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Censorship. What are your thoughts?



Here's my opinion/story...


I was at Meijer's (a Walmart-like store based in the Midwest) today and i was planning on buying a CD and when i went to the scanner it wouldn't let me buy it because i was under 17. I think this is a new development because I bought another CD one time, that i believe had a parental advisory, and the scanner let me get it. I was disappointed to say the least.


I am against censorship. I think people should be free to voice their opinions, buy what they like, listen to what they like etc. I don't believe that anything should be allowed to be forced upon people but if people are choosing to do or choose something, I think they should be able to.


That in a nutshell is what i think. If anyone here feels like debating it, I'm game.


I may just sound like an angsty kid, but this is something i believe in fervently. I thought this would be another 'deeper' subject that we could breach into on the forums. I figured some of you would have a strong opinion, as many of you have concerning other topics.


I thought this was fairly relevant to this forums because some of you work in the music business and probably all of you play music, maybe even in a band and have made CD's.

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Censorship. What are your thoughts?



Here's my opinion/story...


I was at Meijer's (a Walmart-like store based in the Midwest) today and i was planning on buying a CD and when i went to the scanner it wouldn't let me buy it because i was under 17. I think this is a new development because I bought another CD one time' date=' that i believe had a parental advisory, and the scanner let me get it. I was disappointed to say the least.


I am against censorship. I think people should be free to voice their opinions, buy what they like, listen to what they like etc. I don't believe that anything should be allowed to be forced upon people but if people are choosing to do or choose something, I think they should be able to.


That in a nutshell is what i think. If anyone here feels like debating it, I'm game.


I may just sound like an angsty kid, but this is something i believe in fervently. I thought this would be another 'deeper' subject that we could breach into on the forums. I figured some of you would have a strong opinion, as many of you have concerning other topics.


I thought this was fairly relevant to this forums because some of you work in the music business and probably all of you play music, maybe even in a band and have made CD's.






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That's not censorship. Your parents can buy it for you, nobody is preventing the artist from making the album/cd, nobody is preventing the record company from releasing it, nobody is preventing the store from selling it. They are just restricting it's sale to adults. Should you be able to buy porn? Cigarettes? Alchohol? Protecting the youth is a good idea, even if you don't understand or agree with it.


My .02

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That's not censorship. Your parents can buy it for you' date=' nobody is preventing the artist from making the album/cd, nobody is preventing the record company from releasing it, nobody is preventing the store from selling it. They are just restricting it's sale to adults. Should you be able to buy porn? Cigarettes? Alchohol? Protecting the youth is a good idea, even if you don't understand or agree with it.


My .02[/quote']



As usual. You are correct.


What I don't get is the garbage that passes as art, or music anyhow. And why people are interested in listening to it.


But, that's been going on for a while, eh?



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I understand your point. But it isn't really censorship when there is age restriction on buying a CD. It would be censorship if they didn't let the musician put out his or her music because of the content.


And then there is the whole issue of what is censorship, and what isn't. For instance, is it OK for an artist to sell his or her "artistic" photos of a nude 14-year-old girl? According to your argument that should be allowed, because " I don't believe that anything should be allowed to be forced upon people but if people are choosing to do or choose something, I think they should be able to."


It gets pretty complicated...though I am with you on the music issue. You can thank Al Gore's wife for screwing that one up for you.

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Okay, i'm too angry about my scenario. There are definitely ways for me to buy it. That wasn't really my point. I was just explaining what made me ponder this subject enough to want to post it.


KSG, you really have a point there. It is a very fine line between protection, and unwarranted prohibition.


I believe that art is a way of expression. A right of free speech. I don't believe that our rights to and of free speech should be limited merely to 'adults'.


In my opinion, there is a difference between substances and products such as drugs, alcohol, tobacco, porn etc. and the rights of artistic free speech.


Technically there is no concrete proof that you can draw into this debate that says that artistic mediums such as music or art can physically or mentally harm a person. Sure, certain subjects found in these mediums can have a possibility of influencing certain behaviors but that is left to the way the consumer interprets and acts upon these messages and themes.



For Example:

Just because you listen to 'emo' music doesn't mean you're going to start cutting yourself (and i don't like 'emo' music. but that doesn't mean i don't respect others for their opinions.)


Just because you enjoy abstract or hallucinogenic-influenced art work does it mean that you are going to become a drug user.



Those are a few points i'd like to bring up. There are more points of discussion, but these are the few that i'll bring up at this time.


Just my point of view, take it or leave it.

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I find this kind of thing a bit stupid. Because it does not work.


But the reason why it happens is because there are a lot of stupid people out there who needs the goverment to look out for them and create means to avoid trouble.


I played videogames since the mega drive and I've played several games with blood, gore, carmaggedon and all that stuff. Guess what? Never tried to take those scenes into my life.


I saw films with extreme violence, I saw porn I saw every kind of thing. And guess what? I love movies! And that's all. There is the screen, and ther is my life. Two different things.


I was exposed to all kind of crap and never got spoiled. Because I had parents, brothers, family, friends and a whole lotta people who taught me good and bad things. I think you can learn something with ANY person in the word - even if you learn what NOT to do.


I'm pretty much sure that you, harmonicchaos, is a very decent boy with a sense of right and good and I don't that all that crap would get into you. But it could affect some boys with your age as it could affet someone much much older.


nd then the state has to take measures to prevent some people from going berserk...

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I understand your point. But it isn't really censorship when there is age restriction on buying a CD. It would be censorship if they didn't let the musician put out his or her music because of the content.


And then there is the whole issue of what is censorship' date=' and what isn't. For instance, is it OK for an artist to sell his or her "artistic" photos of a nude 14-year-old girl? According to your argument that should be allowed, because " I don't believe that anything should be allowed to be forced upon people but if people are choosing to do or choose something, I think they should be able to."


It gets pretty complicated...though I am with you on the music issue. You can thank Al Gore's wife for screwing that one up for you.






Another good point with the photos.



Take in mind that I am very, very against exploitation of minors and am a VERY strong believer in women's rights.


I believe that the minor would have to agree to the pictures in writing or something and that the pictures musn't be forced in any way, shape or form (although this could be near-impossible to do). The 'art' musn't be forced upon people, they have the choice to buy it or not. It shouldn't be shown without the viewers consent.


But this one is tricky. It's not really something that i personally would condone.


I don't know exactly what technically construes something as porn. This may be considered that.

If i could decide, i would probably consider it child porn.


But i don't even want to pretend that i know enough to make a decision on this particular scenario.

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Technically' date=' constitutional rights don't apply to people under the age of majority...You have to be of voting age to have constitutional rights. Here's the one that gets under my craw...18 year olds can go to war, but they are not allowed to drink.[/quote']


That pissed me off soo much when I turned 18....I had to sign up for that Selective Service, but I couldn't go buy a beer....But for whatever reason it was ok for me to buy cigarettes which I think are just as bad as alcohol if not worse...That still doesn't make sense to me.

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That pissed me off soo much when I turned 18....I had to sign up for that Selective Service' date=' but I couldn't go buy a beer....But for whatever reason it was ok for me to buy cigarettes which I think are just as bad as alcohol if not worse...That still doesn't make sense to me.[/quote']


I really can't believe that one. If you're technically an 'adult' you should be able to make your own choices. It's fairly ridiculous that if you can serve you country, you can't serve yourself some beer. [-(

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I really can't believe that one. If you're technically an 'adult' you should be able to make your own choices. It's fairly ridiculous that if you can serve you country' date=' you can't serve yourself some beer. [-([/quote']


Sadly it's true...And retarded...I agree with you though...If you're old enough to join the military what's wrong with a beer ?

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*waits for Homz*



Yeah, i know. Where is he?


He may bother some, but i still think it's nice to have as many perspectives in here as possible... As long as the discussions say civil and we remember to respect opposing opinions.



And why isn't AXE® here talking about 'the war on rainbow restrictions.':D

Gotta love AXE®... keeps things interesting! [-(

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