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Larry, take the fight up to these pr!cks. You've been patronised by some wanker in an office and basically patted on the head and told to pay up and get over it. Not remotely good enough - a joke. Either they get you what you paid for or ****em...seriously, if Gibson consider that OK representation of their output then it's all over, and the retailer is a disgrace. If they don't sort it then I hope you plaster your pics all over the web. ffs, a properly finished guitar would sound just as good so screw that for an argument. If people don't stand up for an expected level of quality for the money then they'll have to accept this as the norm. Good luck to you mate.

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Not to drag out the pain, although it's apparently spread over to FaceBook, but what are we looking at in the 1st new picture?

The one that has a trademark of '2012 Inspectapedia.com" on the bottom. It looks like an unfinished piece of wood magnified 10x. You state 'this is what the fretboard is like'. I can't recognize it as a section of a fretboard.

And, since I'm also not clear on the 2nd of the 2 new pix - what is the flaw we're looking at there?

Thanks. Sorry to be dense. I guess being magnified, makes things look unfamiliar to me. I always had a problem using the microscope in high school biology. Things I saw never looked like what they were supposed to in the textbook.

For example, as I noted earlier, the imperfections/scratches in the fretboard binding appear to be the same size as the grain in the wood.

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If thats the only spot that is in question, the only blemish, I wouldn't sweat it. if it feels right and sounds good I wouldn't think twice about that spot. but then it's not my $$ and you certainly have every right to want it to meet your expectations. That 1st one , yea it had quite a few finish issues.

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This is my Imgur album of the second guitar. Look at the blobs of glue and scratches on the fretboard and the wonky neck pickup.Also the bridge pickup is almost touching the strings. How does that get past QC?



wow. I'd have to agree with you Larry. it shouldn't be like that. I wouldn't like that either.

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Hi LarryUK,


I have to say, as I have bought one of these Classics from GC as well (goldtop) and my fret ends have crappy cut nibs and all of these guitars neck pickups are not on the same plane as the strings. It's just the way these guitars come unfortunately. Although, I like the way the guitar generally sounds and the only thing I found wrong with the Classic I have now is these fret ends that need to be rounded. Mind you, I went through same drill as you - turn guitar in until it has a personally acceptable level of flaws. But yours seems to be a bit messier as my fretboard doesn't have those saw marks and sloppy glue junk in random places. You definitely seem to be getting a rough go of it and I 100% do not blame you for having some level of contempt. You just want an acceptable Gibson Classic LP when you pay good money for a guitar. I get that completely as you are doing the right thing not settling for something that is sub-par for your monetary return. I've seen all sorts of issues with these Classics though. I've seen some with nuts poorly cut, scratched finishes, of course the fret ends and poorly cut nibs, poorly finished, and I am sure that there's more. Whoever is pumping these guitars out of the factory should be reassigned to something instead of final inspection. These guitars used to go for ~$2200, now they are up to ~$2300... Greedy SOB's... In order to get a satisfying guitar from Gibson, you have to spend Custom Shop money or do like we have been doing - turn it in several times until you either live with it or don't buy the damn thing. The only reason I lived with mine as well was because I bought it for a considerable amount less than the list price and the extra cash I need to throw at it with my luthier still has me paying a good amount less than the list price. And again, it is a good guitar, but apparently the production of these 2018 Classics is not to be desired. Hell, even my Custom Shop had a pickup ground wire detach from the pot it was soldered to... Talk about some F'n BS... That guitar was over $5500!!! Glad I know how to solder... Just saying I feel your pain and you are the one with the money - the one with the invite to the party. Don't settle for BS man!


I'm in the UK and got mine from Guitar Guitar. I've paid well under list. The list here is £1799 and I've paid £1299. £500 is a big saving. They've had it back today to sort the problems. But The emails I've received are quite damning of them. They say all Gibsons are poor quality and If I want a fault free guitar, buy something else. Even Gibson themselves didn't want to know. I can only come to the conclusion that Gibson USA is finished and perhaps only the Custom shop will survive.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The fretboard looks pretty good to me. I've had better and worse Gibsons. It has a couple of rasp marks on the last fret area and a couple of other areas but that's not too bad. They just work too fast and aren't careful enough. I actually like the fretwork on that guitar. I 'm not sure what's up with the tilted pickup but I'd fix that myself or get another luthier to fix it if they're too clueless to fix it themselves. I'd keep it. You're not going to get anything much better. They don't make them any better than that. And they have a pretty high handed way of saying that they don't care about doing any better.

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I’ve had it back today. The faults are 90% fixed. The frets need polishing, but I’ll do that myself, why do Gibson supply them with 9’s on now as most players use 10’s? I’ll change those and polish the frets. They’ve straightened the pickup up, but I’ll take it out to see what was up though. I went into my local dealer on Saturday and had a look at their stock. The custom shop were Greta guitars. But 5-7k is ridiculous. They’re only on a par with over brands prices though, PRS and Suhr etc. I really believe the USA models are just built by a man off the street with no luthier knowledge. I’ve learned a lesson though. Never buy by post. It’s been said on here time and time again. If your dealer hasn’t got the model, order it or better, travel to a shop that has.


I honestly believe this Korean Hamer is as good as that Les Paul. It’s got Grover locking tuners. mighty Mite pickups and only cost me £90. I’ve learned some lessons here.

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