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Everything posted by NighthawkChris

  1. @jvi and the NFL is not one of those "people" that want racism to end. it always comes down to dollars and cents. God, you are such a condescending presence here!
  2. Yes! The name of the game is exploitation for wealth. How ironic, don't you say... It's almost analogous to masochism - the people who buy into that crap.
  3. You now what I think is angry and vile is that when I sit down with the boys to watch a football game (if you even call it that in Detroit) and I see the "End Racism" stuff painted all over the place, yet I don't have a flipping thing to do with racism... WTH am I going to do about racism that I already am doing - i.e. not being a hateful racist on a daily basis and respecting people that I encounter that deserve it from me? Then you find out some of the richest people associated with the NFL are doing racist crap per the fake news networks... LMFAO! What bunch of garbage. Here's an idea, stop talking about racism! NFL is so garbage bag... Yet we can't talk about "bad" angry, vile stuff... Nature is not forgiving and teaches its students some "cruel" lessons. I must be a sad person though because I get "angry and vile". Maybe the PC world wants me to kiss some butts. Maybe they think I owe something to the "less fortunate"...
  4. So much “angry vile” stuff going on here. We need an inclusive flag here
  5. Yes, and even worse than that are people who are nobodys that sign nice guitars.
  6. Yes, I concur. You know we are jinxing it though, right? 😁 Everyone else, this is the closest a Lions fan will get to the SB. Not that I am a Lions fan... That's neither here nor there, just hoping to see an entertaining game with the fellas. And to add about Brady, happy for a 7-time SB champion that he has decided to officially retire. It's gonna be hard for anyone to match up with that, but whatever... Love him or hate him, he's a great QB and has given me some great games to watch. You could never count him out which was what I liked the most about watching him.
  7. Are we really surprised about the price tag? I’m not… I’m more outraged that I spend about $150 more a month than what I was paying only a year ago. I’m more outraged that I pay for child care that I don’t get because they shut the place down for a covid case. I’m more outraged that I have to spend more for literally every necessity today than I did a short while ago. Yet I get paid the same crappy salary and expected to do more “for the company” I work for… Gibson and their customers who buy an $8k plus tax guitar can do what they do as long as it’s nowhere near my wallet these days.
  8. Those marks look like it was carried out of the store in someone’s pants…
  9. I have 2 R9s from 2019 and they are similarly affected. It shouldn’t be something to worry about if it were me. I see the scraping marks on tons of bound neck Gibsons. If your guitar plays good I wouldn’t worry overall. Mine have binding bleed going on as well so prepare for that. Well.. one does this the other doesn’t. I like it TBH.
  10. He deserves it, but as a once Tigers fan… I remember the pain he caused haha!
  11. Lol yeah there’s a few acronyms that give me a run for the money too. Just get into computers and software engineering - you’ll get confused real quick! Case in point, I bought a new PC (lol) that had an IPMI for the BMC 😂 real cool feature… I think… My favorite is WAP. No you pervs, it’s a wireless access point!
  12. Sparky you and I haven’t gotten along here but you have some truth to what you say. I can respect that. Peace to you man F the politics.
  13. Here’s something that’s lost the plot alright: https://reverb.com/item/49495186-gibson-nighthawk-1994-nighthawk-custom-with-roland-synth-pickup-kit-installed?utm_source=rev-ios-app&utm_medium=ios-share&utm_campaign=listing&utm_content=49495186 I can’t believe that someone thought this was a good idea to drill all those holes into that nice looking guitar… and handpicked by Reverb at that! Since we are talking about anything but EC and arguing about vaccines, politics, etc I thought I would share something I find to be abhorrent. Let’s start putting Floyd’s in our ES guitars with synth pickups. At least Reverb will have your back. Because that NH in the listing is like it is, HTF can you start pricing around $1750 plus shipping? This guitar is worth MAYBE a grand and even then I’m not happy with the price. I’m really thinking about $750 for mutilating that thing. Wonder what the HSC is… original? If this is OHSC and in very good shape, that’s around $300 or more depending right there… Some people suck at listing their garbage mostly because they overvalue it and/or can’t take enough quality pictures.
  14. Don’t get me started with doctors… this thread is already getting back to the state of where the last vaccine thread left off. My feelings are that some people can get MD licenses from Costco like Idiocracy - which is somewhat of a damning movie if you haven’t seen it. I can’t afford to be air lifted to the best hospitals in the nation on taxpayers’ dollars. Instead I get doctors that talk to me about God and all the while I’m afflicted with my problems that aren’t getting better… and they drive home in their BMW with the $400k salary or more. Quacks I tell ya! I have good “employee health benefits” - not insurance as some like to call it. When we live in a for-profit healthcare system, greed dictates who gets what and where. I have great disdain for many in this nation and abroad. I have lost faith in humanity. Man just doesn’t do “the right thing”. It’s all relative what that even is TBH. It’s actually bad to rationalize and make something that is bad have some light to it I believe. If you’re dealing with a turd what’s good about it other than it’s not clogging up an intestine somewhere.
  15. EC wasn't my generation - grew up in the 80s. I am indifferent to his music and who he is personally. I've listened to his stuff in Cream and other various tracks, but never caught on with it. I don't want to go back and talk about what you said, what the others said, what I said... It's too much effort, haha! Have you opinion, share it here, get what's coming to you - good or bad. Just another day, another time, another post on the Gibson guitar board. You haven't offended me, I hope I haven't offended you. And haha @Sgt. Pepper yes, Michael was indeed black. He's on a whole 'nother level than Dennis Rodman. Michael was whiter than me, and I like to think I'm pretty white. Neverland's train conductor
  16. @jvi lol these people don't care about the world. These are tributes to the temple of the self. And if someone is a pedo let's say that made multiple platinum albums or legendary movies, yeah that's enough for me to stop listening/watching. Don't like Michael Jackson, (never have as I like me some good 'ol Pantera) but he built a place called Neverland in his backyard to invite your little boy over for a sleepover. Every time I hear his crap playing say at a store or wherever I go in public (happening to play his garbage), I think that this song has to be where he's saying that he wants to show your little boy his (skin bleached maybe) Oscar Meyer hot dog. I don't understand why people listen to that SOB anymore... it's like buying shoes from Nike who have sweat shops for little children in Asia where we in America pay hundreds (maybe more?) for Michael Jordan's shoes. If you have enough money, you have the freedom to do whatever you want. It's the way of the world. Hasn't changed since the inception of humanity, just different actors playing the same script over and over again until we burn together on this God-forsaken planet. And yeah, how do you go from being black as he was to looking almost Latino? I thought he looked like a Latina woman personally... I digress. EC, yeah, whatever.
  17. Long story short is I’m Michigan we have hot humid summers and cold dry winters. I am loosening and tightening respectively. Slight albeit, but it makes a big difference. If you know how to adjust the TR by measuring, you should never have an issue keeping your setup in check. Just remember, the metal parts don’t move, it’s the wood that moves as humidity changes. In sum I set a guitar up with the relief at a certain measurement and when the setup goes south seemingly over time… it’s the neck that changed, not the bridge height, saddle position, etc. The wood was once part of a living thing. That’s all I got. I use a cheap capo and feeler gauge set I got at Home Depot to measure relief FYI. I usually can just check the action to tell if the neck needs relief adjustment. It’s something I’ve learned to do this easier from experience making this adjustment on multiple guitars every year after year.
  18. Just picture all you love and know about Facebook but in virtual reality. Lord help us!
  19. I had a MySpace account, but once FB took over, I never once to this day attempted to sign up. I wasn't as aware of the data collection and the overall plan to "take over the digital space", but glad I never got zucked into it. Like I said, some spooky stuff goes on over there. @ksdaddy glad you got your data back. That would have been awful... I don't use any cloud services or online storage spaces. What I did was take a capable PC and put in a small RAID1 to host our digital docs, pics, etc. I also buy a xTB drive and put everything on this that I host on my server (since TB HDDs are not that expensive today) and deliver it to stay at my folks' house in an enclosure (in case of fire at my house for instance). I have 2 copies of everything at home, and one remotely on MY physical disk. Like you said, one day, they can do whatever they want, whenever they want because the data is on THEIR servers. So in case of ransomware attack, this is the best method IMHO to just call it quits on the infected OS and reinstall it. I don't trust AV to protect me from zero-day threats. I digress.
  20. In a digital world, I'd like to "enhance" certain pieces of my body to be able to do 2 chicks at the same time.
  21. In the metaverse, you'll ask your virtual girlfriend to zuck you off. She'll say no, and then you'll say it won't zuck itself. Don't worry, Mark will be watching...
  22. This place would collect data from what, about 20 people? 🤣 No one cares about old, balding men that like (or not) Gibson guitars. Answer, this place is NOT big tech. If you care about your rights as a human, just wait until you put on those "cool" VR headsets and find out your body is a surrogate for the metaverse. There will be jobs that use this and you will be essentially forced to put on that VR headset and participate in the Metaverse. So worrying about the "gubment" taking your guns will be the least of your worries. FB can have total power over you to ban you for whatever grounds they find fit... your character will be OWNED! We will implement the Chyna social media scores where there, you have to pay more if they deem you to be "less" likeable. Do you trust the Zuck? Keep FB'n fellas! Give that ghoul more of your data so he can buy his new mansion. It's about control and the END of privacy as you know it. Not that we already have had our privacy violated by our tracking devices - I mean cell phones if we are still calling these phones... It can and probably will get worse.
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