?" Jones flipped open his Classified bulletin sheet, and responded, "Ummmm..... HMS Pelham, blue. One blue flash, sir." Captain Bellwether uttered moments later, "She just responded, with two white flashes. Jonesy, are you sure you got that right? One blue flash is the correct password response for the Pelham?" Jones double-checked his clipboard. "HMS Scroggins, two white flashes. HMS Fulbright, one green, one white. And her Pelham, BLUE." The Captain shouted into the microphone and broadcasted, "Gunners, open fire on that vessel approaching from our starboard. Give them one warning shot across the bow. If they don't Full Stop, give their conning tower everything you got! All men, hands on deck!" The BL 4-inch Mk IX cannons gave with a long burst, and tracers erupted and streamed across the void, and into the roiling sea in front of the approaching vessel. Hamilton shouted, "Skipper, that vessel is turning hard to starboard and returning fire! And that is NOT Her Majesty's Ship Pelham!" The Captain ordered, "Gunners, open fire, fire at will. Air Defense gunners, Ready Standby!" "Sir, enemy torpedo spotted in the water!" "Helmsman, hard to port. Engines Full Stop!!โ€ โ€œEngines Full Stop!โ€ Hamilton exited the hatch onto the starboard deck, and manned the spotlight. โ€œSkipper, that torpedo just churned by and missed us by 20 meters!โ€ โ€œFire all guns!!โ€ the Captain ordered. The 4 inch cannons erupted in fire, and lit up the morning sky with streams of hot lead, and the Air Defense 4.5โ€ guns followed suit. The enemy vessel was pounded with barrage after barrage, and several explosions were observed throughout the upper structures. โ€œCease Fire!โ€ ordered the Captain. โ€œJonesey, wire the HMS Egret and ask them to take charge of the disabled vessel. Recommend a quarter-mile stand-off, and coordinate to board at dawn. Contact Fleet and arrange for prisoner detainment and transport.โ€ โ€œAye aye, sir!!โ€ โ€œAll hands, stand down. Gunners, oil and replenish. Report to the bridge when complete. And great job, all of you!โ€ The Captain sank back into his chair, and lit a Woodbine from his pack of five. He leaned and offered a smoke to Radioman Jones, who gratefully accepted it. The two men smoked in silence for a while. โ€œPelham blue,โ€ Jones finally said. โ€œWhatโ€™s that you say, Jonesey?โ€ โ€œPelham blue,โ€ the sailor repeated. โ€œGood catch, Skipper. That was well handled, sir.โ€ โ€œAye,โ€ the Captain responded. โ€œThe blockade held.โ€ The sun rose slowly to the east, and the smell of breakfast began to arise from the galley below. The helmsman course-corrected, and steamed on to a beautiful morning at sea. ๐Ÿ˜
  19. I love most of you. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  20. I like it a lot. If I still owned a Les Paul, I would love to keep it in such a case. The standard Gibson case with the pink furry interior never did much for me. Too heavy, and the interior colour was never to my liking. ๐Ÿ˜
  21. Yes, I get that a lot too. I'm 63, and I STILL don't know what I wanna be when I grow up. My first electric bass was an Ovation Celebrity solid body that I picked up in 1989 in a music store in Bad Kreuznach, Germany. Similar colour and styling to your Rogue. It was sadly stolen from me in a house burglary in 2001, over on Oahu. ๐Ÿ˜
  22. If I were a teenager wanting to learn bass, or a recording musician on a budget, I can see where this would be a really great acquisition! Two thumbs up to Sheepdog1969. https://www.musiciansfriend.com/bass/rogue-lx200b-series-iii-electric-bass-guitar/h11151 ๐Ÿ™‚
  23. Great story. I have sold off a lot of guitars and basses over the past year, but I did manage to hang onto my Thunderbird IV. I love this punchy beast. ๐Ÿ˜‰
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