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Playing in a band


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A gigging "guitarist" (musician' date=' or entertainer, whatever you like) popping his head up from the ramparts here.


There's playing guitar, then there's playing guitar [b']when it counts.[/b]


Better guitarist....? No.


More accomplished musician...? I think so, yes.


And who's got the worse ego problem here..? The guys playing gigs who say "yes, give me my dues, I have to deliver - and I do", or the basement hobbyist who has a problem with that statement being made...?


As for gear discussions, I'd sooner listen to the guy that uses his guitar/amp in front of a few hundred people, than the guy who spends all night polishing his historic re-issue and cruising the forums for a chance to post pics of it.


Not everybody has the opportunity to play in front of a crowd - so I never spoken down to anyone that maintains they simply enjoy playing guitar for the love of it - but when people post that there is no additional skill in playing guitar on the front line, then I have to object.


I'm not particulalry proud of my skills as a guitarist (see the video below - I'm singing - my licks are nothing special), I am however very proud of the fact I get up there and put my a$$ on the line and open myself up to hecklers, bottle throwers..... yada yada, and I don't let nerves get the better of me. It's hard work.


Remember, some people take years to build up confidence to pull it off on stage - it shouldn't be overlooked.







I have to simply sign that post guys... For me it takes guts, persistence, lots of belief & patience to ever form a band and practise alone & with others many hours a week, lot alone to put your... everything in front of others, playing live and wait to be judged. I immensely respect that.

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You blokes are starting to come across as whingers!

Sorry fellas. I dig ANYONE that plays. Period.

Why are you blokes making such a big deal out of nothing?


I've come across bedroom players who sh*t all over giggers...and then vice versa. No biggie.


We're all individuals right. Stop stroking it and start smoking it.


Oh,and who gives a flying crap about whoever it is you're alluding to? Get over it.


Shut up & play yer guitar fer chrissake...

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You blokes are starting to come across as whingers!

Sorry fellas. I dig ANYONE that plays. Period.

Why are you blokes making such a big deal out of nothing?


I've come across bedroom players who sh*t all over giggers...and then vice versa. No biggie.


We're all individuals right. Stop stroking it and start smoking it.


Oh' date='and who gives a flying crap about whoever it is you're alluding to? Get over it.


Shut up & play yer guitar fer chrissake...[/quote']


I'm so glad you've volenteered to police the forums.


Sorry officer - it won't happen again.

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Oh grow up mate. [confused]


Called as it was. Take a step back and re-read your/the posts.:-


As far as I see it - a bunch of guys were stating their opinions on gigging musicians, and I stepped in and said "hang on - it is hard work y'know..."


If you don't like the discussion - move on to to something more to your taste.


Are you gonna write me up for this, officer..?

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I ain't your bro mate' date='so settle petal.


These inane posts are exactly the reason why respected intelligent members are leaving.


Pfft. That's 5 minutes of my life I won't get back...:-& [/quote']


does that mean that we aren't respected or intelligent? Lol

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does that mean that we aren't respected or intelligent? Lol




I'm neither, my antipodean friend will testify to that. Up to his involvement this had all been in good spirit.


Generally though, this is the lounge where a bit of banter is allowed, I thought..?


I'll sign off......... <click>..........

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I've met guys here and at MLP that haven't been on a band or played any gigs in their whole life and yet they know more about guitars, amps and related stuff than I will ever know. Some of them have nice expensive gear, some of them have the cheapest guitars, some of them have 1 cheap guitar and that's it, some have lots of custom shop beauties. But the knowledge is there and you cannot deny it. I don't care if they have or haven't gigged... hell I don't care if in real life they are Slash and Bucketthead.

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I'm amazed at the length of this thread.... amazed at the emotions it evoked, and quite frankly, never noticed that anyone "talked down" to anyone else.


About when you "become a musician", reminded me of the story my dad used to tell me about when his brothers and he all got a guitar.... my grandfather, (who would NEVER be mistaken for the sensitive type), told them, "Put that damn thing away until you learn how to play it!" (which may explain my dad's and all my uncle's skills!)


The second thing all the verbiage that came before reminded me that no matter what you do, when it becomes your "job" it takes on additional pressures, and becomes less "fun".


I use the analogy of bowling... if you love to bowl, and you do it every chance you get, it's your hobby... if you become "pro" bowling becomes less fun and there is more pressure to perform.


It's the same with music.


I do recall trying to meld a "rock band" with horns, (kind of like Tower Of Power), but we were on different levels, and couldn't really communicate with each other..... I envisioned the horns as "real musicians" and the rest of us were just guitar/drum players...in face, we were all musicians, just "different".


All musicians need encouragement. The gigging musicians get it from the audience, the rest of us get it from our families, etc.

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TG kinda hit an important point that there may be some here who don't gig but have had some other valuable experience with guitars or whatever that might be of value to others.


And... heck, who knows but that one or more "regulars" may be a pro signing in on a laptop from a bus somewhere running between gigs who enjoys being anonymous?


I will say that playing at any sort of public gig is a different thing than playing alone in the house. I've done both. Playing in public regularly is different. It's not that one has more ego or whatever, it's a matter of chance that got him/her to do it, grit to work through the various manifestations of stage fright and willingness to do what it takes.


Also, a solo gig is way different, too, I'd add, with a different sorta performance "head" than even a duo.


Funny thing to me is that back in the 60s we had this sort of discussion in the martial arts "community." There were those who figured if you weren't in some of the pretty rough competition "fight" worlds or put yourself into harm's way professionally that you weren't a "martial artist."


Then there were those who took stuff along the "health, fitness and traditional 'way' of the arts" that might include public performance one way or another, and might not.


Some "fighters" had stagefright at other types of public performance, some "kata" folks hated "fighting" even after being raised in extremely combative lives in the US or elsewhere.


The difference perhaps is that nowadays one seldom hears "well, he is/isn't for real" if there's no direct combative sport involved because the more "grownup" martial arts world recognizes that even the roughest "sport" isn't the real thing and that the many motives for martial arts training are equally valid.


That means the pro fighter or pro martial arts teacher or "performer" has to have a different "thing" in his or her head."


Rob hit things pretty well above too. There are different pressures, motives and lifestyles involved when you gig, and another set when you do it for a living or even as a vital part of personal/family revenue.


It's all "real." It's just different.



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Still no manual' date=' though. Did it go out of print?[/quote']





It proves it doesn't matter if you play in a band or not. Some are Pros and some are not but playing is playing.











:- :- [-(

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If you haven't "Submitted Yourself For Approval" to an audience, then you really are missing an experience. That's not saying one type of musician is more or less "valid" than another, just more experienced. Same can be said for Originals, Covers, Jams, or just the size of the band you are in.


Lets say you've made a living in a Duo, playing very structured material for years but never played in a 6 piece garage jam band. Both finding a space in a large group and jamming may cause that very experienced gigger a little trouble. Of course the reverse would be true as well.


One thing I find a little concerning is the pigeonholing that seems to go on in all walks of music. Not just in this thread, but in my experiences with the different folks I've played with over the years. It's always, "I don't Jam", "I Only Jam", "I won't set up for less than $500", "I Only Play Originals", "I won't play someone else's original", all in the name of Legitimacy, which stems from a fear of Illegitimacy.


For me, it was always, "Sure, that's something I haven't tried yet, let's do it". Something folks seem more than willing to say when it comes to drugs or sex, but not Guitar Playing [biggrin] .

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I automatically differentiate guitar players that play in public from those who play in private from those who play in a studio and so on.


Someone who can play amazing at home and loves music gets props but someone who can do it under pressure...the pressure of professionalism, I think of as someone who overcame an obstacle.

It's not that they are playing...it is that they are playing and entertaining you. They are doing double time, far as I'm concerned. Studio players have to be precise and often work on music they don't enjoy, they get props for that. Players in an orchestra pit, same thing. So to me, the stage kid....even if he isn't doing as awesome as some at-home veterans, gets a couple extra check marks in the "balls" department (cus I don't have the balls).


Do I think you have to play in public to be a musician, HELL NO.

I've seen some hill-jacks doing the family jam session for fun tearing it up better than most country acts out there.

It's in the blood, it's a feeling...nothing can take that from you.

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