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Bear Warning


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Proof that most citiboys haven't a clue what to expect or prepare for when venturing out into where the wild things are.


For those of you who scoff at this notice, be advised it is real. If you don't heed it, you could encounter a very annoyed bear who decided today his tolerance level for humans is quite low. The only thing that will be left of you is a pair of Keds and the "Fruit of the Loom" tag out of your used-to-be-tidy whities.


Be advised that when the park rangers warn you to carry pepper spray, they don't mean that cutesly little one that fits in your palm, sometimes available with a glove that has a pocket for just the purpose and comes in 5 pretty pastel colors. What you are looking for is not available up to the WalMutts. Try Cabela's It sized more akin to a medium sized fire extinguisher.

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My grandfather, who lived in the country all of his 82 years sat me down once and told me-

"There is a simple test to determine if your being chased by a Griz or a Black bear- you climb a tree, if it's a black bear he will climb the tree and knock your butt out of it. If it's a Griz he'll just knock the tree down and grab your butt. So don't run you'll just die tired."

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My grandfather' date=' who lived in the country all of his 82 years sat me down once and told me-

"There is a simple test to determine if your being chased by a Griz or a Black bear- you climb a tree, if it's a black bear he will climb the tree and knock your butt out of it. If it's a Griz he'll just knock the tree down and grab your butt. So don't run you'll just die tired."[/quote']


your grandfather seems like a very funny man. Thats a great quote

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Experts say that if you are charged by a bear, stand your ground. Mr. Bear's first strike is to simply push you down. When his front paws hit your chest, curl into a ball, protecting your soft underbelly. If he got up this morning thinking, " I think I will have a low tolerance level for humans today," He will rough you up a bit. Claw you, bite you, but after he has made his point, he will leave you alone. If he is hungry, he will eat you. By standing your ground until the last possible moment, experts say, Mr. Bear will 'respect' your toughness and go easier on you. If, however, you try to flee and show fear, he will eat you just out of principle.

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They just had a show on the Discovery Channel yesterday called Bear Attack. Was about 3 attacks by browns in and around Anchorage Alaska. If it comes on again I recommend giving it a watch. You will learn to respect the beast. The part where 20 Bears went on the rampage in a Russian town was very enlightening. They had a warning sigh very similar to the one above posted all over.



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As bad as a Gizzly is.... a Kodiak is like a Grizzly with a bad attitude and a splitting headache.



Some friends of mine vacationed in Churchill.... somewhere up in Canada up by Hudson Bay. The otherwise desolate area is a touris attraction for a single purpose, Polar bears. For a fee the locals will take you on a tour that puts you in the midst of a herd of polar bears. The vehicle is self propelled and is basically a covered box on a high frame that puts you about 10 feet above the ground. Everyone is admonished neither to feed, nor try to pet the bears. Obviously some have tried. Tourists are told why it is the bears are so interested in THEM: Lunch.



The town of Churchill has an ordinance. It is illegal to lock your doors. Bears frequently come into town. One's only recourse is to find the nearest door and get behind it. Thus, the reason for the ordinance. All windows on the first floor of all buildings have bars to keep the bears from breaking in. :D Gives new meaning to the word 'Zoo'.

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Nope' date=' an unchambered gun ain't much use. A long gun not much use either in a close quarters situation like this.


[i']"After attacking the pair for about a minute, the bear gave up and wandered away.


"Thank God, I guess we fought back hard enough that she decided we weren't an easy meal and left," said Hebert, nursing a pair of two-inch wounds to his forearm."[/i]


No, I suspect she left because she figured she'd made her point, and... she probably wasn't particularly peckish. "Maybe breakfast," she thought.

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About a month or two ago near La Tuque, a man and his wife were out collecting berries and the wife was attacked by a Black Bear.

She died of her wounds. The bear was tracked down and shot by wildlife authorities.

This was the first documented attack of a black bear in Quebec in over forty years.

It seems that the bears are losing their fear of humans ... or is it just a case of bear attacks getting more publicity ?

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That "warning sign" is the joke we used to use when new people would arrive at our unit when I was stationed at Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage, AK. Always funny stuff... although not every newbie enjoyed it for some reason? =D>

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This bear had the right idea!




Hey LeBud... Didn't Rene Levesque expel black bears because they weren't Francophones?



No bears got expelled when Levesque was around .... He was hoping they'd all leave and go to Ontario if

he made them feel like unwanted, useless pariahs. Some left , but many stayed .

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