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Also, make sure you save your recording to an external drive to back it up. Last time I was in the studio, there was a guy in studio B and the computer "crashed" on him and he lost the last take of his song with all the drum fixes. He was not too happy.



Yep. This happened to me this year. Except I lost all the WIP I had too. Some tunes went back a couple of years. Dozens of hours of work all wiped out by a failed hard drive.

Thats why I now have 2 multitrack recorders & replacement hard drives.


The Boss website NOW warns against over reliance on HD & recommends frequent periodic re-formating. That advice was never in the manuals I relied on. It seems audio recording frags HDs quicker than most anything. Later units use SD cards & similar.

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Well, many recording engineers I have dealt with are lazy. I mean, they would rather have you go direct that mic an amp (especially with bass guitar). I realize that mic'ing an amp takes some time, but if you have a good engineer it is worth it. Same goes for acoustic guitar...mic them.


Also, make sure you save your recording to an external drive to back it up. Last time I was in the studio, there was a guy in studio B and the computer "crashed" on him and he lost the last take of his song with all the drum fixes. He was not too happy.


Oh, and at the end of the day, take your equipment home with you...'nuff said.


I will definitely do that. I will leave them there during the week long project but the whole complex is gated and he is insured. [thumbup]



Wow. What a nightmare. At least the whole session wasn't lost. I've luckily never had that happen in the home studio.


When I was in the studio 2003 or so, protocols was just starting to be implemented. Luckily we got to record to tape on a Neve board. I wonder how many studios use tape at this point.


This one is definitely Protools and digital although there is some analogue input equipment. No tape though.


Best of Luck Tman - I too am eager to hear the tracks is LA traffic one of them? I assume so.


Thanks Kelly, LA Traffic is one of them. It's the only song I will sing lead on. My nephew sings lead on all of the others.


Yep. This happened to me this year. Except I lost all the WIP I had too. Some tunes went back a couple of years. Dozens of hours of work all wiped out by a failed hard drive.

Thats why I now have 2 multitrack recorders & replacement hard drives.


The Boss website NOW warns against over reliance on HD & recommends frequent periodic re-formating. That advice was never in the manuals I relied on. It seems audio recording frags HDs quicker than most anything. Later units use SD cards & similar.


Nightmare is right. I'm heavily computer dependent at work. I can't tell you how many times I have lost 30 minutes to an hour of work. Not years worth though. Sounds awful.


Sounds like a lot of hard work and some fun! Enjoy it. [thumbup]


Thanks man, fun starts Saturday with drums! [thumbup] I'll post some photos. The studio is within a complex of different studios. Last time I went there, there were about 20 rappers all outside smoking in the parking lot and there was also a large mariachi band in another studio. This is shaping up to be quite an experience.

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I will definitely do that. I will leave them there during the week long project but the whole complex is gated and he is insured.


OK, I'll go into more depth. I was doing a multi session recording project a few years back. We left our equipment in the "secure" studio. We were supposed to have exclusive access for the weekend. When we came in the that Saturday night, our equipment had been rearranged and we had to take some time to reconfigure everything. The engineer tried to convince us that we had left it that way...he never admitted any wrong doing, but it was obvious someone had tampered with our equipment. WTF???


It's not about security, its about trust that someone won't jack with your equipment.


Good luck with the project and I can't wait to hear the results.

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I'm actually excited for you, and I'm not like that!


[biggrin] Hey you're an excitable kinda guy!



You'll knock it out of the park you were born in February.

Have fun and rock the house my brother!


Thanks Cookiemonster! There is something about February isn't there? [biggrin]


OK, I'll go into more depth. I was doing a multi session recording project a few years back. We left our equipment in the "secure" studio. We were supposed to have exclusive access for the weekend. When we came in the that Saturday night, our equipment had been rearranged and we had to take some time to reconfigure everything. The engineer tried to convince us that we had left it that way...he never admitted any wrong doing, but it was obvious someone had tampered with our equipment. WTF???


It's not about security, its about trust that someone won't jack with your equipment.


Good luck with the project and I can't wait to hear the results.


Thanks for the warning and well wishes glp. The producer is also the engineer and it's his studio so I am hoping for the best AND he is a drummer and not a guitarist. I hope nobody gets their grubby paws on my guitars. [scared][crying]

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1490738911[/url]' post='1845301']

Thanks! As you know I think you're One Ell of a guy! Ba dump, that is where that started if you remember [biggrin]. I am certainly going to try to enjoy it. I really like all the players so it's looking good.





Well at least you have a Gibson so that should count for at least part of the list [thumbup]


Well I've 16 Gibsons. I've got one more I want....or two....or three🤓

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My nephew our singer just landed at LAX so the fun starts now. Restrung my guitars last night with Thomastik Infeld .10's (my all time favorites) and am ready to rock and roll.... [thumbup]

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As stated, I can't over-emphasize the whole back up your work thing. We lost 6 songs of mine and if I'd had my own external hard drive it would have saved me loads of work I'm gonna have to do still...



Also, do you have scratch takes already so the drummer can do his/her thing asap?

I hate to do scratch takes in a studio. Feels like a waste of money [flapper]



ENJOY IT!!! Its worth going to your deathbed knowing you did that one thing you always wanted to do.

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