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a little help..


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I am getting constant profane and insulting messages from


though he's stopped pm'ing me here. Probably ordered to.

And is kicked out of Epiwiki.

He now sends emails.


Apparently it is through his complaint that I can't offer any more guards, etc in the forums.


Two emails today, saying as much, in between his lousy spelling, terrible grammar and absurd swearing.


I don't mind not being able to sell anything here. If that's what EpiForums Mods want.. I'm cool with that.


But I've had it with this guy.


And I think his complaints ought to be counterbalanced by something other than my messages to the moderator.


So, this time I'm asking for some help.


If any of you would be kind enough to take the time to pm the moderators of this forum, and offer only your own honest appraisal of my behavior in this group, I would be most appreciative.


I have offered to leave the forum permanently if they would boot fubar as well.


I don't think he cares about this forum, you, me or even himself.


No matter what other arguments we've seen in here, nothing has compared to the animosity, irrationality, and rudeness this guy has exhibited.


I don't know how to get him out of my email yet.

I'm forwarding his emails and pms to the authoritys, hopefully that will do it.


Telling me he'll come to my house, contact my family members, and that I will never be rid of him, is just

bonkers completely.

All he has to do is return my tuners for a full refund, plus return shipping costs.

I already repaid him for the guard which he claims he never got.

I don't believe him and I'm not going to give him free tuners, too.


I don't want to see this thread grow. It would be only a disruption and I prefer a more sane place to talk guitars.

So no replys here, please.


But I do ask for you assistance.


Thanks very much.



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To be honest TWANG, you're a nice and helpful guy. However you were half responsible for it escalating out of control, and to mention some of your pals at epiwiki forum didnt help matters any by pouring more fuel into the fire, by linking a thread from their site to here, =D> ...


If I were in your position, I would have just sent him (Fubar) his money back and just take the loss of $60.... Hell I would have purchased $100 worth of items from you to help you make up for that financial hit.


Fubars behavior was inexcusable, however by you making business transactions public has made me think twice about doing business with you.

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I didn't expect any replys to this, and didn't want any.


tflanster, if hotmail has that I haven't found out how to use it yet. I'll give it a shot.


duane, all I did was let him know that I'd stand behind him. In reply to his post. Which was, as I see it now, just bait.

In fact, it was he who escalated all of this, and he who took it to epiwiki, not me.

I don't remember linking to epiwiki in here, ever, for any reason. I probably did mention that he'd been there.

Your take on this is wrong as to my purpose and intent. I offered to do what any business would do, and more, and he went over the top in

every way.

True, he did get my goat for a couple of pms, but that's about it.

I cannot see how you can view me as culpable as him.

It's a question of principle. On top the profanity, and threats, emails, different forums, there is a simple thing.. I sent the wrong tuners.

Standard practice is well known. Send them back, get a refund. it's still all he has to do.

I offered new, better more costly tuners, and a gift as apology. He refused. He still wont send back the tuners.

I'm not about to take that much grief off someone, and then do them a favor beyond what anyone would reasonably expect.

If you feel the way you do, then tell the epiphone moderators. All I asked for was an honest opinion pm'd to them.


thanks for your input.


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as the saying goes.... "victims aren't we all."


If I was a mod during that scenario, the both of you would have received a 3-day vacation when the the initial "tuner" thread was spawned.


Time for you to move on from the incident and consider deleting the contents within this post... It really has no place here.

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I didn't expect any replys to this' date=' and didn't want any.


tflanster, if hotmail has that I haven't found out how to use it yet. I'll give it a shot.


duane, all I did was let him know that I'd stand behind him. In reply to his post. Which was, as I see it now, just bait.

In fact, it was he who escalated all of this, and he who took it to epiwiki, not me.

I don't remember linking to epiwiki in here, ever, for any reason. I probably did mention that he'd been there.

Your take on this is wrong as to my purpose and intent. I offered to do what any business would do, and more, and he went over the top in

every way.

True, he did get my goat for a couple of pms, but that's about it.

I cannot see how you can view me as culpable as him.

It's a question of principle. On top the profanity, and threats, emails, different forums, there is a simple thing.. I sent the wrong tuners.

Standard practice is well known. Send them back, get a refund. it's still all he has to do.

I offered new, better more costly tuners, and a gift as apology. He refused. He still wont send back the tuners.

I'm not about to take that much grief off someone, and then do them a favor beyond what anyone would reasonably expect.

If you feel the way you do, then tell the epiphone moderators. All I asked for was an honest opinion pm'd to them.


thanks for your input.




Twang, I said wayyyyy back that open selling isn't a good idea in any forum and this here is exactly why. No one ever said you couldn't PM potential buyers needing parts and tell them you can middle man the All Parts stuff (see how I got you a plug there without even saying you were a dealer? )...as someone who has on countless times been drawn into the kind of crap we saw here, I have to reiterate that open selling doesn't work...and if you really want to be a dealer you're going to quickly learn that every tenth customer isn't happy and every hundredth customer wants to skull-boink you and eat your children for some easily-solved, simple screw up and it's a bit different when they're standing across the counter from you then it is in some chicken-sh1t email.....welcome to the world of small business.



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Hey twang just ignore that guy man !! he's an a$$h###..the next time he sends you a message in your hotmail just go to the Options on you hotmail inbox on the top right. there under Options there is another option as More Options..after you go to more options..there is JUNK EMAIL option on that press safe and blocked senders after that press block senders and then type in the e mail that you want to block and add it to the list..from next time you'll have no problems....



Options > More Options > Junk E-mails > Safe and Blocked Senders > Blocked Senders


i'd say ignore that guy...

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Fubar has been booted, but your still here??? so all we are getting to hear is your side of this tale.........he was told this was not the place to air a sour deal and to take it off line, I suggest you do the same and that the moderator yanks this thread as it has no place here.........we came here to talk guitars not listen to your sour business deals.

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Being a businessman myself I know there are occasions where you've just got to 'take the loss'. If $60 puts you in a financial strait then your business is belly-up whether you know it or not (I know that's not the case).


Take the $60 hit & be done with it. Be happy it was only $60. The last time I got 'fubarred' it cost my company $22 grand.


You've already suffered way more than $60 worth of grief over this.


When you do business with the public it's inevitable you're gonna encounter a fubar now & then.


Besides, if you send him the $60 & he continues to hassle you then you might have legal grounds to counteract.

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I didn't expect any replys to this' date=' and didn't want any.[/quote']

The members here have done you a favor.


They have replied because they care. (one way or another)

The forum was very active when you posted. Had none replied, your post would probably have been relegated

to the second page within an hour with very few viewings.


Tflanster replied only minutes after you posted. Your post was already half way down the page with very few

viewings. Your only alternative, if you wanted it read by most of the members, would have been to keep bumping it back to the top.


On the same subject of "rotating posts". The members that respond to Nike spam (and I am as guilty as anyone)

complain about the spam...but...it just sends the post back to the top. Are we getting our frustrations out or just

shooting ourselves in the foot?

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Twang..........I ran my own repair (gunsmithing) business for years before the stress became too much to

handle. Too many people wanted the "3 way repair" 1.Perfect2.Instant3.Free.


It seems to me that Fubar went into this hoping to "boink" you out of some free "goodies".

My experience was that at least 1 in 4 customers will try to wrangle a "something for nothing"

deal out of any repairman they use.(Its what they do for giggles).


I say SCREW this guy.....don't send him a penny, he already has the guard, the knob, the tuners, and

heaven only knows how often he does this to somebody.


Abusive/harrassing communications ARE against the law, and from what you say, he's stalking you now.

Keep turning his communications in to the authorities, and send them to his online server as well.

Find out what can be done(it varies state by state) about his threats, and then prosecute .

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Twang..........I ran my own repair (gunsmithing) business for years before the stress became too much to

handle. Too many people wanted the "3 way repair" 1.Perfect2.Instant3.Free.


It seems to me that Fubar went into this hoping to "boink" you out of some free "goodies".

My experience was that at least 1 in 4 customers will try to wrangle a "something for nothing"

deal out of any repairman they use.(Its what they do for giggles).


I say SCREW this guy.....don't send him a penny' date=' he already has the guard, the knob, the tuners, and

heaven only knows how often he does this to somebody.


Abusive/harrassing communications ARE against the law, and from what you say, he's stalking you now.

Keep turning his communications in to the authorities, and send them to his online server as well.

Find out what can be done(it varies state by state) about his threats, and then prosecute .[/quote']

I have to agree with this. The kind of behavior that Fubar has shown suggests to me that he is doing it because it has worked for him in the past with others. It has nothing to do with you other than something arriving late in the mail gave him an opening and he seized it. How you want to deal with it is up to you, but this is the type of thing that makes him feel good.

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Fubar has been booted' date=' but your still here??? so all we are getting to hear is your side of this tale.........he was told this was not the place to air a sour deal and to take it off line, I suggest you do the same and that the moderator yanks this thread as it has no place here.........we came here to talk guitars not listen to your sour business deals.[/quote']


you are fubar.

You got booted.

now I'm letting the moderators know you wangled your way back.

You've been sending me profane hotmails for days now.




and your buddys arguments don't impress me.

It's pretty obvious there are some sour grapes in here.

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If he returns my tuners, I'll give him money back.


I said it before, it's a question of principle.

I didn't 'drag' anything in here, I honestly replied to his problem and admitted my mistake and some of you

clearly are silly saying that I did otherwise.

Furthermore, I gave him his money on the guard, and we all know he got it.

ricmon99 IS foobar and is reported to the moderators. bye foobar.


I'm not going to be extorted by anyone.


My business is fine, thanks.


I'm reporting all his activitys.

I'd like the thread to end now, please.

I didn't intend for it to keep going.


So I'll restate and let's all drop it.

No money until he returns the tuners.

I'll even give him his shipping.


My bet is he used or sold the tuners already and can't do that.

My bet is he got the pickguard and swithtip, too.


He's deleted from pm'ing me here.. mods have booted him, not me.

he's sent me emails as ricmon99, so I reported that handle as well.

Mods will check the isp and foobar will have to have a new handle.

He's booted from epiwiki as well.

He ran a nasty scam. he suckered in what are probably otherwise good people who likely didn't dig me in the

first place and he more than likely has a fan or two in here of his own.


But for me, that's the end of it.

I'll report him to authoritys as he continues and I simply am not going to give him any more attention.

Please end this thread with this post.

I wont reply again.


thanks to all.



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you are fubar.

You got booted.

now I'm letting the moderators know you wangled your way back.

You've been sending me profane hotmails for days now.



I was thinking this same thing the other day. I usually stay out of these posts, but I take issue with personal harrassment. Do exactly what Bender4Life said. Keep sending his emails to the authorities, report him to his ISP, and ALSO repost him to his email provider if it differs from his ISP. If his email provider and ISP are different and you dont know how to find who his internet service is, there are ways to extract that info from the meta-data sent in his emails.


EDIT: Sorry Twang, i posted this before I read you last post.

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