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What's for breakfast,lunch, or dinner?

Mr. Gibson

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I made a Beef, Bacon & Onion Pie for last night.


The trick is not to add the bacon & onion rings too early otherwise it breaks up and disappears. If you leave it too late then it doesn't impart it's flavours.


Lots of it left for lunches and another main meal.

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1491077435[/url]' post='1846217']

Yesterday was th 38th anniversary of Gael and I living together and we were intending to go out for tea but as we were in town we had lunch instead.


Went to the bowling club and I ordered Chicken Sate' and rice to be given 3 tiny bits of chook and about half a cup of boiled rice, not enough to fill anyone I reckon. Fortunately they have an extensive veggie and salad bar so I loaded up on those.


Just had bits & pieces for tea, not really hungry.


Forgot to tell you, Happy Anniversary Rob. Deb. And I have birthdays coming up. Mine the 22nd of April and hers May 11th so we decided we're going to get a New Grill for outdoors. Ours is old and the flint doesn't work anymore plus rust starring to form. We found a couple of nice ones. Today, Deb made a chicken wrap with rice, beans, corn and cheese. Had a turkey sandwich for dinner.

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Forgot to tell you, Happy Anniversary Rob. Deb. And I have birthdays coming up. Mine the 22nd of April and hers May 11th so we decided we're going to get a New Grill for outdoors. Ours is old and the flint doesn't work anymore plus rust starring to form. We found a couple of nice ones. Today, Deb made a chicken wrap with rice, beans, corn and cheese. Had a turkey sandwich for dinner.

Thanks mate, just the right time for a new barby, hope you enjoy it heaps.

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Fillet Mignon last night for tea and we're off early to a benefit breakfast hosted for an accomodation attached to our major hospital for the area.


It's all good and will be plenty social as we know heaps of people that go to this.

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I commenced my 71st swing around the sun yesterday and started with a community fundraiser breakfast....hob-nobbing with local politicians, the mayor etc and lots and lots of lovely local people. It was a nice start to my day! So it was eggs & bacon on toast with a sausage!


Last night a group of close friends and my daughter took me to favourite Asian restaurant and spoiled me rotten. It was a great end to a lovely day and I consider myself very lucky.


I had Sate' Chicken & fried rice and it was yummy.

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Happy Birthday Dig!


Fish again tonight for me....



Many thanks and you can't go too far wrong with a feed of fish! You guys wiill all be out BBQing soon while we huddle in front of a heater~


So what fish are you having? Bought or caught?

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1491424861[/url]' post='1847352']

I commenced my 71st swing around the sun yesterday and started with a community fundraiser breakfast....hob-nobbing with local politicians, the mayor etc and lots and lots of lovely local people. It was a nice start to my day! So it was eggs & bacon on toast with a sausage!


Last night a group of close friends and my daughter took me to favourite Asian restaurant and spoiled me rotten. It was a great end to a lovely day and I consider myself very lucky.


I had Sate' Chicken & fried rice and it was yummy.


Happy belated birthday old man! May the Good Lord bless you with many more.

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Many thanks and you can't go too far wrong with a feed of fish! You guys wiill all be out BBQing soon while we huddle in front of a heater~


So what fish are you having? Bought or caught?


Not caught by me!...[laugh]...haven't been fishing since my teens!

Just some plaice fillet.


Think I'll do a salad tonight.

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Spaghetti & Meat sauce, or "gravel & worms" like I used to tell the Grandkids~


My apples are ripe and so I'm eating as many as I can but can't keep up with the Rainbow Lorikeets...they out number me!

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Last night we had Chicken Cordon Bleu with small pieces of roast potato (square chips I call 'em), carrots & peas, then a fruit yoghurt and a few M&M's (yeah naughty I know).


My daughter & family are taking us out for brekky this morning for my birthday as S.I.L was in Melbourne working on Wednesday. Looking forward to it as it's not even 6 am and I'm already hungry!!

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