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Gillian Welch cover


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So ..... I finally did my first solo show last week. In a friendly bar that isnt too hostile.


It was .. OK ... not brilliant, but not a disaster either. I recorded it and realised that again, when one is nervous one speeds up a bit too much, and their vocal tone (or at least mine) defaults to the head rather than chest / voice mix.


But, at least I was pretty much in key, and thats the most important thing, keeping the pitch right. (which has always been a struggle for me)


But, one song that went down well was this cover of Everything is Free from Gillian & Dave.


So I did a very fast recording on GarageBand do you give you some referance, would be great to get your feedback. I know that in this recording its about 20% too fast. Its pretty much straight up with a good splash of Hall reverb as this track needs that. When I use the TC Helicon Play Acoustic I also have an octave up harmony, sort of Gillian singing along with me and it works well. Here its just normal reverb.


I did it slightly differently in that later in the track I included strumming, which sort of gives the song another gear, what do you think of this approach ?



cheers !


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Really enjoyed that.Loved the guitar and the vocals were good- in tune,worldly resignation feel.The only note struggles were on the word "pay", but that was more just a strain than off pitch.

I can see that going down well - it sounded good. Judicious song choice will be your friend.This was a spot on choice.Steer clear of "Nessum Dorma' for a while yet.

Come a long way since those first few tracks of "variable" quality a couple of years ago.

Cheers EA, keep it up.

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Thanks guys, good to know its heading the right direction. Song selection really is key and can definitely be the difference between putting confidence and anxiety on stage.


The other things Im learning, as obvious as it might be, is how import it is to remember the lyrics and not look at a paper, but instead just feel the song and its intention.


I think then it come much more from the inside, if you can understand the message, intentionality of the song, and I think with this one I connected more to the feel and message than to other tracks.


Except its so darn hard to remember lyrics ..... <_<

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I think then it come much more from the inside, if you can understand the message, intentionality of the song, and I think with this one I connected more to the feel and message than to other tracks.


I couldn't agree more- everyone forgives wrong notes, but no one forgives (or should forgive, imo) insincerity or pretense. You sounded connected to this song, and I think it's one of your very best- well done!

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