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Your best friend

Silenced Fred

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My best friend is my wife and after all these years together I can't think of anyone else I'd rather be with.


She's cool with my guitars and friends are amazed when I get some serious GAS and she just says "If ya want it get it."


Just got back from Jamaica vacation we took to celebrate 29 years together.

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In 1988 we were given Buddy's.... umm.... great aunt maybe? Anyway, she had her registration application but had never been registered. She was born in 1981! So she was 7 years old when she got registered. She was Missy Wooferpup. She died in 1989 and I bought Roxie, who was two years old and never registered, so she was registered as Roxie Wooferpup. She got hit by a car (hit and run) in 1995. We had bred her in 1990 (9 pups!) and one of her descendants had a litter in 1996. They would be Roxie's great-great grandchildren. I called and they were all spoken for except one male... Buddy.

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Well, the closest thing I have to a best friend is a dude who I've known since I was about ten, but we ended up going to different high schools, and because we live pretty far away from each other I rarely see him. Lately it seems like he prefers to hang out with his better, cooler, more interesting friends. Maybe one day he'll decide I'm worth his time again and it'll be like old times. I still talk with him from time to time (phone calls, instant messaging, texting and the occasional email,) but I haven't seen him in person for a good while (though not for lack of trying,) and to be honest I wonder if he even cares anymore. It's not like he's swamped with work or anything--I see on Facebook all the time that he's out doing things with other friends and so on. I suppose I thought that we were closer than we actually were.


As for high school, I've been more or less a social failure--I am, for all intents and purposes, a complete and utter social retard. I have a few friendly acquaintances, mostly people I say the occasional few words to in the hallways and intermittently during classes, but I haven't managed to develop strong friendships during high school at all. I spend most of my evenings and weekends either alone or hanging out with my brother--which is usually fun, but sometimes a task in and of itself because of the age difference and a few other factors that make it a challenge at times. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I can't seem to relate to people, and I don't know why. I think to myself that making friends shouldn't be this hard, that I don't know what I'm doing wrong and why it's so easy for other people. I guess that at some point I just lost the ability to relate to other people. Maybe I never had it in the first place.


I'm not asking for pity. I'm not trying to use this to make friends or to gain sympathy or to fish for compliments. I'm just calling attention to the fact that for some people it's not so easy to find friends. College isn't looking too good either. I'm afraid there's a chance that I may spend the rest of my life lonely and isolated. It's not a fun or easy existence.

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XDemon, I dont pity you at all I sympathize. Within my school I have no friends. I live in a rather upscale city and the kids in my school generally have a false sense of entitlement because they have BMWs that "daddy" bought them. Yes there are good ones but they're more acquaintances than anything else. I have friends from the surrounding schools. Generally they're girls, a few guys. I've never gotten along well with guys (schocker eh? ;P).


To the point of the thread now...


My "best" friend unfortunatley moved to Michigan a few years ago. We talk regularly though. Shes 18 and honestly never met someone who was so easy to talk to. She speaks fluent Japanese (randomly picked it up a couple years ago... for no apparent reason). She's had it extremley rough... some stuff I dare not tell.. But she's awesome despite such hardships. Best friend I've ever had by far.


XDemon I'd hang with you [blink]


As for the pics of dogs in this thread.... I melted looking at every one.... My dog's name is Pepper and he's awesome. Makes me smile. First impression, I knelt down scratched his head, he looked at me went into a bush and broughtout a sock ball.... he dropped it at my feet. I've loved him ever since [-(. He's the Australian shepherd in my Avatar.

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