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Best on-line dealers for NEW Gibson Guitars????


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Fullers and Wildwood. What's nice about Wildwood online is they post pics of the actual instrument for sale.


And don't call me crazy, but I've got a local Best Buy with one of those new fangled "Best Buy Music Stores" inside - guitars, keyboards, drums and all the support gear and software. They frequently have in store unadvertised specials. Over the last couple years I bought 3 guitars from them and they dealed on all of them, including my SJ-200 MC they sold me for $2249 (brand new) - everyone else was selling them at $3249 (GC is still listing it at $3249). Of course, they don't advertise their Gibsons online.

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That's easy! AcousticMusic.org in CT. Simply a fantastic little store with great prices & a super friendly staff. One other that I would suggest is Willcutt's Guitars in KY. I've dealt with both & couldn't be happier. Neither of them have a fantastic website but I would always call for current stock anyway. [angry]

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There are plenty of on-line dealers out there but for me it comes down to service. How willing are they to help answer questions, accommodate your concerns and wants. What is the return policy.

For me Fullers Vintage Guitars in Houston meets and exceeds every one of those points.


From Fullers!

.... l.....


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That's easy! AcousticMusic.org in CT. Simply a fantastic little store with great prices & a super friendly staff. One other that I would suggest is Willcutt's Guitars in KY. I've dealt with both & couldn't be happier. Neither of them have a fantastic website but I would always call for current stock anyway. [blush]



i live in ct and acousticmusic.org's headquarters is literally down the street from my parents house...


i went in there a couple of times...HOLY COW!



they let me play easily the best L-00 (gibson) i have ever seen in my life!


masters of all things acoustic...


i heard the waiting list to get work done there is a few months...maybe longer...but anything they do there is worth it!

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Who are the usual suspects???? Thanks


I think you've already gotten pretty good answers, but I just wanted to jump in to object to the question.


Gibson does authorize a few dealers to sell on-line -- the Guitar Center family (GS, Musician's Friend, Private Reserve, et al.), Sweetwater, etc. -- but that just means they can advertise what they have in stock and publicly offer it at MAP. If, for some reason, you want to deal with someone other than your local dealer, there is really very little advantage in buying from an Authorized Internet Dealer, unless you like the convenience of being able to click "Buy Now" so much that you don't mind paying the MAP. (The whole Authorized Internet Dealer program is designed to allow your local dealer to beat any price you can get by doing a web search, and still end up with enough profit to remain in business! Gibson's model of how sales are supposed to work is, you amble into a store, play a guitar, fall in love, buy it, and take it home. Buying a guitar without playing it first is considered A Bad Thing -- which is a major reason why Internet-based competition driving local dealers out of business is A Bad Thing -- and their only reason for supporting Internet sales in any way is that they realize some people don't have the option of going to a local dealer.)


Anyway, if you want to pay less then the MAP, you have to call (or e-mail, but calling often works better as some dealers won't give their best price in response to an e-mail) dealers to see what kind of a deals they'll give you. As long as you're making some calls anyway, I think it makes sense to call all the good Gibson dealers with large stocks to ask whether they have what you want and, if they do, what they'll sell it to you for.


Bottom line: Ask not "What are the best on-line Gibson dealers?", ask "What are the best Gibson dealers?"


-- Bob R

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I agree with, Bob. But, just answered the question as posed. I had my newest acoustic done Custom Shop via the Villa and a good word from a member here. I didn't see & try it first, but I had some pretty good faith in what was going down. So, yes, best to play and do it the way we all used to buy in the name of good sense and support to the local shop whenever possible.


... Steve W

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absolutely well said Bob. as for all of the ones you called giving the same price, it is MAP (but every maker has that). if you called stores that normally deal, but didn't then maybe it was the approach? some guys (not saying YOU did) call a store, and since they don't have a personal relationship with them they are rude. they immediately start into a rant about how cheap they want it to be (often being unreasonable) and sometimes throw in a lie about another dealer offering it for practically nothing. sometimes the other dealer doesn't exist, or the guitar isn't even in stock, or the quote is too old to be valid. stores get these calls all of the time. the "buyer" thinks they are smarter, and also thinks they are going to beat the dealer into submission. those callers are ALWAYS quoted MAP.

find a good dealer. talk about what you want.... what model, what tone, what feel. then talk about what sort of service the dealer can offer. if you can settle on a guitar, then see if he can hook you up. be reasonable though. he still has to make a profit, and he needs to feel good about the sale too.... or you're back to that MAP quote. sure, he wants to sell a guitar. but, if he can leave it on the wall and sell it for a more reasonable profit next week then he's going to do that. that dealer also knows that the guy who beats him up and is a jerk to get a low price won't send him business. he will only brag to his friends about how he pulled off a victory over a dealer. the buyer that is truely happy, and had a good PERSONAL experience is more likely to send his friends. THIS is what the dealer wants.... and he will sell you that guitar for less money b/c he knows that in the long run it's a better business move.

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