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New geetar


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Normally, I don't post about new gear that I've bought so soon after getting it but I'm just too damned excited about this one.




Back in the early 90's, I worked in a music store and was surrounded by tons of cool gear and knew I wanted a Les Paul and I ended up buying one which, even with an employee discount, is no easy task when you're working in retail. The other guitar that caught my attention and I loved was a Peavey Vandenberg (in hot pink, no less) which was a great player and had an incredible sounding bridge pickup. Long story short, I could afford only one guitar and stayed focused on getting a Les Paul - no regrets, my Les Paul is an awesome guitar and I still own it and play it all the time. I never forgot how much I liked the Vandenberg even when buying other guitars that seemed "more appropriate for my age" like Strats with burst finishes and stuff.


So, last week AXE posts a link to a Craig's List ad he's running and one of the items is an all original Peavey Vandenberg. I told him I wanted it, sent him the money and it arrived yesterday.


Man, this guitar is just as badass as I remember it being. The neck is slim but not stupid slim like on a modern Jackson shredder and that bridge pickup just cooks - it even sounds good through a Blues Junior with the gain totally jacked up. I just hope Rick doesn't miss it *too* much; it's gonna get a lot of play from me and will most likely become my main band guitar since it'll do heavy rock as well as get Strat tones.


I haven't taken any pictures of it yet, so I'll just borrow these from AXE. Here it is - my really, really red Peavey Vandenberg.





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Many' date=' many congrats on the new axe (oops!) RichI!


EVERYBODY needs a shredder in his collection! And what's that ''buying according to my age'' comment...? You're a guitar player! Age is totally relevant![crying




Ironically, even though I used to play in hair bands back in the 80's, this is my first real shredder guitar (I owned a couple of really awful ones and some pretty good non-shredder guitars).


The thing with the age comment is that I don't want to look like some 40+ year old weekend warrior dude trying hard to look cool. I think the Vandenberg, while definitely a hot looking guitar, doesn't look so over the top that I'll look odd playing it; it's wild, but not crazy-rock-star wild like an ESP Razorback with flame graphics or something. To me, it looks high performance like a Ferrari (the red paint doesn't hurt that cause either).

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Dude, I have to tell you - and I don't know if you subscribe to this - but the guitar "woke up" tonight. You haven't been playing it very much for quite a while, have you? I was doing my best Malcolm Young stylings on it and it really came alive after a while. m/

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