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What’s your plectrum of choice?


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On 9/23/2022 at 1:25 PM, Sgt. Pepper said:

By bigger I meant thickness. I should have stated that Merc.

I suppose you reach a point where the increased thickness would simply break rather than flex. 

Most of the time I think a flexing pick sounds better, and I wouldn't recommend thick picks to anyone that doesn't really need them.

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Jazz III for me; I like trying out the variations in materials (tortex, ultex, etc) but the standard red or black nylon ones have the least pick noise and just seem livelier though I should try some of the more recent variations.   I've tried different woods, metal/aluminium, agate, brass, perspex as well - all of them have pros and cons IMO.  I got a couple of V-picks, same shape as m-e has and also a Stiletto; I have periods of using these but they have that clicky, glassy pick noise and I always go back to the Jazz IIIs.  Still have an old sixpence too but it's a bit round!

Size - get on better with a small pick, always have.  I'm a fairly strict alternate up-and-down picker.  I used to like small spade-shaped ones (1980s, had a marijuana leaf on them)  and I've also tried all manner of thumbpicks but it just doesn't work for me. 


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4 hours ago, jdgm said:

Jazz III for me; I like trying out the variations in materials (tortex, ultex, etc) but the standard red or black nylon ones have the least pick noise and just seem livelier though I should try some of the more recent variations.   I've tried different woods, metal/aluminium, agate, brass, perspex as well - all of them have pros and cons IMO.  I got a couple of V-picks, same shape as m-e has and also a Stiletto; I have periods of using these but they have that clicky, glassy pick noise and I always go back to the Jazz IIIs.  Still have an old sixpence too but it's a bit round!

Size - get on better with a small pick, always have.  I'm a fairly strict alternate up-and-down picker.  I used to like small spade-shaped ones (1980s, had a marijuana leaf on them)  and I've also tried all manner of thumbpicks but it just doesn't work for me. 


The Jazz III is what I like as well. Tortex, nylon, whatever. They’re easy to play and they last a long time 


I’ve seen a variety of really expensive picks and I haven’t tried them but I don’t think that’s for me. I lose picks a lot anyways 

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12 hours ago, Dub-T-123 said:

The Jazz III is what I like as well. Tortex, nylon, whatever. They’re easy to play and they last a long time 


I’ve seen a variety of really expensive picks and I haven’t tried them but I don’t think that’s for me. I lose picks a lot anyways 

Seems many on here like the Jazz III’s. Most likely due to shape it seems. You use Jazz III’s for mostly lead? Or for rhythm as well?

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2 hours ago, Bluesnik said:

Does anyone here know the difference between Tortex and Tortex Flow picks? Is it a question of shape?

I believe it’s just the shape difference. The Flows look and feel more matted if I recall..

i really like the Dunlop Tortex Jazz III 1.14mm

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