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Sgt. Pepper

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The first part of the four hour Kiss doc is on A&E tonight at 9pm, at least on the east coast. I will be watching, cause I used to be a KISS nut and love rock docs. Part two is Monday at 9pm. 

Hey Gene your a millionaire 50 times over, can't you afford anything better than that sad Brillo Pad you wear on you noggin as a toupee?

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19 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

Hey Gene you're a millionaire 50 times over, can't you afford anything better than that sad Brillo Pad you wear on you noggin as a toupee?

Gene is using that age-old strategy that people will know it is fake if it looks too good.  Think Coverdale.  At least, he is smart enough to not use Paul Stanley's wig guy. 

KISS has the longevity because they wrote some pretty decent lasting music.  I have seen them twice back in the late 1990s & early 2000s, and I really enjoyed them.  But I will not be catching them in KISStory as I just feel like I am already one KISS documentary over my quota.  Similarly, I am going to pass on seeing them live "this one last time".  Really, though, everyone should see them live at least once, as they are such a live spectacle like no other.  This is unlike the Elton John farewell tour where the emphasis is on 3 hours of just amazing material.  My son loves EJ so I took him to that show (pre-Covid, of course); the Elton farewell show was amazing.  

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Never cared for Kiss.  Much for the same reason I really didn't like Paul Revere and The Raiders.  All that silly costume wearing.  But, at least the Raiders had a few halfways decent tunes.  Kiss never did IMO.   And I was an Elton fan from jump, but he lost me with all that sh!t about going on stage dressed as Donald Duck or Marie Antoinette.  And his music did start going downhill shortly after that started.  

I'm not impressed with how a band dresses or makes up their faces or all the pyrotechnics and laser lights and all that crap.  I go to a concert with one priority.  I take this attitude....   I think to myself----  "I'm Stevie Wonder, so I CAN'T SEE how the band is dressed or "made up" nor can I see the light show, flash pods or other props.  So, what's left about this concert that's going to be memorable for me?"  Well, the only thing that SHOULD be memorable about ANY rock concert.   The MUSIC!  [wink]And no amount of make-up, axe shaped guitars, S/M costumes, cartoon character suits or KIKI DEE(yechhh!) is gonna make up for dreck posing as music.


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Saw them in 1975 right after the  Alive album broke, and witnessing them live back then was a formative, foundational moment for myself and my teenaged garage-band mates. 
A lot of KISStory with that band over the years. 

Enjoyed them again in 1997, and my band does at least one KISS song per gig. 
It's an odd tradition of ours, I reckon. 

I don't watch TV, so I hope to catch the A&E documentary some day on the computer here. 

I'm not a fan-boy by any stretch, but I do admire what they accomplished over the years. 
Wishing they had stopped touring with the face-paint and costumes about ten years ago, quite honestly. 

My idea has always been, and I thought it was a good one;
Tour without the makeup, with Gene, Paul, Eric, and Tommy as the core band. 
Bring onboard all the various ex-KISS members still alive, and have them on as guest performers in whatever cities that works out. 
Bring on special guests as well, as in the certified KISS fans such as Garth Brooks, Dave Grohl, Tom Morello, John 5, etc. 

Anyway, I'm gonna shut up now. 



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I do give them some props tho. My parents thought they were Satanists and Nazis. Obviously I was the Bad Seed for finding them intriguing. 

It started an interest in shock value that's gotten me into a lot of trouble and a lot of fun, and and lasts to this day. 

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7 minutes ago, Pinch said:

I do give them some props tho. My parents thought they were Satanists and Nazis. Obviously I was the Bad Seed for finding them intriguing. 

It started an interest in shock value that's gotten me into a lot of trouble and a lot of fun, and and lasts to this day. 

Yeah its like when my wife says I can't say that. Then I go even further. Just cause I offend you doesn't mean I'm wrong. Gene is not stupid he may be a wanker, but he is a rich one.

My parents let me listen to what I liked, but I am sure my mother would not have approved of the a lot of the lyrics to The Rolling Stones - Some Girls, and they bought me that for Xmas when it came out.

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5 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

Yeah its like when my wife says I can't say that. Then I go even further. Just cause I offend you doesn't mean I'm wrong. Gene is not stupid he may be a wanker, but he is a rich one.

My parents let me listen to what I liked, but I am sure my mother would not have approved of the a lot of the lyrics to The Rolling Stones - Some Girls, and they bought me that for Xmas when it came out.

The Moral Majority had a PROFOUND effect on Sweden. Of course, even the Swedish torchbearers... I mean, they may have wanted to burn down the castle of dr. Frankenstein, but by then I was into Swedish punk, where a few fanzine makers dug up the dirt on the moral crusaders. 

It wasn't pretty. Serious assault charges on minors, that kind of thing.

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9 minutes ago, Pinch said:

The Moral Majority had a PROFOUND effect on Sweden. Of course, even the Swedish torchbearers... I mean, they may have wanted to burn down the castle of dr. Frankenstein, but by then I was into Swedish punk, where a few fanzine makers dug up the dirt on the moral crusaders. 

It wasn't pretty. Serious assault charges on minors, that kind of thing.

I thought the Swed's were all about Black Metal or Death Metal or some kind of Metal where you were required to sacrifice a goat prior to playing a gig.

I watched a doc about one guy Varg Vikernes ( and the music scene he is associated with)  and he burned churches and killed a guy who was in his band. What nut jobs.

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16 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

I thought the Swed's were all about Black Metal or Death Metal or some kind of Metal where you were required to sacrifice a goat prior to playing a gig.

I watched a doc about one guy Varg Vikernes ( and the music scene he is associated with)  and he burned churches and killed a guy who was in his band. What nut jobs.

It's possible it was a backlash created by the moral majority type repression

It was a very secular version of it, so the anti-Christian stuff is a bit surprising... It's not really ny thing, theologically. There are some good bands, I know some good-but-don't-tell-anyone and smart people in that scene, but it's a scene I've stayed on the outside of, even when I was active in the metal world. Not everything in the papers is true, but at least in the early days of that scene, there were Indeed a lot of violence, and while not commonplace, animal sacrifices did happen. I'm an animal lover, I can't be around anything remotely like that. I like quite a few bands' music, but that's about it. 

Varg is Norwegian, btw. Last I heard he was living in France spouting neo-Nazi stuff. I know everyone needs a hobby, but why not stamp collecting? 

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52 minutes ago, jvi said:

boring life ya got 


Yeah I certainly do. Rock Docs and concert films are the only TV I watch. It beats being a Canadian Social Justice Warrior who stalks a certain a-ss hole on the Gibson Forum.

I love how you give me s-hit for judging stuff, yet you do the same to me you hypocrite.

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Part one was okay. I really didn't learn to much I didn't know about the band. It certainly would be better if Ace and Peter would have participated, and got to tell their side of the story and not just hearing sound bites from the past. Ace and Peter wanted money to be involved and tight wad Gene said no to that. Funny what is Gene all about $$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Tommy and Eric should have made their own personas instead of playing fake Ace and Peter. Every other guy who put on makeup invented their own character.

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8 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

Every other guy who put on makeup invented their own character.

Vinnie Vincent does it with a vengeance today!! 

I read you could buy lyrics handwritten by VV now via his website. $3,500 per song. Is he consciously trying to get himself committed? I wonder. 

$125,000 for the whole set. Which is what, 20 pages? If he seriously believes... I mean, if he writes an autobiography and sells it for a sane price, I'm a first day buyer. I wanna know what makes him tick. 

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5 minutes ago, Pinch said:

Vinnie Vincent does it with a vengeance today!! 

I read you could buy lyrics handwritten by VV now via his website. $3,500 per song. Is he consciously trying to get himself committed? I wonder. 

The funniest thing was a while back a pic was posted of him and Big Bill said he looked like his aunt or grandma. I pee'd a little when I read that.

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6 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

The funniest thing was a while back a pic was posted of him and Big Bill said he looked like his aunt or grandama. That was funny.

He does, but that's his business. As far as I'm concerned. At least he looks entertaining. But the other stuff... He's trying to auction off swag you couldn't GIVE away for thousands, tens of thousands, HUNDREDS of thousands. It appears he's literally gone insane. 

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2 hours ago, Pinch said:

Varg is Norwegian, btw. Last I heard he was living in France spouting neo-Nazi stuff. I know everyone needs a hobby, but why not stamp collecting? 

Because there is no controversy or the chance to spout hate in stamp collection.

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5 minutes ago, ghost_of_fl said:

Hey don't drag me into your hissy fit.  😡 And "FL" does not refer to Florida.  I'm in NY. 

I wasn't really serious. In fact I wasn't just half-joking, I was full-on joking. I have no issue with you.

There's too much empahis on labels and stuff these days, so it was a snide comment on that, in a way... if we get all the naughty words out of our systems, perhaps we can start to heal all this division going on? It's a theory I have.

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3 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

Because there is no controversy or the chance to spout hate in stamp collection.

Shame there's no DM function on here. I have a story pertaining to what we talked about, but I try to stay anonymous on here. I would be outed like a mofo. It's nothing illegal or anything, just... you'd get a laugh out of it.

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