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so i have hit a bit of a slump... dont feel muck like playing... my 8track digital recorder is backordered & MORE WEEKS!!! WTF... it has already been since like march1 or something...


i was really looking forward tomixing tracks and layering... im not the greatest player but im pretty decent... hit sort of a musical slump with playing and jaming with cds....


what to to?


dont wanna get into a long slump like i have in the past...

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Whenever I hit a "snag" like that...I either find others to jam with...hopefully better, to much better than I am,

so I'll learn somenthing, and/or even go in a bit different direction. One can always come back, but..it's important,

(I think) to push your boundries! Even the styles....try some Jazz, or Funk, Country, or even "Metal," if your not doing

that? OR, I simply walk away from it, for a peroid of time. Find another interest, to pursue...it's amazing how

fast the urge comes back, and what kinds of inspirations, you may find, in completely unrelated areas! Boredom

comes from not being "challanged!"


But, that's just what I do.



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I would either:


a) start learning a new type of music or learning a different band's songs,

:( start learning something really technical, like perfecting my scales or really working on blues/improvisation,

c) get a new effects pedal, especially a multi-effects pedal that will keep you occupied and maybe give you some creative ideas, or

d) get a new guitar!


One of those four things gets me over my hump every time.

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Took home a Digitech RP-50 tonight to goof around with. They're basically a discontinued model so the distributor is dumping them for a ridiculous price. I figure at the very least it's like a nice easy-to-use drum machine, should provide some inspiration compared to just playing alone. Hell I might just keep it.

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Since I have spent many years working with electronics (although its been a few years), I doing something related to that.

Some projects are really easy and can be made by someone with little or no previous experience.

I just built a Jordan Bosstone that sounds cool. Trying to get a Dallas Arbiter to work, but so far no go. Probably gonna drop that one (or try another design), or build a Tone Bender.

What I would really like to build is the fuzz sound from "Spirit In The Sky" but so far, no one seems to be able to create one. Supposedly the original was built into Norman Greenbaum's guitar by his tech.

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D. get a new guitar. I think once your recording deck comes you'll have a lot of fun with it. I have a zoom 8 track and its a gas to screw around with , but there is a learning curve so hang in there. Stan.

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Everyone get like that every now and then,

So for me i`ll head out to a jam night sometimes just to

listen.but i always take a bass and a six string with me .

never know who i might get up a jam with...

awhile back Jason from the band C4 grabbed me to jam

he drove over seventy miles to come jam.

Just wanted something different then in chicago.

fun heading into a different area just to see ..

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Try busking.


IMHO' date=' there is nothing like bare naked on the street corner to teach crowd teasing and pleasing.



And like CharlieBrown said. Get out or bring in others to jam with; preferably better players than yourself... I remember "sitting in" on my nights off with other groups in the area and finding it a challenge because 1. they were far better than I was and I really had to dig to stay with them or 2. they were still searching and that challenged me again, to stay with them and still add to what they were doing... Recording on your own is a good thing to do, but its one sided and there's nothing wrong with that, but working with others can really put you in your place and enhance your ability to intentionally adapt either way....... All challenges are good - I always liked to get out in front of a crowd or with a different kind of music to get above those "straight lines" on a plateau.............J

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I totally agree, Jepi! That has been the biggest Boon, to my playing....getting involve with the "open mic" gang, that I

Jam with, every other Friday night! We have our "core" group, but it's always a bit different, every time, due to the

many local musicians, that join us. Some are not quite up to par, other's are amazing! So, that in itself, will force one

to adapt, and grow. Playing in front of people, kicks your butt, into getting beyond yourself, and your precieved stong

points, and weaknesses, too. It can be both exhilarating, and humbling, as well. That's always a GOOD thing, IMHO!

Keeps one "grounded," and fresh, too. Also, what you can do, in your living room, bedroom, by yourself, isn't always

what happens, in front of an audience. "Nerves" and the associated adrenaline rush, can be a bust, or a boon, depending

on how one handles it, and your experiences, "live!" Also, with all this wonderful technology, I find that I'd much rather

hear a band, or single performer "Live," (at least, initially) than on CD...to see how they "Really" sound?


Anyway, just some thoughts.



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I'm just the opposite, in the past I was in bands and jammed around, but now I like to be holed up in my man cave doing my own thing. With the help of my 8 track recorder i'm a one man band. I write my own songs and record the drums, bass, rhythm guitar and backing vocals on CDs. I do rarely play for others, But I enjoy doing it for my self.To each his own I guess.Stan.

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I'm just the opposite' date=' in the past I was in bands and jammed around, but now I like to be holed up in my man cave doing my own thing. With the help of my 8 track recorder i'm a one man band. I write my own songs and record the drums, bass, rhythm guitar and backing vocals on CDs. I do rarely play for others, But I enjoy doing it for my self.To each his own I guess.Stan.[/quote']


You bring up a good point Stan. I think that plateau bugger can show it's head both ways... You jam with the same band or mulitple bands so much, that you need to do some "wood shedding" on your own to get over that jammin' plateau. Weird deal........J

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