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Five most overrated players


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I'll definitely agree with Quap...


"For every known guitarist out there gracing the pages of Guitar mags everywhere, there is a million others sitting at home who didn't get the break to the big time and are merely entertaining people in their little neck of the woods."


Although I almost violently disagree with the "merely" because it's no little thing to entertain others consistently, year after year, when they know you and your music. There must be something good in it or those pickers would be outa business instead of being asked back.


But I also think there are some different reasons to rate guitar players as ... well, let's say "wanted" rather than per se "rated."


For example, back in the '70s I did a lot of backup for "old time" contest fiddle players. It wasn't because I was a decent fingerpicker. It was a very basic boom-shush sorta thing without anything at all to be fancy other than an occasional bass run. The important things were timing and working with the fiddler to ensure his timing was as it should be for a given piece. Technically it was stuff the average one-year picker should know how to do in keys he/she should know. So... was that being over or under-rated for what was being done. That, I think, highlights that the important thing for any guitarist is to know what he/she is supposed to be doing on a given gig, solo or band, and then do it to specs.



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I misread this group. I thought you'd be all over this thread. Maybe in the old days.

That is why I would not agree with Yngwie, or Joe B., or John Mayer as overrated.


hey zig, just as side discussion re: Mayer, have you heard Mayer's latest album?


I did IMHO, I thought it was pure el-crapola


He should have stuck with what he had going on with his third album, (Continuum) Love that album.


anyway,, let's get back to tossing some of the more well known players down the stairs! this is good wholesome entertainment! [biggrin]



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< I think, highlights that the important thing for any guitarist is to know what he/she is supposed to be doing on a given gig, solo or band, and then do it to specs.

What works for me M, it's a simple combination of, knowing what you're good at, and nailing it every time, (of course, while you improve and expand what you are capable of as a musician)


I guess, I'm not sure what you're getting at when you say "doing it to specs".

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specifications for a given gig. I cudda done all kinds of fancy flatpickingwith those fiddlers, for example, but it wasn't the gig for it.


ditto loud or jangly (as in a fast fugue) on what amounts to a background dinner music gig. or just strumming when you're emulating an organ player for a church Christmas carol gig.


Or... filling a role in a band of any kind to make the "sound" work.



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Jack White is not for squares. The root of his playing is pure, raw emotion and a healthy dose of attitude. It's a starving wild animal clawing its way out of a cage. He rips odd sounds out of the guitar. His playing is instantly recognizable. How many other players can you say that about?


Underrated? Hardly.

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Jack White is not for squares. The root of his playing is pure, raw emotion and a healthy dose of attitude. It's a starving wild animal clawing its way out of a cage. He rips odd sounds out of the guitar. His playing is instantly recognizable. How many other players can you say that about?


Us squares already have Jeff Beck.



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I hate Jazz guitar, can't stomach it but you will never hear me say Paul Metheny is overrated or boring.


Chuckle. 8-[


I kinda feel the same as DanvillRob about Mayer. And for the most part, I don't think someone should be considered overrated just because I don't like them. I'd give my right arm to be able to play as well as Mayer (oops, does anyone else see a problem here?) And just because I think Neil Young is an overrated guitar player doesn't mean I don't like his song writing. I just don't think a person who is limited to only being able to play a couple of cowboy chords, like Lou Reed, should be considered a great guitarist.

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Guest Farnsbarns

Re: Jack White. I can't take any musician seriously after pretending for years that his ex wife bandmate was his sister just to better place himself in a market. That is genuinely selling out, utterly shameless image manipulation and down right wrong. Lying, in the belief it'll progress your career by improving your image; or to put it another way, obtaining money by deception, is fraud.


So, Jack white is a Fraud; fact. And a bit of a sicko; opinion.


IMO he is no great talent either.

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Re: Jack White. I can't take any musician seriously after pretending for years that his ex wife was his sister just to better place himself in a market. That is genuinely selling out, utterly shameless image manipulation and down right wrong. Lying, in the belief it'll progress your career by improving your image; or to put it another way, obtaining money by deception, is fraud.


So, Jack white is a Fraud; fact. And a bit of a sicko; opinion.


IMO he is no great talent either.


In a bizarre twist of fate - I actually agree with you [lol]!

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Re: Jack White. I can't take any musician seriously after pretending for years that his ex wife bandmate was his sister just to better place himself in a market. That is genuinely selling out, utterly shameless image manipulation and down right wrong. Lying, in the belief it'll progress your career by improving your image; or to put it another way, obtaining money by deception, is fraud.


So, Jack white is a Fraud; fact. And a bit of a sicko; opinion.


IMO he is no great talent either.


Get over it. It was a silly gimmick. It's an image that adds to the whole experience; complements the music. Sorry you don't get it.

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Rob... I think we're showing our age. <chortle>


And not just because we're "older."


The splintering of music genres is such today that I doubt that were I 30 I'd have known more about Jack White than I picked up today. That genre is just not my schtick and frankly I don't think I know anyone in the 15-35 age group around here that would know. The "rock" kids I've seen/heard have been more like the band vids Twiz did.



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Guest Farnsbarns

Get over it. It was a silly gimmick. It's an image that adds to the whole experience; complements the music. Sorry you don't get it.


Oh I couldn't give a rats crack. I disliked the music before I knew. I just think it exposes him as a manufactured pop star and explains why (IMO) the music sucks, he clearly isn't about the music, he's about image. I do realise that it doesn't make any difference to the music and if you like it that's up to you. Each to his own. I only mentioned it because he came up a few times in this thread.

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Not the same thing. Beck is much more of a finesse player than White.


I think I would agree with that, but they are the same thing. Mr. Beck requires some pretty intense technique to make the animal sounds and all that. Sometimes he stumbles a bit and is not up to his usual physical self, and he's still just bada$$.


I've never listened to a Jack White song all the way through. If you haven't guessed by now, I don't take any of these people, what they do, or who they are, seriously at all. They are all, even Mr. Beck, pop stars.



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Guest Farnsbarns

Is it okay if I continue to live my life in total ignorance of Jack White?


I doubt you'd be missing out, but who knows, you might like it. Stick "The White Stripes" in the YouTube search.

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Oh I couldn't give a rats crack. I disliked the music before I knew. I just think it exposes him as a manufactured pop star and explains why (IMO) the music sucks, he clearly isn't about the music, he's about image. I do realise that it doesn't make any difference to the music and if you like it that's up to you. Each to his own. I only mentioned it because he came up a few times in this thread.


Not sure why having an image makes someone manufactured when he's got the music to back it up. The image adds to the experience like Pink Floyd having a wall and flying pig or Jefferson Airplane with their overhead projector. Have you checked out the Raconteurs (White's other band)? It's just four guys playing rock: no matching costumes, colorful sets, or peppermint graphic on the kick drum. Musicianship is sick.


Not trying to single you out because I think putting him on a list with the Black Keys just because both mostly do a modern take on early blues is wrong, like that article did. I just don't get the venom towards White.

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