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Everything posted by sparquelito

  1. I got up at 4:45 and had my coffee with a sweet creamers and a bit of German brandy. Stir-fried some turkey burger for my breakfast this morning, with portabella mushrooms, Vidalia onion, egg, and cheddar. By ten thirty a.m. I'll be out mowing the property, and then after a nice hot bath, my wife and I will be off to a late lunch at my in-laws. Somewhere between or after, I'll be playing my Firebird Zero. It just seems like a Pelham Blue sort of day. ๐Ÿ™‚ Sophie the Boxer is having none of it.
  2. Here's a thought for you to ponder; What one thing is manufactured by the thousands each day, all over the world, with certain knowledge that most consumers will acquire it, barely learn to play it, allow it to collect dust, and then later sell it or give it away? The electric guitar, naturally. A mind-boggling notion, truly. But for us guitar lovers and guitar collectors, it's a comforting thought. ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. That was fabulous, Guy. Thank you for sharing that! Interesting to me, considering the style of your playing, and the almost Steve Vai-like-groove of that composition, is your choice of guitar. If I were to leave the video playing as I walked around the house, my mind's eye would picture a pointy Ibanez at play. Watching that beautifully-filmed and edited video, with you rocking the old-school Gibson, my brain kept trying to re-boot on me!! It was like it didn't compute, the juxtaposition of the axe and the sounds/tones. ๐Ÿ˜š
  4. That really is a stunning guitar. I guess they call that the Transparent Black finish. Goes great with the black, naked pickups and black speed knobs, my favorite. Grover kidney-bean tuning keys, just perfect. ๐Ÿฅฐ
  5. WOW, what a beautiful guitar!! Welcome, Juliana. It's great to have you here with us. ๐Ÿ˜€
  6. I ran the audio set up and soundboard for this aerial demo today, quite early this morning. Crazy stuff, this. ๐Ÿ™‚
  7. Me likey. A rot. I mean, a lot. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
  8. Did they come in a box like this? ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
  9. A fantastic guitar, KenRu. Congrats! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  10. A fabulous, life-affirming guitar, Steve! I really like that, a lot. ๐Ÿ˜€
  11. I just went to a very emotional wedding. Even the cake was in tiers. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
  12. Thanks for posting that, mihcmac. I really enjoyed watching that. ๐Ÿ™‚
  13. Benvenuto, Elmut. It's very nice to have you with us, and I love your guitar!! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  14. Matt, Do you need an OEM neck plate, or will a generic one do? Is the Beretta Special a 1980's vintage, or a more recent re-issue? ๐Ÿค”
  15. I would say so! She's worth a lot more than $180 nowadays. ๐Ÿ˜›
  16. This guy Jeff Slate (who wrote the 'NBC-News-Think" bit on Paul Simon) is a nitwit. A disrespectful dirt-bag. A typical New York City elitist jackass. ๐Ÿคจ
  17. Congratulations, Beerad12. That's a really great guitar!! ๐Ÿ˜› In honor of this occasion, a limerick then; Our friend got a Flying V a prettier guitar I never did see an object to cherish but if he should perish, I hope that he wills it to me! Okay, I'm gonna shut up now. ๐Ÿ˜”
  18. I have two. I call them, "my Les Paul" and "my fake Les Paul". There's not much else to say after that.
  19. You named most of it, good sir. * Practice * Playing with others, and picking up on what everybody has to offer and, my personal favorite, * Performance-oriented motivation. When you have a gig or show or performance to get ready for, you will step up your game, get it all right, and you will improve. Because you have to. Without a goal or an upcoming performance (even if it's playing for the elderly at an assisted-living place, or playing/singing at a wedding, whatever) you tend to waffle and noodle aimlessly, and you never get any better doing that. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  20. Hey, that was one of my happier and more up-beat postings. You should see me when I'm feeling depressed. ๐Ÿ˜”
  21. ALL purchases are life-affirming, when you think about it. Except for caskets, ashes urns, funeral plots, and tombstones. But everything else surely is. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
  22. I have everything I need. But I have been wanting this lately. No good reason for it either. I just want it. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
  23. So, a little over a year ago, a very nice lady posted to another guitar forum where I moderate (and frequently provide guitar valuations), looking for information and advice. She had a 1991 Fender Strat Plus Deluxe, still new in the case, and wished to know what it might be worth. She was considering selling it. My partner and I provided the requested information, and endeavored to help her sell the guitar, if that was her wish. In the end, she never sold the guitar. The Strat had been purchased for a dear friend back in 1991, intended as a gift. But alas the relationship ended, and the gift was never given. The guitar sat in its case, under a bed, for literally three decades. Un-played and pristine. I would love to have owned the guitar myself, but long-distance shipping rates and all, plus the various unknown factors such as fret sprout, made it impossible. I became friends with the seller over a period of months, and we have exchanged emails and family updates over a great period of time. I feel very close to the lady now, and count her as a good (albeit long-distance) friend. She recently emailed and asked if I would consider purchasing the guitar from her. It didn't feel right selling to a stranger off of eBay or Craigslist, but since I'm a trusted friend, (and would be disinclined to ever resell the guitar), would I consider buying it? Sure enough, my tax-returns turned out well this year, and I have the disposable income. Long story short, I mailed the check, my friend shipped via FedEx, and so here she is. My brand-new condition, with all the original case-candy, 30 year old Fender Stratocaster. I am in love. I really can't believe that an elderly instrument could remain in such perfect condition over all this time. No fret sprout, everything feels and sounds fantastic, and she's gorgeous. The Fender Lace Sensor pickups are really nice, and I've always been a fan of the roller-nut. A keeper, and now my life-long guitar. I feel like, with this guitar's history, I'm not so much the owner now, but the second caretaker. And the next caretaker will get it after I'm passed-away and gone. ๐Ÿ™‚
  24. I'm thinking Dachshunds. Damned wiener dogs survived WWII, they can survive my Arizona nuclear incident. ๐Ÿ˜—
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