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Everything posted by NighthawkChris

  1. Yeah that’s sort of suspect to me… I know when they place a TR in the neck, they have a groove that it rests in, then they cover it with another piece of wood before laying the fretboard on it. Looks like the piece of wood that covers up the TR channel has separated from where it should have been glued together. I’d do a return if it were me. Neck issues are something I don’t touch with a 10’ rod.
  2. If that was my purchase I’m not keeping that one. That’s just unacceptable to me.
  3. @Chinasky best of luck. There are no rules, only guidelines. Enjoy making music 😁
  4. @Chinasky they can work but I personally hate 9s on a LP. They are much more flimsy and maybe why you could be having issues with buzzing… They also don’t give as much tension on the neck when tuned to pitch to counteract the internal forces of the wood and truss rod’s additional corrections to neck curvature/straightness. Some people try hybrids where they are the 9-46 sets. My 18 Classic LP came like this stock. Tributes probably do too…
  5. You only get the TR to do anything to the neck that isn’t in the body joint. Hence on my LPs when I measure relief, I depress the 17th fret while capping the first fret, then measure the 7th fret looking for 10-12 thou. String action should be 5/64” bass side and 3/64” treble side measuring at 12th fret. You should use 10s the guitar was made for them. 9s will work but they don’t work for me on a 24.75” scale Gibson.
  6. What's the first fret action? Should be around .020" give or take a couple thou on every string. Is the neck twisted? Is the relief you measure the same on the high-E and the low-E - to verify twists? If you adjust relief first when tuned to pitch (perhaps standard EBGDAE 10-46), adjust string height next, pickup height, then intonation and still getting buzz, you may have fret issues. Have a fret rocker? Perhaps a nice straight edge where you can straighten the neck out and use a feeler gauge (~0.004" or something like this) to check if you have gaps between the straightedge and fret - when neck WOOD is ~100% straight which you usually figure out with a slotted straightedge for a Gibson scale. Not saying you have fret issues, but is it possible? Going over things to check. I can't see the guitar you're working with so forgive me or anyone for asking simple questions that are not intended to offend or imply your incapability. There's no shame in taking some guitar you really care about to someone who can save it if you get stumped. Everything is frustrating when you don't understand the problem.
  7. Explaining English language to growing children made me realize how wild it is. Words spelled the same different meanings, sometimes these letters sound like this and other times they sound like that… I get perplexed at times how to explain what everything means and supposed to sound like when I try to teach my little ones. I just tell them you have to keep practicing at reading and writing to get the hang of what we all should know how to do as adults.
  8. Damn it, I'm watching the video... EDIT: @IanHenry I understand better what you are saying. Yes, I spent time watching the video, thank you for sharing, and I somewhat disagree... These kids' parents that help them buy into the latest fads and trends may not be the ones who are "climate champions". It's real misleading and again, I revert to why are you even watching this? I do not feel enriched after this viewing. Not getting on your case or anything, but if we want to start poking holes into the anchor's arguments, then let's have at it. It's difficult to blanket all kids as climate champions that are looking for the latest fad, trend, electronic device, etc. to be part of their lifestyle. Parents raise kids... Parents have a role in their child's development. It's irrelevant that there's certain luxuries in the world - AC, iPhones, etc. - and children use these. Not going into solutions for climate change, but to rant about kids ranting on Sky is sort of crappy and who wants to give this patronage I wonder... Sorry, just being honest. It's OK to be curious about things, just don't get it from places that make your blood boil after you "get the message". Media will do that to ya... Peace and good wishes to you.
  9. Mentioned but bringing up his name led to discussion of school shootings. Same thing with bringing up Greta… we think about climate change. Easy to digress I’m guilty of it too. In this particular thread which wasn’t supposed to be about climate change or school shootings. I should have watched the damn video and made a comment afterwards. Better late to the game then never for me haha! At least I can look like a dumba** and move forward 😆
  10. @fortyearspickn, lol yeah I probably missed the topic point myself because I didn’t see the video in first post. I explained why I ignorantly posted off-topic. Anyhow I hope people detected my sarcasm. I don’t qualify anyone here as a radical lol! I have no evidence of such. I just don’t like listening to this petulant child rant at world leaders thinking that shaming them makes a difference. It’s another platform for stupid s***. I also know what Sky News is about too… I’m just done with politics and the garbage that’s worldwide because these people are shills, worthless, feckless pieces of turd. I can’t stand behind one leader in today’s world. In retrospect I shouldn’t have posted here because I’m an ignorant SOB haha!
  11. I wouldn’t oil an unfinished maple board. May not hurt it, but I personally like the beat-to-hell maple fretboard look. Sort of like Danny gatton’s telecaster is my cup of tea.
  12. Just going to say what I feel like here. That guitar looks awful. But hey, looks good on you though (some caddyshack for ya not exactly quoted) Maybe you get a free bowl of soup with that guitar!
  13. Geez who’s flipping NGD is this haha! Nice guitars everyone, especially @Chrose1201!
  14. @IanHenry I just can’t watch that sky Australian crap. We have fox over here for ridiculous. So didn’t watch the video and could imagine what nice things they have to say about Greta. I’ve also heard Greta reprimand the world leaders so what possibly could I have missed? And I don’t know how school shootings got into this conversation… a bit out of context if you ask me. We have radicals in the midst. Fun place over here lol!
  15. @Rabs great commentary. I believe we share a very similar sentiment. Thanks for sharing!
  16. I remember when Carl Sagan spoke in the 90s about how governments should work towards environmental improvement. We've been arguing about this for decades and not much has happened. Truth is in the eye of the beholder I guess. I miss Carl... Smart man.
  17. I’ve always been an advocate for electrifying as much as possible and receiving that energy from the sun. All I’m saying is that if my actions are harmful to the planet and I can do something about it I’m in. Simple as that. Attacking people is media stuff again - more this person said this, this person said that to X… annoying AF. I don’t waste the time of my life watching that high school popularity contest BS. Take care of your life, take care of life. We aren’t the only living thing in this earth and don’t see too many options of having another place to go. Yes it will die one day, but that’s just a guarantee that time grants us with. We are all gonna die one day… why not treat out bodies like s*** and just say, “Oh well!” I only wish I could do more. But hey I’m human and I need to consume and procreate like all living things in this earth. That is the end goal of everything I believe in the most basic of terms. IDK… I’m no scientist but I don’t think one needs to be a scientist to understand basic stuff like this. Agree to disagree if you must. There is no right or wrong answer, life I believe is phenomenon. Stuff just happens.
  18. Lol this is a real problem @jvi
  19. Like @sparquelito said call your insurer… make sure you understand what’s covered and how it would be replaced before signing up for this on a policy. I needed to send receipts to them for everything I added to the policy if I wanted to get exactly that money back in some crappy event one or more guitars get damaged. If I didn’t do that, they would cover what I said to cover at some “replacement” value. So long story short, I had to prove that I paid X for each item to get the better coverage - I.e. get what I paid for the item at very least otherwise the insurer would find a “suitable” substitute, and we all know how that’ll go… If you have something more valuable @Eracer_Team suggested to get appraisals from some credible place to share with insurer. My insurance also would accept appraisals to set an agreed coverage value on an item.
  20. I'm pretty sure that you could only solder 2 wires to the pins on this jack while leaving the 3rd not connected and get it to work. I know that I have used a stereo jack in a guitar in the past and done exactly this to get it to work. Good luck with everything.
  21. That jack looks like something that’s destined to fail much sooner than a switchcraft jack. The more simple the better IMHO. I hate things with special parts that end up becoming difficult AF to find. Oh well… we live and we learn - hopefully. The input jacks on guitars usually are common places to have issues with guitars so don’t get something cheap in terms of quality.
  22. If you think this is Tetris, someone did the whole “Tetris” piano mess with Chopin’s etude op.10 no.4. That piece took me a while to learn and nearly caused my right hand to become injured from using it wrong when doing the stretches that reach well over an octave at various moments. This is why they say get a teacher and have them tell you what you’re doing wrong to avoid making mistakes that can even be physically detrimental.
  23. @Jamie X return that guitar because for that much money this shouldn’t bother you right off the bat. Sorry for this, but this stuff happens occasionally when we buy guitars. Either way, you need to do what you need to to make yourself comfortable with this purchase or try again. Like Steve said, not the only one that was made…
  24. Based on that video, I liked the way the R8 sounds with that rig the player was using; I did not care for the tones the PRS produced. I have an R7 goldtop - which I believe is constructed like an R8 without the plain top - and this guitar is top notch. If you’re worried about resale, buy used. You won’t take as big a hit when you resell. This goes for the PRS if you decide to go to the dark side haha! Nah I know PRS makes good guitars and those that play them swear by them as well. Same story different post, you need to try a guitar out and see if you like it… The video probably didn’t do justice to either guitar IMHO. Can’t speak for the video’s audio quality, the rig used and the settings…
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