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Oops I did it again


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I have no idea if I just bought a market sleeper or just threw $700 down a rat hole.


Gibson Heritage


This guitar was at Elderly several months back for $1350 or so. The ebay seller has listed this several times with decreasing opening bids and/or BIN prices but it either hasn't sold or he stops the auction after a day. He has not responded to my emails through ebay but I can't go completely by that; their email could be out of date. Some people forget to update that I suppose. He has good recent feedback anyway.


Maybe it's a pig, but for that price I'll take a chance I guess. Wouldn't be the first time.

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Those belly-down bridges throw me off. But, I say you got a sleeper. It's a beautiful old relic, love the finish checking and golden hue of the top. Also notice that the right side of the case where the headstock is housed shows deep indentations from the tuning keys. My guess is it's been stored that way for a long time. The same indentations are not on the other side. Even the case is cool. I can hardly wait to hear your review. I'd say you got a good deal!

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I'm not real hip on those bridges either but the price and condition made me ignore it.


I've only played one other similar Heritage and that was in 1984 at a house trailer full of screaming kids and a blaring tv, plus it had Black Diamonds from 1971 on it.


One good thing is that I will now cull out even more trash. I won't be able to offset the $700 (not by a long shot) but if I can shed 3 or 4 cheap unplayed things, then it gives me breathing room and adds another 'A-List' guitar to the fold.

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There's some controversy about the Braz vs Indian on the Heritage models. Everyone tries to pin it down to a date when they made the switch and I don't think it's that easy and clear cut. With all things Gibson, the dates are muddy and exceptions show up. I'm betting even after they made the switch, someone found some Braz on the top shelf under a couple Explorer bodies and it got used on some Heritage in 1973 just so we could be nicely confused 35-40 years later.


I don't think I'd know Brazilian Rosewood if it came up and bit me, all I know is I've never seen Indian Rosewood with wildass grain like that.


I did finally hear from the seller, so that's a relief. It will be shipped today or tomorrow.

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I'm dying to know what it sounds like!


I'm not expecting anything Earth shattering. I'm expecting it to be heavy due to the lamination. My '68 Dove was heavy too. And if your observation is correct about it sitting in it's case a long time it may take a little while to get limbered up again and may be muted somewhat.


The key is that it's the "Magic G Word" and appears to be in good shape.


One review mentioned the adjustable bridge and how that was allegedly killing the tone. I wouldn't dare say one way or another, but that guy ended up peeling the bridge off and replacing it with a non-adjustable one. Not gonna happen here, I'd rather leave it alone.


I'm so fickle it wouldn't matter what it sounds like. My J200 hangs on the wall while I play my plywood Hofner if that's the one that entices me that day.

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A few weeks back as I was walking out of the store with my darling little late 1940s Stella I just shook my head and said to a friend who was with me, that I have to be the only person in the world who would pay even the price of a good pizza for this guitar. He turned and looked at me and said "your the only hope that guitar has."


So, do you plan to just give up on that geetar if it is a stinker and accept it for what it is or ya gonna summon up all of your skills and make that baby sing. Maybe a new bridge and some scalloping and sanding of the braces ain't too much to ask if it means that Heritage gets a voice.

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Oh God no, I'll leave it be. To use an overworked 2009 phrase, "It is what it is".


If I don't find it to me to my liking, I'll pass it along. It's so subjective. I mean, some guitars are pigs no matter what, but most just have their own personalities and if it doesn't suit me, then maybe it will someone else.


I was playing the J200 tonight and thought, you know this thing has it's own sound. I mean it's classic J200 big woody thump, but that may or may not be what someone is looking for. With me it's more what I'm looking for that hour. After I strummed and hummed some tunes that I would be embarrassed to admit (and enjoyed every minute) I hung it back up. I wandered around, took Bud outside for a wizz, and when I came back in I grabbed the nearest thing, an Ovation. I almost choked, thinking I was going from the King of the Flat Tops to Connecticut Tupperware, but then proceeded to fingerpick the Scooby Doo theme song with much joie de vivre. I have no life. All the while I made note that even though these two guitars were complete opposites, they each had their voice.


So the Heritage may be a fingerpicker, a strummer, it may excel with 10s or 13s or who knows....


I know the Heritage and Dove don't have a lot of common ground but I have a secret hope that this '69 and the '68 Dove I had last year share a little of the Gibson thump. The Dove was wonderful in the tone dept but I couldn't take the skinny neck.

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It just came in a few minutes ago. Too early to give it an honest assessment but the panic is over. I was more concerned with any structural issues. The neck set is wonderful; no reset in my lifetime I bet. New guitars would be jealous. Plenty of room to drop the saddle too. The saddle is Tusq and there was a compensated Tusq in the case pocket in addition to the original rosewood one. The bridge is solidly attached and the top has absolutely no bulging or dipping. The neck is not the skinny late 60s type, it's more normal width (haven't measured) and with a fairly thick cross section. Frets look like they just came from the buffing wheel. The finish is glossy with lots of finish cracks (TONS on the back) and some guitar strap damage on the back. Other than the saddle it looks to be all original with no apparent repairs.... possibly a small area on the top where the lacquer was touched up but it was done nicely if so. It's heavy! It weighs 5 lbs 12 oz; my J200 is about 5 lbs 1 oz or so. I haven't compared it to the J30 or SJ; I know this one is heavier, don't need a scale to tell me. That's not an issue, just an observation.


Tone is too early to judge. I have no idea what's on it for strings. They don't appear old and crusty but they sound pretty dead. The wound strings have a big dull thud to them. I don't know if it's the guitar or the strings. I plan to put new ones on tonight, which will eliminate that variable, but I honestly don't think I can judge it right away. It looks like it hasn't been used much so in fairness it should be allowed to acclimate and (re)open up.

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