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Hey AJ...


I like the forum a lot. My name over there is lofapco. (There already was a Taylor Player from back in the day when it was just the Taylor Guitar Forum).


Lot's of good information and a ton of folks from your side of the pond. Are you albertjohn over there too?


Cheer TP. I have been lurking for a little while and agree there seems to be alot of info.


Yes, Albertjohn over there too. I shall be waving the flag for Gibson, and the Union Flag too.


Don't worry, I'm not abandoning the Gibson Forum.


How's the Casino by the way. It looks a real belter and I'm very jealous.

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I like it because there's so much more content. I dislike it because there's so much more content. There are lots more threads to read and a greater likelihood you'll learn something, but you also see the same tired old threads repeated even moreso than here.


If you like Taylors, it's awesome. If you like to compare Taylors to Martins, it's great. I also noticed there's a large "worship" community over there, so I think it's good for that.


Also, yes, they have a weird view of Gibsons. the majority over there seems to think Gibsons sound too "woody," but occasionally Gisbon lucks into making a "good one" that only their super-amazing guitar sense can detect. It's pretty ridiculous.


The site is seriously moderated. Here, you never know if the mods are watching or even care. Over there, you can tell they read every word and enforce the rules.


Also, the classified section over there is awesome.


Overall, I enjoy it, even if I could care less how a Martin compares to a Taylor. There are definitely some fools, but that's true anywhere. Beware, though, it will double your GAS.

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I lot of postings with not much to read. My 2 pennies.


("If you were a guitar..... what kind of guitar would you be??!!!")


And the always popular -"Name your favorite private luthier who only makes guitars for you!!!"...or "Why is maple a seldom used tonewood?" :-

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Here' date=' you never know if the mods are watching or even care. [/quote']


Oh I watch and care. I'm just modding without being this guy:




And as to Davenumber2's post, refer to my current avatar. Don't much care for them cork sniffers.

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Oh I watch and care. I'm just modding without being this guy:


Hope you didn't take that as a negative. I appreciate (99% of the time) the easygoing nature here' date=' and I think it's great the modding reflects that.


I'm just saying, for example, if you start a thread and it even hints at a Taylor, you'll find that thread moved real quick. Same with prices; it's usually just minutes before they're marked out.


I'd say there are times it gets out of hand. For example, some guys recently posted he had a bushel of truss rod tools to sell. So Everyone who wanted one PM'd him. Well, mine didn't arrive for 2 weeks. When it did, the envelope was empty. I PM'd him back for another 2 weeks with no answer. I'm starting to wonder, so I go back to the thread and ask if anyone else didn't receive their tool, and I related my experience. Well, that post got deleted because it was supposedly a "review" of a sale in the classifieds section. Ridiculous. [bored


Anyway, you're doing a fine job, ksdaddy. I appreciate your light touch and vast knowledge.

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AGF certainly gets the lion's share of cyber-traffic, as it were, but sometimes, quantity does not equate to quality! :-


I participate, enjoy, and learn there, but it sometimes reminds me of the rmmga of days gone by.


Of the online forums, I tend to prefer UMGF, although the action is a little lower there. (Hey, I made a funny: "action"; "lower" = "lower action" -- that's a joke, son...)


They all have their strengths and weaknesses; take 'em with a grain of salt.



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I see the differences as being in a big busy city like NY with tons of traffic or being in a nice little corner bar with your buddies. Sometimes I need to find out something quick or want to see tons of information and the AGF is a great place to hang out. Other times I need a slower pace and to chew the fat with other like minded Gibson freaks! [biggrin] Then, this place is a great refuge! Oh... and of course, I know where to ask ANY and ALL of my Gibson questions!

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I stopped going there. I see it about once a year and it quickly reminds there are better ways to spend my time.

Same with the Banjo Hangout.

I like the UMGF , I like this forum, I think the Mandolin Cafe is the best of the music forums. I never found a fiddle forum I like.

I stop at Lets Talk Guild once in a while too- miss my old Guild.

As they say YMMV, to each his own. I can't say what is is about AGF exactly, but I know it ain't for me.

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How do you start an argument in the AGF? Post something! LOL!




This week the same guy posted basically the same thread twice' date=' saying something to the effect of, "real musicians write music, not just play others compositions." Totally trolling. And of course he got pages and pages of responses. I can't believe the Mods let that go - especially after he posted the second thread while the first one was still getting lots and lots of hits.



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This week the same guy posted basically the same thread twice' date=' saying something to the effect of, "real musicians write music, not just play others compositions." Totally trolling. And of course he got pages and pages of responses. I can't believe the Mods let that go - especially after he posted the second thread while the first one was still getting lots and lots of hits.


#-o [/quote']


Agreed. Don't know why so many folks decided to engage the troll in that second thread.


It's kind a like coming across some doggy doo while you're on your walk: do you REALLY want to walk through it, or just maybe walk AROUND it?


Clean-Shoes Fred

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Nice place.....if you are not accosted by the "Righteous Police"............OR.....the $20,000.00 guitar owner's mutual back patting club, (Heaven help you if you own a lowly Yamaha acoustic guitar), OR the Gibson Bashers Club, or you say ANYTHING positive about an Asian guitar, or if you challenge the opinions of the clique members of the "Know-it-all" club, (beware of pack attacks as buddies gather around the challenged one) Otherwise, not a bad place to visit, I wouldn't want to live there. Make a new Post, and find it on page 4 the next day......lots of activity.......lol

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Awwwww' date=' c'mon! Mine sounds as good as it LOOKS!!!![crying'] [blush]




Oh My God ! Fender Acoustics and Screwtops ! What is happening in Caribou Me. ???? Maybe its the cold winter !:-

ksdaddy I think you do a great job Modding ! I would just think about getting into some better wines ! [cool]

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I have to say I do like the "Show and Tell" section cause at least those people are playing music and putting it out there. There are too many over on AGF who only seem to brag about their $20K or $30K custom builds but then NEVER post a clip of thier playing. Even when one guy was asked directly for a sound clip of his new $30K Olsen he refused and said that if you listen to XYX James Taylor songs ...it sounds like that !! But he posted like 50 pics of his "Build". Does he even play or is he simply going to flip it?


Then what really drove me away was a post asking "Which guitar is best for "Worship" WTF? ..then a few pages into the thread someone responded that a Lutheir who posts there would build the best guitar for that because he is such a good Christian. I have to say I took the bait and simply asked if the Luthier being a good Christian was a requirement for the poster to buy a guitar. I was polite and really wondered.

My post was simple deleted with no PM or explanation by the Mod who has a Psalm reference in his signature.


I was outta there!


The Gibby forum is my home. KSDaddy does a great job controlling the Moderators Iron Glove. As they say "Less is more" and KSDaddy has that down perfect!


Man...I love you guys and gals ....

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