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Friday Song

Buc McMaster

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Spectacular, Buc. I love your singing on these slower ballads...those are my favorites of yours.


What a striking, dark burst on that cooked top.


I just hope that by the time you see this post the the J-45 hasn't gone the way of the Dove!

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Buc, excellent, as usual.


I've got a question for you, or anyone else, for that matter.....please explain to me why you've tuned down a half step then capoed up 3. My pea brain can't get around that. Wouldn't that be the same as capoing at 2 in standard tuning??? [confused] [confused] [confused]

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Thanks for listening, folks!


.....please explain to me why you've tuned down a half step then capoed up 3........


Yes, down a half step/capo 3 is the same pitch as standard tuning/capo 2........but not the same string tension. Open, the guitar is a bit more sonorous down a semi-tone and it only takes a capo at the first to get along fine with other players. The slightly lower tension makes a guitar very playable with what some consider a better tone on particular instruments. It just works for me, vocally and instrumentally.........the guitar feels better and responds better to my playing style.

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Every time I hear one of your songs, I am reminded of how many singer/guitar players miss the

point of guitar accompaniment. Many times the guitar drowns out the vocals. You seem to have

mastered the ability of letting the instrument complement the voice. Well done!

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Bucster - Just think how much better that would have been if you weren't playing the guitar backwards ! !

Seriously... as usual - a very inspiring performance.

Dwight has been my favorite for awhile - to listen to and cover. He released an album a few years back 'dwightyaokamacoustic' which had many of his previous hits - redone acoustically. A real gem. Although he didn't include the Spider in My Bed Song - your cover here would have fit right in. I"m inspired to take a shot at covering your cover this week. Thank you sir!


Here's a video of Dwight in the early days for those here who may not have had a chance to see why many feel he is a master of the tear jerkers. This ' Buenas Noches From a Lonely Room' AKA 'She Wore A Red Dress' is a great Tejano/Bakersfield gem from a star who stands as the most frequent musical guest on The Tonight Show and Johnny Cash's 'favorite C&W performer'. And the accordion guy - Flaco Jimenez, (from San Antonio) is as highly respected in his genre as is Yoakam.


Sorry, you'll have to cut&paste this into your browser, I couldn't get a hyperlink:







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