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I tried. No apology needed Neo.

You tried?



Clarify' date=' please.

Are you a conservative?


I don't think so.


Are you a centrist/moderate/middle of the roader?


Form an opinion and take your stand.


If that's more than you care to do, then simply rest in the peace that comes from knowing that most [i']everybody[/i] is Liberal compared to me. Not so much an extremist, I'm simply inflexible when it comes to my core convictions.

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You tried?



Clarify' date=' please.

Are you a conservative?


I don't think so.


Are you a centrist/moderate/middle of the roader?


Form an opinion and take your stand.


If that's more than you care to do, then simply rest in the peace that comes from knowing that most [i']everybody[/i] is Liberal compared to me. Not so much an extremist, I'm simply inflexible when it comes to my core convictions.


I like Neo. O:)

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You tried?



Clarify' date=' please.

Are you a conservative?


I don't think so.


Are you a centrist/moderate/middle of the roader?


Form an opinion and take your stand.


If that's more than you care to do, then simply rest in the peace that comes from knowing that most [i']everybody[/i] is Liberal compared to me. Not so much an extremist, I'm simply inflexible when it comes to my core convictions.

Dude, apparently this is some miscommunication here. I didn't change any of my views because of you and I don't expect or demand that you change because of me. I consider myself a liberal person. If everyone thought the same way, nothing would ever change. Without outside of the box (liberal) thinking, you wouldnt have that rock music you play. Without inside the box (conservative thinking), things could run wildly out of control. Ying and yang.


I wasn't asking you to apologize for your views either. What I think you need to do is show a smidgen of remorse (which I have) for all the name calling and getting personal with anyone you did that with. Not just me. I'm not going to get into posting links and stuff. I think you know exactly what I mean.

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What I think you need to do is show a smidgen of remorse (which I have) for all the name calling and getting personal with anyone you did that with. Not just me.


I mean sorry' date=' that ain't gonna happen - certainly not on demand.





I think you know exactly what I mean.

Yeah, I do.

It just doesn't mean that much to me.



I'm but a big old loveable furry bear, I can get along with anybody (and I do) until they mess with me.

Even then, I give them a second chance to mend it while I try to decide if they meant ill toward me or simply spoke wrong.

Once I determine that they really are inviting conflict, then I reciprocate in kind.

Usually doesn't last long....



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At least some of the nastiness on political/religious subjects here has not be entirely the oblique sort I encounter on a history/philosophy list I enjoy.


But I'll note here what has found great agreement there: Sometimes this sort of communication can be misleading. One speaking in an ironic or oblique manner, or even using words that carry a somewhat different overtone to a reader or two that may not at all be intended.


Not being face to face is not cool on occasions. It also allows too much potential to say things that might in other circumstances draw a punch to the nose. That's true whether one is discussing epistemology or string gauge. Hmmm.


Usually in my experience, musicians in a professional circumstance can be quite good in having a working relationship with others far different in politics, religion, lifestyle or musical tastes.


So.... <grin>

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To paraphrase Bluemoon's excellent comment about the Limeys and the Paddies living in relative peace.....

If the British and the Americans can live in relative peace' date=' so should we be able to[/b']. Heh heh heh.


Yea if the brits start anything with the US, just remember what happend at during the revolutionary war and at 1812.


Up for round three? hehe

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Guilty by assoication.



It doesnt matter who starts a fight, until one person backs down then nobody is going to stop, Thats there mentality.

No one wants to be proved wrong.

Allways have to get the last word in.


I wonder if everyone in this fourm were put into a room and started to talk about this topic face to face. would there answer be diffrent in tone? words? syntax?

Would we act more civil?

Or would we act like a bunch of fifth graders?


*The same words I put on this fourm is a direct reflection of me as a person in real life.


But we are behind this screen.

We can say whatever we want, and not have to worry about the other person.



It's a game we are sucked into, its so addicting. Posting something that you know will get some hits.

We have the players who:






We all take one side or another if we choose to play this game.

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