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What!! I don't believe this was able to leave the factory


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BTW Nelson & CB you've likely just forgotten -- Howard Beales was shot "on air" by the Ecuminical Liberation Army -- "the 1st known person to be assassinated for bad ratings." Terrific movie and cast.


You have meddled with the primal forces of nature' date=' Mr. Beale, and I won't have it, is that clear?! You think you have merely stopped a business deal -- that is not the case! The Arabs have taken billions of dollars out of this country, and now they must put it back. It is ebb and flow, tidal gravity, it is ecological balance! You are an old man who thinks in terms of nations and peoples. There are no nations! There are no peoples! There are no Russians. There are no Arabs! There are no third worlds! There is no West! There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multi-variate, multi-national dominion of dollars! petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars!, Reichmarks, rubles, rin, pounds and shekels! It is the international system of currency that determines the totality of life on this planet! That is the natural order of things today! That is the atomic, subatomic and galactic structure of things today! And you have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and you will atone! Am I getting through to you, Mr. Beale?


You get up on your little twenty-one inch screen, and howl about America and democracy. There is no America. There is no democracy. There is only IBM and ITT and AT&T and Dupont, Dow, Union Carbide and Exxon. Those are the nations of the world today. What do you think the Russians talk about in their councils of state -- Karl Marx? They pull out their linear programming charts, statistical decision theories and minimax solutions and compute the price-cost probabilities of their transactions and investments just like we do. We no longer live in a world of nations and ideologies, Mr. Beale. The world is a college of corporations, inexorably determined by the immutable by-laws of business. The world is a business, Mr. Beale! It has been since man crawled out of the slime, and our children, Mr.Beale, will live to see that perfect world in which there is no war and famine, oppression and brutality --one vast and ecumenical holding company, for whom all men will work to serve a common profit, in which all men will hold a share of stock, all necessities provided, all anxieties tranquilized, all boredom amused. And I have chosen you to preach this evangel, Mr. Beale.


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Wow...I thought we were talking about the guitar not social injustices of the last century. Anyway, I would be more upset with the poorly fitted neck tenon than the paint job. Although, I would also be upset with that. Couldn't that neck become a major problem down the road?

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I love all the Epi's I have...they're all well made' date=' well finished, and great players. SO, it's not a matter of IF they can

do it...it's just if they WILL, continue to improve quality and QC! This incident is discouraging...but it might BE, just a

fluke?! I hope so...but even with Gibson, there's been more than a few I've seen, that were disturbing in the lack of

QC, that had to be present, to allow them out of the factory at all. But, mass produced guitars (products in general)

have those problems, now and then...it's part of the business. The thing is, WE (consumers) don't have to just accept

those items. It's not only our right to return them, it's our obligation, really...IMHO.




You're right, Charlie. Since Gibby ran off all of their 'mom&pop' dealers it's very apparent just how much of the 'quality' setup work was being done after the guitar left the factory. I've seen a disturbingly large number of Gibbys in GC that looked like sh!t quality-wise.


Boy, that Epi was terrible. I certainly don't own one anywhere near that bad (and I've looked into the pickup cavities & tenons in all of my epis and sure woulda sent back anything that looked that bad). Of course I've only got two Chinese Epis. All others are Korean (which I'm beginning to believe more & more are definitely one step better than their Chinese counterparts).

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Wish I could but it's past the 45 days.. that's a draw back for being on the road for work' date=' I'm never home. I was alright with the crappy paint job.. but really didn't take it apart until I wanted to change the PUPS this week. I wonder if I can shim that gap.


Well if you check this link out http://www.mylespaul.com/forums/epiphone-les-pauls/28373-top-black-custom.html[/quote']


Forget the 45 days. Epiphone like Gibson has a LIFETIME WARRANTY against workmanship and materials!


Did you build this one yourself?


Send it back that guitar is unacceptable!

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Hi Sinster,


Thanks for the post and the images. I'm sorry to hear that you're unhappy with your instrument. Please post up an image of the back of the headstock showing serial number and a copy of your receipt, I'll look into this issue personally and resolve it to your satisfaction.


Thanks again.


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Hi Sinster' date='


Thanks for the post and the images. I'm sorry to hear that you're unhappy with your instrument. Please post up an image of the back of the headstock showing serial number and a copy of your receipt, I'll look into this issue personally and resolve it to your satisfaction.


Thanks again.



Sorry about your guitar, Sinster, but it seems like Epi will step up. I am glad to see a company that handles their customers with respect. Thank you Epi!

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I know technically this should go in the acoustic section but it's just as relevant here.


I've recently been looking to get a new acoustic and had looked at a few in one of my local music shops (an Epiphone dealer and a fairly big UK chain). Having just about settled on an SJ200 I mentioned the Epi Dove which they didn't have on display. They said that they did in fact have one in stock and if I'd like to wait a couple of minutes he'd get it from the storeroom.


He duly appeared with a box which was still unopened since it left the factory/QC and proceeded to get the guitar out.


The quality of the internal finishing was abysmal - none of the braces appeared to have been sanded properly (there were bits of rough wood hanging off everywhere), the 'tape' or whatever it is they use at the bracing joints was badly applied and hanging away in places, plus the soundhole hadn't been finished underneath.


It DID have a QC sticker though!!


I can understand that small things can slip through but in this case the guitar was frankly atrocious and had either never seen an inspection or they are just aren't bothering.


I didn't buy the Sj200 they had either - looked and played lovely except for the fact that it had a whacking great knot in the side.

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Hi Sinster' date='


Thanks for the post and the images. I'm sorry to hear that you're unhappy with your instrument. Please post up an image of the back of the headstock showing serial number and a copy of your receipt, I'll look into this issue personally and resolve it to your satisfaction.


Thanks again.



Good for you, Epi1!


This is a real old thread, so you might want to pm Sinster.


Wish you hadn't redated the thread, though. The posts you removed were as relevant as some of the others you left in, imo. But hey, it's your sandbox, and I'm thankful to get play in it.


Red 333

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-Man, that is sad. My Unsung built Lester Classic is completely sweet except for a small rub in the stain on the neck heel before the clear was applied. But I look at it more like a birth mark for my guitar. I know it's mine as soon as I flip it over. Also the insides were neat and clean when I opened her up. I also used a multi-meter and check the continuity for any dead spot in the shielding, but all was good.




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Thanks for the post and the images. I'm sorry to hear that you're unhappy with your instrument. Please post up an image of the back of the headstock showing serial number and a copy of your receipt' date=' I'll look into this issue personally and resolve it to your satisfaction.




I have to say, I've seen worse...

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Hi Sinster' date='


Thanks for the post and the images. I'm sorry to hear that you're unhappy with your instrument. Please post up an image of the back of the headstock showing serial number and a copy of your receipt, I'll look into this issue personally and resolve it to your satisfaction.


Thanks again.



I have had issues in the past also and Gibson and Epiphone both took care of them to my full satisfaction.


Thank you again for your help and with Sinster's guitar.

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I sincerely believe the photos posted are not of an Epiphone. Either that or it's fake Epiphone.


Someone else tried to claim he had an Epiphone that was made of MDF. He posted photos of the guitar body, pickup and control cavities.... but never gave proof that the guitar was an actual Epiphone.


Everyone is so quick to believe what they read on the internetz.

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I sincerely believe the photos posted are not of an Epiphone. Either that or it's fake Epiphone.


Someone else tried to claim he had an Epiphone that was made of MDF. He posted photos of the guitar body' date=' pickup and control cavities.... but never gave proof that the guitar was an actual Epiphone.


Everyone is so quick to believe what they read on the internetz. [/quote']It is an Epiphone LP. This is a pic of the neck "tenon" of my '02 Epi LP standard Plus. Coincidence? I think not! And those "splotches" in the p/u cavity, were there when it was BRAND NEW! The only reasons I didn't complain are, because A.) it's an Epi, so i wasn't expecting it to be of high quality, and B.) the actual advertised price was $870.00, but I only paid $500.00 w/case, so I guess it was a good deal at the time.


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OMG! As soon as I saw these pictures I got scared. Why? Because just 4 weeks ago I bought the same guitar, same color, same year....same crappy factory.

I must say I was always "weak" for Fender, never for Epiphone. However, just 4 weeks ago I was searching for Fender '72 Telecaster Deluxe (there wasn't any) so I was convinced by the man at the music shop to try this Epiphone Les Paul Custom. I must say that I have no complain at its sound (which is most important) but, when buying one of the "fanciest" products from one company, you expect to have them try juuuust a little bit harder to make you happy.


Anyway, I removed the covers and boy, was there something to be seen. Here are the photos :









As you can see, it's almost same thing as in Sinsters'....


I must admit I am afraid to remove the PU's, I am shure I won't like what I see....and I could start hating this guitar...


Someone will say : go return it, but I must mention I am coming from Balkans, and "customer support" is just something you can't count on.

I should probably mention that I bought it at actual Gibson/EPiphone dealer in Croatia and payed around 800$ (650EUR) for it....


Well, for me, this is probably where my Epiphone purchase ends...it could be a fluke (yeah right), but I simply don't like that....right now, I am certain that worst MIM Fender will kick-*** off of this "craftsmanship"....



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Looking at some of the pics I understand some of your concerns but let's not get overboard with this stuff. You honestly expect them to spit and shine the routing-cavities??


well, "spit and shine" would be little too much but I expect them to take out the wood chips, yes.


Main problem is that this obvious issue raises further questions : what is the orevall quality of this guitar?



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If it plays well, feels good and looks good on the outside who cares about paint splodges and woodchips in the cavities unless it is affecting any of the above? It's an Epiphone afterall. Might have a case if this was Gibson but the reason they're so cheap at such high quality is because they're trying to get as many out as possible to keep the costs down and the brand successful. A bit of common sense sometimes goes a long way...

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Main problem is that this obvious issue raises further questions : what is the orevall quality of this guitar?



Well.. it's a Les Paul Custom copy made in China and selling for about a fifth of the cost of a genuine Les Paul. Just what level of quality were you expecting? When you start lifting covers and popping pickups on an Epiphone and then criticize the workmanship of areas that are normally invisible... well' date=' you're going way too far. What you have stumbled upon is not a quality issue; you've exposed the reason why a Gibson is a Gibson and an Epiphone... isn't. No; the deal you signed on for was for a guitar that looks reasonably similar to a Gibson Les Paul hanging on the wall. It kills me that you are[i'] surprised[/i] that it doesn't hold up to close scrutiny under a magnifying glass.


Live and learn, buddy.

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A woman walks into a butcher shop, picks up a chicken and proceeds to sniff under one wing, then the other. She sniffs under one leg, then the other. The butcher says to her, "Lady, would you pass such a test?"

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