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Help!!! (TERMITES!)


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Ok I got a call from my mom, she has a room in her house where she stores all the stuff she buys to just never use (you know women, specially moms).


She entered that room looking for something and heard a loud animal-made sound-growl-whatever. She got scared, called me, I live 1 block from her so we got up and went there.


There are like 3 nests of termites in there, I guess it's just one under the floor but it's leaking into the room from 3 different places, they have already eaten 2 pieces of furniture (found out after I leaned against one and it practically solved).


Does any of you guys have experience with this stuff? What should I do? This room is outside her house, across the backyard and prety much isolated from the rest of the house, I guess that's why they went that long unnoticed.

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Malathion ...


Or Chlordane, but it's been banned in the U.S. since the 80's. I don't know about your neck of the woods, but a professional pest control guy I talked to said NOTHING available to the the consumer in the States is any good on termites or carpenter ants. Only the licensed professionals can get the good stuff.


Houses here treated with Chlordane before the ban are still under warranty.

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Thundergod termites can't live without water. If the nests are that big they have plenty of water from somewhere. Like the others were telling you Chlordane is your best bet. Petroleum chemicals are banned in the US, but you might be able to get it their. Seek a professional And if the building has a water supply you probable have a leak.

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Thanks for all your advice guys, I asked here of all places because I think (most) guys here can be trusted, as oposed to the pest control "profesional" that will try to make it as costly as posible while taking as much time as we don't have.

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Malathion is good. Dursban is ok too.


Chlordane is the SH!T, if you can get it, though. Solidifies and sets up a more permanent barrier.



First, termites have to make a journey from your home to the ground every day... they eat your house, but they drink from the ground. You need a barrier that will prevent that. You will want to trench around the outside of the building down to the footing... outside and in, if there is a crawl space. Pour your chemical into the trench. Be generous.


If your foundation is constructed of brick, or breeko blocks, then you will also want to drill into the block about every 18" and treat those with chemical as well (a hand held sprayer with nozzle works well for this, but is time consuming).


It also won't hurt to flood the mound once you're done. Might make you feel better, too :)


That should effectively kill the colony. They will either die from the chemical, or thirst when they can't get back to the ground for water.


You will then need to go in and repair all the damaged wood.



Good luck man... one of my previous selves was a termite/pest control guy.... feel free to pm me if you have any questions.

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those termites must be F'n HUGE if they can growl!


Sorry ma'am I don't know how they call that strange noise they do, but hell you could hear it from the house (and they are across the backyard!).


Also when I (stupid I know) leaned against that furniture and it disolved (yes I fell on them) the ones that ended on the floor made that same noise... weird I didn't know they did that.

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I forgot to ad this... that room is build of concrete (very few constructions here use any other material, most of the stuff here is concrete-made) so it's a little difficult to find where they are coming in from.


I went to see how things were going before coming to work and noticed something taking care of the problem already: ants. A couple thick black lines could be seen entering the room (and leaving it carrying little thingies). There are 7 different ant species in that backyard (at least 7 Ive seen) so one of them might do the job before the pest control guy arrives... the room has been almost emptied, I saw some of the stuff inside the house and wrapped in plastic.


Pest control guy can visit her house on thursday.

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It's the rare Central American Barking Termite. You've heard of Hissing Cockroaches? Well we've got Barking Termites! Just kidding, if their in the furniture, it would appear as though you've got some major repairs to do on the house...hopefully nothing structural's been affected. That could get messy, not to mention dangerous.

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