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not a big fan of mark knopfler but...

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He's also a lot more versatile than some might give him credit for.


It's another example of a "no longer a kid" picker who is showing a lot more depth than was obvious when doing strictly a "rock star" thing.



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There are some players who I feel I can't even come close to emulating' date=' so I don't even bother trying. He's one of them! I'd go nuts trying to play anywhere near how he plays...[/quote']



plus one, sultans of swing is really simple, but he does it so well it never sounds right trying to pull it off when I play it

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i don't think iv'e heard a tone or picking technique that is so suited to a song...just perfect [blush]

It's really amazing how he seems so unaffected by what's going on around him in music. He never tries to sound like Page or Hendrix, he's on of the only ones who knows how to find his musical voice.


I've heard him say, "It's just Travis Picking." Well, I can Travis Pick, but I can't get Knopflers stuff, just can't.

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I think I'm correct in saying "Brothers in Arms" was the first track he recorded using a Les Paul in place of his beloved Strat.


Well before "BiA" came out in (I think it was around the time of Communique - 1978) I read an interview with him where he mentioned to the journalist that after every gig he would have loads of people trying to sell him all sorts of guitars but he preferred to stick to his Strat. The journalist finished off the interview saying he loved the concert but the unchanging out-of-phase tone got wearying after an hour or two and perhaps Knopfler should take up some of the offers...


On the track I believe he was playing one of Gibson's early attempts at a '59 re-issue (I think it was one of the 'Heritage 83' instruments) but he soon got himself a real '59 (or two).


(Incidentally, I've always been a huge fan. His sound was one reason I changed from LP to Strat in '79. The mate who used to play bass for me back in the day bought 'Sultans of Swing' when it was first released. I'd never heard anyone like M.K. (mind you; in those days I hadn't yet heard of J. J. Cale!). It disappeared without trace and was put out, possibly in a slightly different form (different solo?), six months or so later. This time it was a hit.)

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I've been mostly fingerpickin' for going on 47 years (summer of '63). I ain't in Knopfler's league.


Frankly I don't think it's so much the basics of what he does, that's a matter of skill. Heck, I've got skill and so do a lotta other folks out there, some with more than others, some with less.


Making pickin' sound like Knopfler does is beyond skill and far into the designation of talent.


Knopfler's got talent and skill, a rare combination.



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