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Who has OCD?


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If I eVeR sEe PeOpLe TyPe LiKe ThIs it bugs me' date=' also 1F TH3Y TYP3 L1K3 TH15, it makes no sense.


When you text someone and they respond LOL or K, especially after you sent them a text that wasn't a yes or no question or had actual meaning.


[b']I can't stand guys mistreating women, it is just wrong, well people mistreating others in general, but primarily guys mistreating women.[/b]

Volume on the TV has to be multiples of five

I agree with all of them.


But texting drives me insane. I can get more information across IN A SPOKEN CONVERSATION! [drool]

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Aw man, haven't been formally diagnosed, but I think I have at least a little OCD.


Dishes in the sink. -That's probably the worst one for me. It drives me crazy if there is even just one dirty dish in the sink.


I also frequently check to make sure my coffee pot and oven are unplugged/off multiple times before I leave the house. Even if I know I didn't make coffee or use the oven. O:) Also, I'm kinda weird about my music equipment/photo equipment, but I think that just stems from some deep-rooted desire to take care of things I worked hard to get.

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hahaha i knew someone was gonna say that.... :-k


I have now come to an understanding...We're all ****ED UP!!!


yea, pretty much.... so, what else is new?? lol i know ive always been pretty messed up +:-@

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I have to wrap the old strings together once I am done changing them' date=' my sense of closure

I always have to have water or something else to drink with me.

I can't stand dirty glasses, I don't understand how some people can even see through some of them.

For some reason, I always space out my sentences.

I can't stand guys mistreating women, it is just wrong[/quote']

I started wrapping strings after my ex-wife stabbed herself BAD when taking out the trash.

Got a good ***-chewing outta that one, and I had no defense.



In Arizona, you hydrate or die.

I got in the habit years ago to break my addiction to sodas. Carry water, don't need a soda.



Dirty glass of ANY kind! I was a crane operator for a dozen years, dirty windows can kill people.

I see people trying to drive at night with nasty windows, knowing their time on earth is short...



I always form my own paragraphs of sort, using rules of grammar modified to my own likes.

Helps convey lucid and articulate thought - if that happens to occur somehow.




As a young idealist, I hated to see women mistreated.

It was another decade before I had a realization -

Some people just ain't no fxckin' good, and women are people too. Know what I mean?


Divorce will enlighten you in ways you never imagined.

Yes, even she is capable of some awful, unspeakable things.

You know, Daddy's little Angel - the woman you loved enough to marry?

Hope nobody here has to learn it from within the ring - better a spectator in this fight.


That being said, I still will not stand for a woman being assaulted, I don't care if she deserves it or not.

If you're stupid enough to do it in public near me, you're getting your *** kicked or going to jail - or both.


Sad side note, my wife's boy has developed a talent for mistreating his girlfriends - and they stick around.

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As a young idealist' date=' I hated to see women mistreated.

It was another decade before I had a realization -

Some people just ain't no fxckin' good, and women are people too. Know what I mean?


Divorce will enlighten you in ways you never imagined.

Yes, even [i']she[/i] is capable of some awful, unspeakable things.

You know, Daddy's little Angel - the woman you loved enough to marry?

Hope nobody here has to learn it from within the ring - better a spectator in this fight.


That being said, I still will not stand for a woman being assaulted, I don't care if she deserves it or not.

If you're stupid enough to do it in public near me, you're getting your *** kicked or going to jail - or both.


Sad side note, my wife's boy has developed a talent for mistreating his girlfriends - and they stick around.


I know what you mean, girls are possible of some pretty harsh things, trust me I know [biggrin]


It is just something, unless I see that she did something, I assume the worst. It is my weakness I guess.


Well, I know plenty of girls that stay in stupid relationships. Women always complain that all the nice men are gone, but its just that they don't pay attention to the nice guys. They notice the "bad boys". I can tell you from experience, I have actually had girls talk to me, and say "Why can't more men be like you?" And then I have to ask them, if that is true, why am I single and they aren't? If they want a nice guy, go for me. But then they stammer around.


It sucks, but I will not be a d¡ck to a girl [cool]

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A clock that cannot keep time will be removed from my house.

I've given away a couple of watches over the years because they couldn't stay within a minute a month.


I have to have watches placed on the current time right down TO THE SECOND. All of my computers have Atomic Clock Sync.


Last year I was teaching a course that ended at 10:50AM. One time the instructor for the next course came down and stood right next to me. I asked him "can I help you?" He said "stop your lecture because your time is up." I looked at my watch and I still had over 2 minutes left. I told him how my watch is synced up to an atomic clock and that the next time he interrupts my class I'll see it that he'll never teach a class again in this hemisphere. After that I went over on every class just to drive him nuts...

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