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Girl from the north country


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Nice version. Bringing it all back home! Dylan learned that song initially from hearing Martin Carthy's version of Scarborough Fair way back. Martin Carthy is well worth finding on YouTube. Look up Bob Dylan: Martin Carthy. There are ten fascinating parts in which Martin tells stories of Bob Dylan and the old days.


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One of these days, we'll try and take you up on the offer to abuse and sling insults.

Not today, though. This was fine, finer, finest.


Now, if you're amenable to requests, go dig up Prine's A Good Time (preferably one of the less jaunty versions) and see if that does anything for ya.


I'll wait.

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One of these days, we'll try and take you up on the offer to abuse and sling insults.

Not today, though. This was fine, finer, finest.


Now, if you're amenable to requests, go dig up Prine's A Good Time and see if that does anything for ya.


I'll wait.



Sure. I'll take requests.

Watch this space.


As far as abuse goes , I'd rather hear the truth than lip service ya know.

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