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Winter Olympics


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Following it for sure. I see your from Spain so..............GO USA!!!!!! [wink] Sorry but I become a bit of a "nationalist" every two years during the olympics.


I am a resident in Spain but American born from Boston... I will be rooting for both countries... [biggrin]

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I read a big article just yesterday about the living conditions for the athletes at the Olympics.

To say they are horrible, is being too kind

Unfinished construction every where.

Bathrooms with no sinks, toilets, even doors.

Flooded hotels, rooms with no ceilings and wiring hanging down low enough to where they have to duck down just to get to the beds, which a lot of the beds look like army cots.

Track fields look like some thing for a mud race.

They published a lot of pictures, and it is so much worse than can even be described.

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I use to love to watch the Olympics. For the last 4 winter games, at least, they have cut the event coverage (you know, showing the real deal with the bobsleds coming down the hill & such) to a bare bones minimum. This is at least in the USA TV coverage. Don't know about the rest of the world. Now most of the time is filled with "all the personal human event story" gaw-bol-de-gook and almost no time of the actual events & competition. Also they jump around so much, just when I'm enjoying the Downhill skiing or something and then go to some event that is almost unheard of like riding down a hill in a rocking chair or something (well, you know what I mean). I loose interest in the whole thing. It's not like it's live or anything. It's all taped, edited & played back so they could do a great job. The commercials are a real deal killer for me now too. If I spend 3 hours watching I might see 30 minutes of the real games and the rest commercials & the background story on how Pietrek overcame polio as a kid and now is the big skier for the African ski team. You don't even have to be a countryman anymore to compete for a country. Oh Well. Trouble is being able to make a comparison in how they use to play out and now I guess.



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There is tons of coverage here in Canada's capital.

Once I start watching the events, I become quite addicted. Wish I could take the week off and watch full time.

The news this morning is that Canada just won gold in 1500 meter men's speed skating. Way to go Charles Hamelin.

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The mega conglomocorporateincestfest COMCAST/GE/NBC/Universal can't seem to figure out that 47 channels on the cable company you own should provide us with about 24 hours a day of almost realtime coverage, but alas, that is not the case. They start at three in the morning, go til three in the afternoon, all of the news services are screaming at the top of their lungs who won everything, and in "primetime" we get film of something that is already 16 hours old.


And, of course, The Moms. Really? REALLY? Are there THAT many moms euthanized from the neck up enough to believe that their special child will one day join the ranks of the olympians? Really? Holy CRAP that is just ill. So not only do we have to watch ice dancing. Again. For nothing because the medal is decided already. We get to see these kids super hot trophy moms more than the actual ice skaters. MAN it is bizarre.


And they wonder why cynical Americans are sitting there in their boxers hoping the kid falls and skins his/her knee and has to be satisfied with a SOCHI2014 patch on the ol' Home Depot apron.


WTF happened to the Olympics? Or is it just me?



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The mega conglomocorporateincestfest COMCAST/GE/NBC/Universal can't seem to figure out that 47 channels on the cable company you own should provide us with about 24 hours a day of almost realtime coverage, but alas, that is not the case. They start at three in the morning, go til three in the afternoon, all of the news services are screaming at the top of their lungs who won everything, and in "primetime" we get film of something that is already 16 hours old.


And, of course, The Moms. Really? REALLY? Are there THAT many moms euthanized from the neck up enough to believe that their special child will one day join the ranks of the olympians? Really? Holy CRAP that is just ill. So not only do we have to watch ice dancing. Again. For nothing because the medal is decided already. We get to see these kids super hot trophy moms more than the actual ice skaters. MAN it is bizarre.


And they wonder why cynical Americans are sitting there in their boxers hoping the kid falls and skins his/her knee and has to be satisfied with a SOCHI2014 patch on the ol' Home Depot apron.


WTF happened to the Olympics? Or is it just me?




Lol,,, You slay me dude.


Not just you. While I do find some interest in it(more so when it's hosted in my country) I hate that there are events that require "judging".

As far as I'm concerned there should be no Olympic events allowed in the medal counts that require judging.

Let them be there for entertainment for whoever likes to watch them, but don't hand out medals, give them a nice cabbage or rutabaga or something.



Medals should only be awarded in events where there is a definitive winner,, like a race, or a where a final score can decide.

It's a joke and it seems have become an accepted "bonus" of hosting the Olympics that you can skew the judged points in your favor.


but that's just my opinion...

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Seems to me the only coverage I saw while I was home in Boston was about how terrible everything was and how unprepared the Russians were to host the event. I finally got to see some video tape of the opening ceremonies that were pretty impressive. Seems like the spirit of the event has been lost in politics... The focus should be on the athletes and the events. I watched some Ski Jumping and Bob sledding the was spectacular last night.

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...don't hand out medals, give them a nice cabbage or rutabaga or something...

What, you mean like a crown / wreath of Olive Leaves, for example?..........

Why on Earth has no-one thought of that before!







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The opening was really nice, some great technology there. And of course, Sunday TCM put on Zhivago which was really great, one of my favorites that I have to watch if it is on.


The media begins every olympic season with the "...all about the athletes...". But as soon as it starts they are all over the politics of it all, and you just have to ignore all that crap, which is getting harder to do.


The living conditions is kinda like, well, you wanted to go to the Olympics, and yer there, so I really can't feel too bad for them. If it was that bad, they shoulda all left right after they got there, but they didn't, nobody has, so I don't ache for them.


The kid that busted her haid in the slopeboard thingy, her I ache for.



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The opening was really nice, some great technology there. And of course, Sunday TCM put on Zhivago which was really great, one of my favorites that I have to watch if it is on.


The media begins every olympic season with the "...all about the athletes...". But as soon as it starts they are all over the politics of it all, and you just have to ignore all that crap, which is getting harder to do.


The living conditions is kinda like, well, you wanted to go to the Olympics, and yer there, so I really can't feel too bad for them. If it was that bad, they shoulda all left right after they got there, but they didn't, nobody has, so I don't ache for them.


The kid that busted her haid in the slopeboard thingy, her I ache for.




Yeah, that head banger was a little scary. Her helmet broke but she got herself down the hill. A little head shake but that was all we saw. Hope she is ok.

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I spent pretty much the whole weekend watching the Olympics. We record everything on our DVR and watch it at our leisure, fast forwarding through the commercials, commentary fluff and events which bore the heck out of us like Cross Country skiing.


BTW I thought the opening ceremony was boring as H#!!. Sorry Russia.

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Yeah, that head banger was a little scary. Her helmet broke but she got herself down the hill. A little head shake but that was all we saw. Hope she is ok.


That helmet is prolly worth way more than a medal to them kids. That's some cred there!



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