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Do you REALLY not know how your band sounds?


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So you've spent weeks in practice, building your song list and developing your sound. You lay some tracks or video some jams and look 'em over to decide whether you want to post them. You post 'em and solicit comments from your peers. My question is this; do you really NOT know how you sound? Or are you just looking for some acceptance and encouragement? Or what?


I'm not talking about clips of someone in the learning process. I'm talking about clips of bands that say they are "ready to play out". Can't you tell if you're ready by listening to your self? Honest to gawd, I've heard some of the most dreadful stuff and then read comments from others that say "you guys sound great!" and I gotta wonder how helpful that really is.


If you're begging others to critique your work, I strongly suspect you're not ready.


Honest self-appraisal seems to be a dying concept.



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Just like some people like to post pics of their guitars others like to post video clips... I am in the band rehearsal stage now and I don't even want to record a video clip yet. When the time is right I will but you can bet your arse I will not be posting anything that would embarrass myself or my fellow band mates.... I have been in music long enough to know when something sucks even if it's mine....

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I agree, that is why, to some point, I like anonymous reviews, because friends, or people in general will, for the most part, do one of two things a) say you were great no matter what, or B) rip on you to no end just because they can. I have some good friends, and they will let me know if its good, or if its sh¡t. I guess I'm blessed.

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That's pretty much how I feel about it, Dave. And I can understand, in the case of very young, inexperienced player, that they might need some pointers. But I'm talking about folks like ourselves, with a few miles on us. Fer gawd's sake, we oughta know when we sound "tight" and when we don't.


And...when we DON'T, and we post it anyway, followed by pleas for opinions...I just don't get it. "Do we suck? Come on, tell me, I can take it." Chaysus! B)


And, if you tell someone they suck, you're a butt...even when they suck. LOL!

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I think it's just wording. People like to post clips of their work, and rather than saying, "hey look at me", they will solicit opinions.


I know I've posted some clips, just because I think it's kind of fun to watch myself (the good and bad parts) and figure some others might get a kick out of it too. I know I like watching/listening to other regular guys/girls like us sometimes instead of big time pros.


I'm not one to give, and probably don't really want to recieve, brutally honest criticism O:)

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So you've spent weeks in practice' date=' building your song list and developing your sound. You lay some tracks or video some jams and look 'em over to decide whether you want to post them. You post 'em and solicit comments from your peers. My question is this; do you really NOT know how you sound? Or are you just looking for some acceptance and encouragement? Or what?


I'm not talking about clips of someone in the learning process. I'm talking about clips of bands that say they are "ready to play out". Can't you tell if you're ready by listening to your self? Honest to gawd, I've heard some of the most dreadful stuff and then read comments from others that say "you guys sound great!" and I gotta wonder how helpful that really is.


If you're begging others to critique your work, I strongly suspect you're not ready.


Honest self-appraisal seems to be a dying concept.




I have thought this for a long time, thank you for finally saying it. I don't even

like to comment because if I said what I thought I now what the end result would be.

People can't even check out an amp or guitar without someone else's approval. I don't

care what other people think about a guitar or amp, I'm the one using it, how in the hell

would they know what my taste's are. I'm certainly not going to buy an amp or guitar

because more people said it was the best. Good post Cruz.



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I don't know....:-k


When it comes to a members music I always look for the positive. As long as there's an effort to sound good, it will always get a positive review from me.


I feel we should be encouraging members to post their musical efforts regardless of the ability level. I personally get enjoyment out of watching members musical abilities improve as the years roll on. And if I can somehow contribute to that maturation process, then I feel I'm here for the right reasons.

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I don't know....:-k


When it comes to a members music I always look for the positive. As long as there's an effort to sound good' date=' it will always get a positive review from me.


I feel we should be encouraging members to post their musical efforts regardless of the ability level. I personally get enjoyment out of watching members musical abilities improve as the years roll on. And if I can somehow contribute to that maturation process, then I feel I'm here for the right reasons. [/quote']


Duane why would anyone want to get better if what they are doing sounds like crap but they

are being told it's great. This just sets them up to fall. They'll go out thinking they sound

good and fail. Encouragement is a good thing but your not telling the truth is not good at all

When I see that happen I start to wonder does he really think it's good he sure doesn't know

much if he thinks thats good. They are doing this in the schools now. Pass or pass what the




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I can usually tell the difference between "sucks" and "good", but I've posted a few things here hoping that those with more miles on you, as you say, would point out areas for improvement in something I already consider solid.


I got a good suggestion about writing more variety into the drum part of a song I posted a while back, and I like the song even better now.


Is that lame? I didn't realize.


I've done that sort of things with peers in all kinds of fields for as long as I've been creating. Once I've spent a certain amount of time on the same essay/story/website/ad copy/song, I start to feel like I'm not really seeing it anymore. You can take a week away from it and come back with fresh eyes/ears... or you can ask someone who is fresh to look at it and speed things along. But maybe the internet just isn't the venue for that...

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Duane why would anyone want to get better if what they are doing sounds like crap but they

are being told it's great. This just sets them up for a fall. They'll go out thinking they sound

good and fail. Encouragement is a good thing but your not telling the truth is not good at all

When I see that happen I start to wonder does he really think it's good he sure doesn't know

much if he thinks thats good. They are doing this in the schools now. Pass or pass what the





To me it's not a "truth" issue here.... it's more of a perception.


Most everyone wants to improve, but it's not my place to discourage...... Certainly if you want to tell someone they sound like "crap" then shout away, but I'm not that type of musician.

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To me it's not a "truth" issue here.... it's more of a perception.


Most everyone wants to improve' date=' but it's not my place to discourage...... Certainly if you want to tell someone they sound like "crap" then shout away, but I'm not that type of musician.[/quote']


It's not a truth issue so what would you call telling a person they sound great when they don't. Their perception

will be I'm doing good when their not. So tell me MR. MUSICIAN how would you tell them they sound like crap

because I hate to tell you this but not all people are good musicians. Read Cruz's post again and we wouldn't

dare say anything about anyone look what happens when we aren't even talking about someone..



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To me it's not a "truth" issue here.... it's more of a perception.


Most everyone wants to improve' date=' but it's not my place to discourage...... Certainly if you want to tell someone they sound like "crap" then shout away, but I'm not that type of musician.[/quote']


I wouldn't tell anyone they sounded like crap. I don't want to discourage anyone, but suggestions may be helpful. If they say "Here is me playing, I am the best" I would say good stuff. If they say "What do you think of this? I played with it and suggestions are welcome" I would try to do constructive criticism, point out the good things, then say what can be worked on.


I don't tell any musician they suck, because they can most often do something better than I can. It's just different.


I don't think anyone here wants to go off and just say that everyone sucks or sounds like crap :-k

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Actually, no you can't be as objective as someone not making the music. Or at least, very few people can be honestly objective about their own work. After a certain point, that is. I've always tried to follow the "don't let others hear it/read it until it sounds like I want it to." Perhaps it's because my first live performances were as a magician, where your act was completely polished before you stepped in from of an audience... or else!


Example: I could post some of my dinking around practice sessions I've recorded, and you'd get a good idea of my tone and where I am with respect to playing tight enough to play out again, but when I practice I'll stop and rework rough spots over and over again. This = "teh suck" to listen to, so I won't post it for general consumption.



But, my Momma told me if you can't say nothing nice, don't say nothing at all, so I'm just sayin' that there are certain "artists" on this Forum (and others) who, by posting up, have given me great hope for getting back out and playing for a living.


Was that nice enough?

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It's not a truth issue so what would you call telling a person they sound great when they don't. Their perception

will be I'm doing good when their not. So tell me MR. MUSICIAN how would you tell them they sound like crap

because I hate to tell you this but not all people are good musicians. Read Cruz's post again and we wouldn't

dare say anything about anyone look what happens when we aren't even talking about someone..





what sounds great to me, may not be the case for you.

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what sounds great to me' date=' may not be the case for you.[/quote']


No Duane I think we know bad (I'm using bad instead of crap to describe the music I would never say

that to another musician) Bad playing is bad no matter how you cut it. Here's the kicker. They can

improve but they need to told what they are doing wrong. If they're not told and led to believe they are

doing great they won't improve.



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