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19 minutes ago, Austen J said:

Any suggestions for someone looking for their first electric guitar?

How much can or do you want to spend? I assume you want a Gibson.

I bought this used for $600 and it was a killer guitar.


Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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Hard question to answer not knowing you at all.  It depends first on your skill level.  Have you been playing acoustic for like 30 years and now want to add electric?  Or are you a beginner?  What's the budget?  You can spend a couple hundred bucks for something that plugs in, or thousands for a high quality custom shop guitar.  With the first electric almost important is a good amplifier so leave room in the budget for that.  Lastly what type of music do you want to play?  A Les Paul while popular with classic rock and blues players is actually very versatile for those styles as well as country and jazz.  All I can advise is to buy the best guitar that you can afford, you don't want your sound or playing ability to be limited by a poorly made guitar that won't stay in tune or intonate properly. 

Edited by Twang Gang
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Yes to all of the above...

Also one of the things you realise being on a forum like this is that there is no one perfect guitar for everyone. We all have different playing styles and techniques and all have different sized bodies and hands.. So whats good for one may not be good for another. A lot of us tend to go for guitars that our guitar heroes played but that doesnt always work either. I am a HUGE Hendrix fan but have never got on with Strats at all.

So really what you have to do is find a guitar that feels nice to play. That fits your hands if you like. 

As mentioned above, if you are totally new to guitar even that is not an easy thing to do as you wont know what you like and what suits you until you get some experience in the different styles of necks there are out there. I for instance love slim tapered 60s Gibson necks. The ones say on the original 50s Les Pauls are renowned to be huge baseball bat type necks.. So the first thing for me is the neck sized when I am looking at buying a guitar. When I play a fat neck it tends to cramp my hand after a short while, I can play much better and longer on a slim neck.

But as I say thats just a preference for me.. Many many people love the fat necks.

So yeah.. No real easy answer for you I am afraid. And even when we talk to people with loads of experience who come on here and ask similar questions. The main and probably best answer we can give is just go out there and play as many as you can. You will soon learn what you like and what you dont. Even though in saying that and depending on where you live, trying out guitars these days is not always so easy as it was before the virus hit.

Well good luck with it [thumbup]

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Oh yes.. And also as mentioned in the first reply.. A Les Paul is a VERY versatile guitar..  When you know how to use the controls properly..  And considering the title of the thread is Joe, this is a good video that demonstrates that  🙂 


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tell us more Austen.

How long have you been playing?

Who are your heroes?

What is your budget?

You will need an amp!

A budget to cover all would help us help you.. cuz honestly we love to help fellow musicians spend their money!!  🙂

Edited by kidblast
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What's your budget? What kind of music do you play? What kind of Amp do you have?

IMO a great 1st Electric Guitar would be an Epiphone Casino.. (The lesser cost version of a Gibsonn ES330). Even the ones made in China... Super versatile. Great Necks.. Great Players.. Inexpensive... 

Beatles, Stones & tons of other Artists play them & appear on too many Hit songs to list..

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