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Everything posted by NighthawkChris

  1. Yeah, not relevant to the conversation, but I'd be very interested in this just because of it being made in the pre-Historic era.
  2. effect and affect. This one has always bothered me. I see this one interchangeably used improperly. I don't have a trick for this one like the its/it's thing - which would be nice - but I just know how to use it - like the their, they're, there...
  3. I learned that GnR is my new most "favoritest" band ever... Still high from the concert last Sunday. Loved this band for quite a few years now. Hope to catch them again when they come back in my "neighborhood". Was an awesome time and recommend going to see them any chance you get if you're a fan. Even the songs you'd think are played-out religiously on the radio are great time to actually hear the band play them. Totally different feeling to watch this happen in the flesh. A lot of energy and good times. Like I said about this before, never going to forget this concert. Probably going to be in my top concerts of all time. It was that good of an experience for me. Wasn't cheap, but well worth the price of admission IMHO.
  4. GnR are an awesome time live. Great concert. Slash has so many sweet Gibsons, but he’s a rock hero and deserves them. Really happy that I got to see these guys tonight. Was a lot of fun and will remember it for as long a I live.
  5. It’s bad man isn’t it haha! It’s bad…
  6. In all truthfulness I was nowhere implying to “coax” living things. If one does this sort of coaxing to kids too, they might learn about bubbas big snake in a cell. One would only hope if this be the case…
  7. I learned that when my electronics are not working, I give them a whack and they somehow, magically, stars-aligned decide to work again… This and my smoke detectors will only start to tell me that their batteries are getting low at 3am without fail. Case in point, when my amp starts making sounds I don’t like, I sometimes have to “motivate” it to stop making undesired noise. After some “coaxing” the thing shuts up. Works every time!
  8. Lol that’s cool man you aren’t a fan. I’ve been brutally honest about how I’ve felt about Metallica and even the members. And thanks for the sentiments about having a good time - I hope we do. Doing stuff just feels different today… I don’t think we will ever return to “normal”. Life as we know it has changed and I don’t like it at all.
  9. I owe my bud $115 and I don’t think we have a bad spot to see the band. I know very little as I was asked if I wanted to go, and I said hell yeah!
  10. I have to admit going to a packed concert will concern me now that covid is not doing too good these days even with vaccines. Also I live with kids that can’t get a shot so for my selfish pleasures hope I don’t give them this f’n s***.
  11. @mihcmac I’m tempted to try one out… like I said my old brick adds some significant weight to my pedal board. And yes I want it mounted on there because it is just easier that way haha! 😁
  12. Yeah, I have an old Dunlop Crybaby if this is what you are referring to. It works still - aside from the fact that I have had to pull apart the internal pot and clean (spray) it out with contact cleaner a couple times... Then again, I've had it for almost 30 years and works like it did on day one - again aside from having to clean it out. And yes the pot that makes the "wah" thing work is not supposed to be opened up - I'm a rebel! But I did it and I did it justice. But all that set aside, this Dunlop I have is a brick, haha! It adds some weight to my pedal board... Maybe it is time to get something smaller.
  13. No neighborhood gigs here, but going to see GnR at Comerica Park (home of Detroit Tigers) this Sunday... Looking forward to it as this has been postponed for quite some time (since June of 2020). Planning on buying a ton of band memorabilia there too...
  14. Lol @merciful-evans I think you better get your coat too haha! Just messing man 🤣 My jokes are terrible
  15. I don’t get on anyone’s case about what they spend their cash on. I have found that buying a used R9 isn’t that bad of an investment since I’m getting a ”discount”, have the cash, and if I had to sell (never have though) I’m usually not going in the hole too much. But paying for a new multiple thousand dollar guitar isn’t for me. So if someone wants to go the route of buying a new super-expensive guitar go for it if this makes you happy. YOLO! Again, not for me to buy something I’d feel terrible to ding, scared to play, etc all because it costs a ton. But there are people apparently that have a ton of cash where buying a Brazilian RW reissue let’s say isn’t that big a deal… Don’t know anyone like this, but someone is buying these guitars you have to call for the pricing I have to think.
  16. @jdgm I liked the getting your coat part a lot 🤣
  17. @Whitefang it’s complicated and really the dismissal comes from “graduating” to some real heavy flipping metal that Metallica just got too big and mainstream for me to dig their style. That and me playing their stuff on my guitar for years while listening to their albums constantly. Like I said, Load was the turning point for me to wonder just why… Metal bands I loved along with them back in the day got heavier while Metallica was shooting Loads on everyone haha! Megadeth sort of tried to get more commercial like Met, but Mustaine came to his senses and kept it real. I learn to favor Megadeth much more later in my post Met days. Like I said, it gets complicated. But on topic, good for Kirk I guess. Don’t wish these guys to die or anything bad, just that I don’t have the passion for the band like I once did growing up.
  18. I will admit, Kirk is admired by many still. I being an older Metallica fan still haven't gotten over the Load, Reload, and St. Anger stuff. I feel like the trauma lives on, haha! I have non-existent memories of being in the court room answering, "With the doll, tell me where you were touched." But yeah, I don't care if he's part of the sig collection or how much his guitars will cost. I just expressed my feelings of how I cannot feel the same about a band I admired more than life itself back in my youth. Die hard metal fan here, but I like other genres too. IDK, it's complicated... I just cannot listen to Metallica anymore - the band that inspired me to play metal and learn leads on guitar. I remember the day all of us metal heads got the new long-awaited Load after hearing everything from Kill 'em All to the Black album. 4 years later... Load... It hurt then and the pain still lingers, haha! I think I need therapy...
  19. @GraceToo, I'm just confused what your purpose is to keep saying the same stuff over and over monitoring this thread that you resolved - got rid of guitar and got a Tele. Why keep repeating yourself that you're disappointed, Gibson needs to change its process, unacceptable for the price, etc. It's old man... Again, purpose.
  20. Right there with ya, I don’t mess with my Fenders’ finishes. And lol @Big Bill 🤣 lol!
  21. That V is really sweet! I like everything about it. Congratulations and enjoy for many years @codename 👌
  22. You did one thing right, got rid of the guitar and got something that makes you happy. The next thing you need to do is stop discussing this static thing for ages. It's been since June and again, guitar is gone - out of your life. You're not going to continue on this conversation to convince me to sell all my 14 Gibson guitars that have NO STATIC. Even if they do, I don't hear it. Never been booed off the stage for static pops coming out of my Gibson. Calling Bono... Bono anyone? I tend to post frightful images of him. Last time I had nightmares of what I saw!
  23. @B Skiddy not trying to be a d*** but what’s your point? You want some buddies here to chum with you about hating on Gibson? They don’t read this thread and what are we going to do. These days there’s probably like oh, 20 people tops that regularly post here so just putting that out there. You are one of many who has written posts like this. My favorite was the PRS guy who said three strikes your out Gibson haha! Wish he’d come back that was a funny f’n thread lol! See what happens to me once people start talking about Metallica in other posts I just contributed to haha!
  24. Used to like Metallica until I learned how much if a bunch of rich DBs these guys were. Besides, three are a lot more “real” metal bands out there that make me want to break s*** instead of their washed up crap. Megadeth > Metallica all day long fellas, all day long. And besides I’m more of a Testament or even Pantera guy. F Metallica and their Load a**es. Go Reload somewhere else. Yeah the hate runs deep in me. Kirk is a tool who is really not a great lead guitarist IMHO. I can name some much, much better metal lead guitarists that have been releasing crap as long as Metallica and I can still listen to their old stuff. Not Kirk’s though. I hate Metallica’s riffs, their leads, and ESPECIALLY Lars’s drums. Rant over haha! Oh yeah definitely not interested in Kirk’s sig crap. Now Mustaine’s V… different story. I don’t buy guitars associated with guys in bands that put male ejaculates on 2 album covers expecting me to like it.
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