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In The House!


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LOL! Hey, Todd, thanks for the welcome! Good to see you, too.


Doin' fine, thanks. Just sorta watchin' the grass grow. :-k Had a nice, quiet, uneventful 4th except for the bear on the porch. Sonalagun ruint the hummingbird feeder and spread garbage all through our woods. Think I'm gonna hafta put some #6 in the 12 ga. and scare the bejeesus outta him. He's getting to be a problem.


How's stuff with you?

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I remember when I lived in the eastern sierras. Old stinky would come creeping along after dark to sniff through the garbage cans. We weren't allowed to put the garbage out and leave it. We had to put it in the bin and lock it.

My neighbor had an apple sitting in the back of his chevy pickup—locked away tight under the shell—an old stinky just about destroyed the rear end of that pickup truck.

I know what ya' mean when a bear becomes a pest, ya' gotta get rid of him cause he'll be back for sure.

Things are good with me. We went to look at a house yesterday. We're going to put an offer in on it tonight. It's on an acre and is about 2,900 square feet.

We've watched it drop in price from $700,000 to $549.000. Californiagirl sure likes it. Most of the other houses in the neighborhood are very expensive. All I have to do is pour a patio and put in a back yard. Well, that and build some storage units for the garage.

My garden's doing OK. Things are growing. Tomatoes, squash, zucchini, cucumbers on a trellis, pumpkins, Anaheim Chilies, Jalepenos, golden bell peppers and a couple of them California orange-bud-skunk hybrids I crossed a couple of years ago.

Nothing real big though. Have to keep it low key. So I train them to grow low. I don't top 'em, I just bend them a little.

Anyway, things are good.

Sounds like you have your hands full.

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I wanna watch grass grow too!! Nice to see you Cruz!!!


LOL! Hey, John, wassup? It's not ALL fun and games in the farming biz, y'know. Every 10 days or so I hafta turn the irrigation on and watch the water run. :-k


Good to see you, too, mon.

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Garden sounds good, Todd. Our Spring ran real late this year, making our comparitively short growing season even shorter. By this time next month everything will be going into flowering (in my garden, not Gramma's) and we've only been out a few weeks. Lots of local peeps went out too soon, resulting in some plants that went into early flowering due to the cool nights and overcast days. Now they're going back into veg and won't be any good at all by harvest. Made for some very interesting prices on cuttings. Glad I was patient and overstocked.


The Bear is actually 3 bears. Our local female has never been a problem, just coming 'round once or twice a year and doing little more than knocking the garbage over. But now there's a new, larger male who has an unpleasant disposition, and a juvenile who's developing some habits that could cost him his life. Local authorities are strapped for funds and can't send a trapper. State says "deal with it". I don't cotton to killing critters, never have. But the male and the juvenile are completely unafraid of civilization, coming right up to the sliding door on the back porch. It's just a 1/4" of glass...[blink] I can scare 'em off by yelling...right now. But they're getting hep to the fact that they're not getting really bothered by anything here and are getting bolder. The male has caused some damage to the garden fence and chicken-coop. I can't have him tearing my place up. Hate like hell to kill him, though. I'm hoping the local "Wildlife Images" folks will be some help.


Life in the mountains! :-

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Hey, Rick, I've been thinking about you, mon, how ya been? I managed to get the new Metzelers on the scoot and get some miles in over the last few weeks, whenever I could squeeze some time outta the chore schedule. S'posed to be near 90 today and I'm outta work for the rest of the day, so you know where I'll beeeeeeeeeee!


Good to see you, compadre, I'll stop by over there later.

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Glad things are going (mostly) well. Sorry about the bear stuff. I hope the shotgun "spanking" works to teach 'em a lesson.


And I understand that watching the grass grow is more... interesting... if that's not the only use you put it to... ;-)

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Glad things are going (mostly) well. Sorry about the bear stuff. I hope the shotgun "spanking" works to teach 'em a lesson.


And I understand that watching the grass grow is more... interesting... if that's not the only use you put it to... ;-)


Hey' date=' Hwy9, how ya been, mon? Good to see you. Yeah, the bear thing is gonna get intense before it's all over, I'm afraid. Hopefully the sanctuary will be some help. If not, there's lots of folks out here who'll eat bear meat if given the opportunity.


Last year's grass makes the waiting and watching of this year's much more enjoyable. [blink

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Sounds to me like you need a couple large dogs Cruzn.

The bigger and badder the better.

Maybe a couple of bull mastifs?

I wouldn't want to kill a bear either, but if I it's a choice between my stuff and the bear, the bear's going to lose.

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Sounds to me like you need a couple large dogs Cruzn.

The bigger and badder the better.

Maybe a couple of bull mastifs?

I wouldn't want to kill a bear either' date=' but if I it's a choice between my stuff and the bear, the bear's going to lose.[/quote']


Todd, we bring all our critters in at night due to the cougars. LOL! There are a few dogs that will keep the cats and bears off the place but, to be honest, I'm just not interested in that kind of responsibility anymore. And our Lab is little more than a lap-dog, she sees the bear through the window and just goes back to sleep. I think we'll hafta get up close and personal with the bear if the destructive behavior continues.


I've seen a couple of the traps the county trappers use. They're big, steel boxes, all bent to hell after the first use. I don't think I wanna have a go at trapping one. [blink]


I make the same distinction as you when it comes to prioritizing bears vs. my stuff. We leave the outdoors to the critters at night but I won't let 'em ruin the place.

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How ya been, Dom? Nice to see you.


The way I figger it, we're living in THEIR neighborhood so I'm reluctant to be too impatient. But we've done everything we can to eliminate ourselves from their roaming patterns and discourage them from returning. I guess we'll have to get a bit more pro--active...ammonia balloons are one non-lethal possibility.

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How ya been' date=' Dom? Nice to see you.


The way I figger it, we're living in THEIR neighborhood so I'm reluctant to be too impatient. But we've done everything we can to eliminate ourselves from their roaming patterns and discourage them from returning. I guess we'll have to get a bit more pro--active...ammonia balloons are one non-lethal possibility.[/quote']

I been good, got me a strat, possible the best gugitar I've ever played...


Gotta hate this 100 degree (37.77 C) weather....


Humans are everywhere, we're bound to meet up with bears every now and again :-$

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I been good' date=' got me a strat, possible the best gugitar I've ever played...


Gotta hate this 100 degree (37.77 C) weather....


Humans are everywhere, we're bound to meet up with bears every now and again :P


Thats as hot as by me..........except its like that everyday....except the night

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