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Nancy Pelosi is a liar.


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The Speaker of the House of Representatives (used loosely) Nancy Pelosi is no better then her cohorts in the previous administrations Executive Branch.


She in no way has my support. She should be impeached from her position and arrested as one of those who are part and parcel of the long list of war crimes of which she actively embraced the torture of prisoners in U.S. custody.


She shames our country. Personally she shames me.

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So the real question is weather those on the right will embrace this notion.















Sometimes I actually get cramps from attempting to pat my own back.

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My god we agree. This must be the end of days.


I'm glad we agree that all those responsible for the torture of prisoners in U.S. custody should be prosecuted. ALL THOSE.


And before someone says something really ignorant like, "what's torture". That's up to the legal experts and there are plenty of examples from history. Like the Nuremberg trials.

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I'm glad we agree that all those responsible for the torture of prisoners in U.S. custody should be prosecuted. ALL THOSE.


And before someone says something really ignorant like' date=' "what's torture". That's up to the legal experts and there are plenty of examples from history. Like the Nuremberg trials. [/quote']


what's torture

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There was no torture...Read the law' date=' congressional definitions of torture and look at the facts and history on the subject. Nancy Pelowsi should be waterboarded and then impeached.[/quote']


This is one of those previously mentioned idiotic statements. I'll defer to the legal experts. I'll not defer to you, holder of two BA's and the remember of only the parts you agree with.

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There was no torture...Read the law' date=' congressional definitions of torture and look at the facts and history on the subject. Nancy Pelowsi should be waterboarded and then impeached.[/quote']


You might be right...but my preference is to let the courts figure it out. If the previous administration feels that they did nothing wrong, then they should be more than happy to let the legal system figure it out.


Impeach for lying...well, let's just be glad that your standard wasn't applied before January...otherwise there would have been no executive branch to speak of.

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You might be right...but my preference is to let the courts figure it out. If the previous administration feels that they did nothing wrong' date=' then they should be more than happy to let the legal system figure it out.


Impeach for lying...well, let's just be glad that your standard wasn't applied before January...otherwise there would have been no executive branch to speak of. [/quote']


The democrat leadership was briefed on enhanced interrogation techniques and the folks that it would be used on, more than 65 times prior to, during and after the techniques were used. The ONLY democrat that complained or disagreed with the program, was Jane Harmon.



These same techniques were used during the Korean and Vietnam wars, under democrat Presidents and democrat congresses and there was no talk or trial, impeachment or "truth" hearings.


What lies did the executive branch tell?

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The democrat leadership was briefed on enhanced interrogation techniques and the folks that it would be used on' date=' more than 65 times prior to, during and after the techniques were used. The ONLY democrat that complained or disagreed with the program, was Jane Harmon.



These same techniques were used during the Korean and Vietnam wars, under democrat Presidents and democrat congresses and there was no talk or trial, impeachment or "truth" hearings.


What lies did the executive branch tell?



You seem to have lost the point of the thread. You put more value on the weather someone is a democrat or a republican then you do weather there were wrongs done. Allow me to be perfectly clear. I don't give a damn which party they are part of. To concern your self with such nonsense in the face of war crimes is to say your POS party is more important then your country. Any and all people who participated in or signed orders to torture (as determined by those that are expected to make such decisions) should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. If it is established that Pelosi, Bush, Cheneny, Rumsfeld, and who ever else from the top to the bottom are guilty then they should be at the very least spending the rest of their lives in jail.

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It's a sad state of affairs when people on the right and people on the left can simultaneously agree that things are bad in congress.



I am more then willing to throw a dirty politician to the wolves. If they happen to be a Democrat then so what.

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I find it very amusing that so many are so quick to jump to the defense of those poor fellas that took part in whacking the heads off Americans on camera for the world to see. So many are so worried about these poor little guys that strap bombs to thier chests and blow up women and children. These poor little fellas that are just misguided that use women as beasts of burden and rape them and beat them. These poor guys.....on average gained weight while in detention, were treated better than by the masterminds that use them for " smart bombs" by telling them that there will be blond virgins in heaven waiting for them. I read a book about a revered British military leader that was dealing with similar problems in the Phillipines back in the 1930's. He dug a big hole and slaughtered 100 pigs and threw the parts in the hole then rounded up his detainees (about 150) and shot (all but one) them dead, then cut thier heads off and scattered the parts with the pig parts and buried then together. Then he released the one that witnessed it to go tell the others what happens when they cause problems. There were no more problems until many years after the british left. I say we close quantanamo in this fashion except release nobody, just televise it. Our common enemy see's all this debate about dribbling water on foreheads as proof that we are a weak people. And just like sharks, they will come in for the kill when they smell weakness. They do not respect fair play, they are playing to win. And they are using our own media to do it.

Don't get me wrong, I was repulsed when I first saw the photos of the sexual abuse that the prisoners in Iraq were subjected to by those National Guardsmen. Everyone in that chain of command should have been locked up and never released.( And be subjected to the same treatment) But the guys that have the responsibility to keep America safe, should get a pass on this one. I'm perfectly willing to do so. Had I been in thier shoes, I might have followed in the footsteps of historical success. Every President in the past has always had the fellas that can do this sort of thing quietly. This sort of thing is not new, and it is why war is hell. War is supposed to be so ugly that it is unthinkable to get into a war with us so the bad guys out there will fear doing something to anger us. With the press nowadays...some how people think that war is supposed to be clean and sterile with no body getting hurt. I say B.S. ! I say we find the meanest, craziest, unscrupulus, warmongers; arm them to the teeth and turn them loose to rape pilliage, plunder, and kill anything that moves. level the place. Then the next time the bad guys are squatting around the sheesha pipe in the middle of the desert plotting to kill thousands of Americans, they might consider the consequences.......... Yea, Pelosi is a liar. Go figure, shes a politician right? I am sick of all these liberal or conservative labels. I say next election...everyone vote for whomever was not in office before, no matter what the party. we need to make a statement that we are sick of demo this or repub that......I want a new party. The AMERICAN party. I want people that are interested in doing what is right for AMERICA. I say that we do not allow career politicians anymore. One term, two at most then take yer butt and go get a real job. Work for a living like the rest of us. Then the party system will fall apart, because the rebublicans and the democrats do not have our interest at heart, they only care about getting re-elected and will tell any lie or do anything to keep that going so that they can steal more and more of our money. Bailout ?? HAHA! look at who pocketed Obamas bailout money. The little guy? No. The filthy rich. and getting richer. Thats it......I'm done with my rant...I just get worked up when normally intelligent musicians get wrapped up in the political lying game. We are supposed to be smarter tham the average bear and not believe what the media feed you daily. Open your eyes and question everything. do not accept anything that NAY politician says at face value. Usually....just follow the money and you will find the truth.

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