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The Grammy Awards.


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What a fantastic show!

Can't wait for next year's edition.




No I missed it, what channel was it on?


There is another thread on this subject ( went to 6 pages) and everyone hated it but the comments were all from our State Side members so I guessed it had not come over here yet.

Maybe it's more suitable for a Brit audience!!

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I'm not certain but I'm guessing Pip was referring to the 6 page exercise in futility...



Sorry; just my odd sense of humour getting the better of me after I waded through all six pages.

So funny!


This thread was started as a kid-on and certainly not a competition to see if anyone had the foggiest what I was on about but give these folks cigars in any event!




...Brit awards 1989....remember?...

I still cringe even if there's only a passing reference to that disaster.

Can you imagine what it must have been like to be one of the producers?

Faintest echoes of Thomas Andrews, April 14th 1912, standing on the deck of the "Unsinkable" ship which he had designed...



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AH! yes Pip, got it now!




Sorry; just my odd sense of humour getting the better of me after I waded through all six pages.

So funny!


This thread was started as a kid-on and certainly not a competition to see if anyone had the foggiest what I was on about but give these folks cigars in any event!





I still cringe even if there's only a passing reference to that disaster.

Can you imagine what it must have been like to be one of the producers?

Faintest echoes of Thomas Andrews, April 14th 1912, standing on the deck of the "Unsinkable" ship which he had designed...



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Not my bag of tea , rather watch ice melt





Each to their own. Love the RD tones here tho:



They're not that prominent in the mix, but still sound really good. Trivia: they're the only two RDs in that color. The difference is neglible - I think someone blew their nose into Alpha's nitro, or something. But Gibson made a thing out of how they were the only two ones in that color ever made.


Nice work if you can get it ;)

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I thought this was simply the English version of the thread.


I really expected a more "proper" perspective, and a bit more well spoken, while being equally brave and manly about it.


Well....since you mentioned it (I'll try to be brave and manly while I'm at it [biggrin] ):


This evening as I write the Brit awards are being broadcast. These music business awards are similar to the Grammys.

I don't watch as I'm not interested in the sort of popular artistes who appear and I don't have a TV anyway.


Awards shows and ceremonies - televised or not - are to reward success, whether in sales or general industry acceptance of artist merit.

If that is the case then arguably the whole thing is based on formalised mutual backslapping due to generation of high income. Is this viewpoint cynical, or a "proper" (i.e. reasonable) perspective?


Any award show worth its salt should engender at least a small amount of controversy over who wins and who doesn't, and Kanye West-type interruptions are golden moments for publicity.

I should note that as I have no TV I've never to my knowledge seen or heard KW.


As for the Brits, so far the BBC news website has reported; posthumous Brit icon award for Bowie, awards for Adele, Bjork, Coldplay, J Bieber, Tame Impala.


The 1989 Brit Awards broadcast I posted about (or 'about which I posted') was a legendary, infamous fiasco, mostly due to the malfunctioning autocues presenters Samantha Fox and Mick Fleetwood had to contend with and their consequent public humiliation. It was like a trainwreck except it just went on and on.

It stopped being funny after awhile and became cringe-making, then almost surreal. To this day you would almost need to be brave and manly to watch it all the way through if you could find the full version. And though not at all her fault, it finished Fox's TV career.



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