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Everything posted by NighthawkChris

  1. I have a couple dogs myself right now. Great companions I must say. I once heard that a dog's only fault is their short lives. ...that and the dinner they ate off the counter before we served it haha! Nah, have to go into these kind of things expecting you're going to outlive them. Sucks, but just try to give them the best lives they can have while you're watching over them. I have a German Sheppard and some ~80lb mutt - think he has Newfie (spelling?) a large part in him . Both are well loved and do great with kids. I have a couple of sad times ahead as they are getting up there in age. My wife and I raised them since they were tiny puppies. I know when the vet once time thought my oldest dog had cancer, I started to feel sad. You don't think you will be sad like that until it happens or facing the threat of it being true.
  2. Definitely get someone that you know isn't going to hack that thing up. Nothing worse than repairing a bad repair... And my opinion is that if the neck can be made straight and truss rod works to assist in this, you have something worth slavaging. Frets, electronics, hardware, even finish stuff to a certain extent - all affordable to correct. A neck issue is what you worry about the most. Sort of like a soundboard crack or pin block issue with a piano - why I would be hesitant to bring some piano for free that has been sitting in a basement for how many years... unattended... Costs a lot to pay someone to bring in your place and not easily moved around a home - they are hundreds of pounds and will KILL your body if you try to move it around. I know from experience... I digress, just don't get some jack hole to do their bidding to that nice guitar you got there.
  3. Welcome to the forum! And nice list of guitars you have 🙂
  4. @fortyearspickn take it from me as someone who has had to clean up messes of 2 large dogs... Invest in a carpet cleaner lol! With 2 young kiddos and 2 big dogs running around on carpet all day, every day, it is money well spent. It is one of those that blasts it with hot soapy water and extracts it. I don't ever want to get into details of what this thing has prevented me from having to clean up by hand... Completely removes all evidence - sight and smell. Not sure about how well it would do with cat urine as that stuff is nasty... Not that dog pee is much more pleasant (haha!) but I one time had a bag that I kept all my cords in for my guitar amp stuff, left it at the practice house that happened to have cats roaming around it. Well those kitties decided to piss on everything of ours and GD it, that pee was disgusting smelling... Peed on amp grilles, pedals, you name it... To this day, I will bet that cat pee smell is there alive and well. I know when I got rid of the bag a few years after the event happened, it was pungent as ever then. That smell does not go away.
  5. Saw Slash August last year at Comerica Park with GnR. Great show! I hope to go back there if/when they come back. I heard today on the radio he's coming to the Fillmore (Detroit) in March... Maybe tempted to make a trip there myself. Although, I'm wearing earplugs at concerts these days. After Comerica Park, my ears were RINGING!!! Slash had a nice collection of LPs come out then too BTW... He's not my favorite guitarist, but he's really good. IDK... it's just nice to see a band that is now considered older still around putting on some a$$ kicking good show - and in good form. Seriously one of the best concerts I have been to in a LONG while. Thanks for sharing @Californiaman
  6. There was more ice around LeBrons neck than there exists in the Arctic. One of those chains could end world hunger. But you know he’s worth it - upstanding member of society fighting for your rights!
  7. I think the dish gloves give a nice touch lol!
  8. @Leonard McCoy saw this video... I like watching Ted fix guitars. He seems to do some pretty good work if I don't say so myself. If you're an acoustic guy, he does a lot of these videos and pretty interesting to watch as well.
  9. What about the Super Bowl... Literally I saw no one wearing masks in the thousands of seats packed nuts-to-butts. A bunch of rich people packed in one stadium wearing nothing on their faces. And of course, gotta have the celebrity shots to see the "in-club" of society today... You know, more "woke" s***. Again, wearing no masks. Like, we can just pretend COVID is not going to happen for the SB. My point is that all this crap you'd hear about if you tune into media garbage today, says one thing, but the most televised event for Americans practically, you see a stadium of no-masks. But we are going to end racism though... Only the "peasants" who worked the SB of non-celebrity status were required to wear a mask apparently. Just so the richers don't breath the same air as these disease infested peasants. Just another facade to endure... Uh-oh, another variant going around... Time to do more futile s*** in the name of protecting our neighbor or whatever BS messaging is on the horizon... Said it before, this whole Kung-Flu thing is an atrocity right from the start. I am in the camp that it is being used as a convenient excuse by the world governments and corporations to power grab by affecting supply chains, money supply, etc. Just look at Canada and how oppressive the Canadian government is to non-vaxers and protesters of mask wearing. I read Canada is starting to affect those protesters financials and things associated with that... A bit too draconian perhaps? I know it is to protect the "lost money" of these corporations, because the "media" made mention of the lost moneys. Hummmmmm.... So I've sort of changed my tune on COVID and the non-vaxers. If you don't want a shot, at your own risk. I chose to get my vaccine and booster and probably will get another one when the time comes. But if you don't want to get one, your call I guess. I don't believe that the government should oppress you because you don't take a flipping shot... That s*** right there is NOT freedom what's going on in Canada... Those protesters have a voice too, right? They are being forced as a citizen of that country to comply in something they do NOT believe in. I guess they can make up the laws as they go over there.
  10. Yeah I’ve ran into some PCPs that I could only imagine how they got the job. Had to search around for a PCP that actually knows how to get you to the doctor to fix your ailment. Had a dentist I really liked then he retired. The new dentist there I ended up talking to after a cleaning and he was talking about how my teeth look “decent”. Then he continued to say that any dental needs he’d be happy to help. Yup last time I showed up there… some foreign dentist too from an Arabic country which I’m not too fond of them types. Until you’ve lived with them for decades such as in Dearborn, you won’t understand what it’s like being white in a saturated Arabic city. I won’t let an Arabic dentist anywhere near my teeth lol! I’d rather treat myself with crude tools.
  11. Ding ding ding! It’s all a facade
  12. If someone gave me a dvd set of lord of the rings for a gift I’d punch them in the face lol right then and there lol! Even if you were bigger than me it would be worth the a$$ kicking to stand my ground. Same goes for Star Wars.
  13. Indeed! 🤣 (to all) Is it just me or is media just getting worse… like Star Wars… Disney is gonna bleed that stone till it has nothing left to give. Idk I just don’t get into watching a bunch of adults on screen dressing up in make believe tin-foil garb pretending to save “the kingdom”. Reality TV… The list goes on. Sorry if you’re a fan whoever reads this but I’m sharing my opinion and I’ll stand by it. All a bunch of crap lol!
  14. Yeah that about sums it up lol! They are bad 😂 aren’t they
  15. Isn’t there a Derek Trucks SG that goes for crazy money? So Gibson again appealing to rich, already-made-it guitarists. And Derek is amazing guitarist. He probably would put everyone that participates in this forum to shame lol! Seen him a couple times and he absolutely kills it.
  16. The Adam Jones Silverburst was CRAZY expensive and sold out faster than they could make them. All of a sudden silverburst customs shot up in value crazy-like too. How much appeal does Tool have with the kids these days?
  17. Well… I stand corrected - I do own a few of those. Ok so no double sig guitars.
  18. I don’t particularly care for signature guitars but many people apparently do. The only sig guitar I ever purchased was a Jeff Beck Strat. It was less than $1500 new with a nice tweed case. Cool guitar… I like GnR but don’t want a slash sig Gibson. They put on a great show and Slash practically has a different Gibson for every song they did. I forget how many hundreds of millions he’s worth. I think Slash connects well with Gibson.
  19. So if I am understanding, there have been many points by @SGLPFB_Lover to where the "connection" that needs to be made is Gibson with upcoming artists. And we need to see less expensive Gibsons on the shelves that are of "Gibson" quality for these poorer, upcoming artists. Just want to make sure I can file this one down to a diamond here. I'm a great driver. I know BMW makes some great handling vehicles out there that could inspire me to really get into the driving experience. Well, if I don't have the dough, gotta go. Basically, if you want a Gibson, you're gonna pay. They place themselves in that upper tier to charge thousands for their merch, and they've been doing this for years (charging for their name on the headstock) like it or not. They have customers out there who are paying their bills apparently, so if they don't connect with you, then that's just too bad the way they look at it. When I was a kid who wanted the Gibson, well... I got the Epiphone... And to go back, BMW doesn't care about connecting with people like me - i.e. making more affordable vehicle of "BMW quality". Gibson believes they are like the "BMW" (or the best) guitar maker out there. They believe they are ICONIC! Not trying to be a jerk here, but come on man... This isn't news here - Gibson charging high AF prices for their stuff. They've made their point many, many times they don't want to connect with the garage band crews around the globe. Those garage band crews are playing Epiphones or something that isn't Gibson because they don't have the dough. Gibson likes to connect with select rich famous artists - such as Slash - not you.
  20. I’m blaming it on covid. I blame everything on it these days.
  21. Wow @Rabs looks great! Happy for you. Now you need to slap a Bigsby on it lol!
  22. I share the sentiment… I don’t come to work high or course but what I do at home is my f’n business. It’s weed for crying out loud… this has to be one of the most moronic policies in general for companies to enforce.
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