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Andy White Dead


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Guest Farnsbarns

I've met Andy white, long before I had any industry connections. The man was a complete and utter ****. Walked up to 3 teenagers/early 20ers strumming an accoutic guitar and messing about, minding our own business, announced who he was, told us we were all terrible with some choice language and walked off.


I try not to speak ill of the dead but I've had a passionate dislike for this man ever since that day. I think he had quite a negative effect on my musical outlook.

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I've met Andy white, long before I had any industry connections. The man was a complete and utter ****. Walked up to 3 teenagers/early 20ers strumming an accoutic guitar and messing about, minding our own business, announced who he was, told us we were all terrible with some choice language and walked off.


I try not to speak ill of the dead but I've had a passionate dislike for this man ever since that day. I think he had quite a negative effect on my musical outlook.


Sorry, to hear that story, Farns. [unsure] Obviously, not a good experience, in any way. Some folks take their 15 minutes of fame,

a bit too seriously. Or, maybe he was just a real "Richard," to begin with? Who knows?!



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I've met Andy white, long before I had any industry connections. The man was a complete and utter ****. Walked up to 3 teenagers/early 20ers strumming an accoutic guitar and messing about, minding our own business, announced who he was, told us we were all terrible with some choice language and walked off.


I try not to speak ill of the dead but I've had a passionate dislike for this man ever since that day. I think he had quite a negative effect on my musical outlook.

Sorry for this poor happening. I encountered some celebrities of the snotty kind, too, in situations they didn't need to protect themselves. On the other hand, I met lots of friendly and down-to-earth boys and girls one couldn't tell apart from us "ordinary" people, except for their famous faces and voices, of course.

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Well, he was a studio/session drummer, and not really the "Fifth Beatle" (That honor should go to George Martin),

but...I'm sorry to hear, of his passing. RIP, Andy!



Yes, George Martin was part of the formula. He had a lot to do with the arranging and even a huge non-credited part in the songwriting.


Listen to "Let It Be", produced by Phil Spector, who was no slouch in the record production business, and compare it to "Abbey Road", "Rubber Soul", "Magical Mystery Tour", "Sgt. Pepper", and so on, and you can hear the contributions made by Mr. Martin. This is not to take anything away from the band members, just showing respect for the other contributing member of the team.


And don't forget the sixth Beatle, Billy Preston who played piano on many of their cuts. Other studio musicians participated, but none more than Mr. Preston (according to what I've read).


As far as Andy White's personality is concerned, I find that sad. I think we should all respect each other unless given a good reason not to. But I separate their personal lives from their musical ones. According to legend, Buddy Rich and Benny Goodman both had many band members quit because they were tired of being verbally abused. But Mr. Goodman and Mr. Rich made some great music. I don't think being a jerk has anything to do with good music, because Charlie Parker was supposed to be an extremely kind person.


So RIP Mr.White.


Insights and incites by Notes

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