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Signed up for Guitar Lessons

G McBride

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I am 57 years old and have been playing guitar since I was 13. I decided that I would take some formal lessons to try and improve myself. Anyone else do anything like this?


i had a teacher for 3 yrs when i first started at 18, i'm 33 now and seem to be doing ok by myself...he did say that at the end of the three years there wasn't much else he could teach me and that i have to go it alone (improvise), i do feel i lack in certain areas but then most players feel like that...i may take up some "refresher" lessons one day [cool]


good luck with the lessons G [thumbup]

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Thanks for the responses, looks like I am not the only one. The instructor I am getting is supposed to be one of their best. I have a friend that takes lessons from him and there are things he can do that I can not so I think I will learn something. I'll let you know how things progress.

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i am 47 bought a Les Paul in May and started taking lessons in June of this year. I think you can always continue to learn from others, whether it is music or not (I am an airline pilot, and still learn about flying from others). the age thing can be a hurdle, but not insurmountable. My mom is 73 and started learning spanish, and taking piano lessons.

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I am 57 years old and have been playing guitar since I was 13. I decided that I would take some formal lessons to try and improve myself. Anyone else do anything like this?


Good for you G! Go for it! Anything that enhances your ability as a musician should be applauded. I took a few lessons twice in my life, once at 14 and again at 32. Both time I quit to start a band and even though I probably learned less in the bands, I had a whole lotta fun!! But that’s just me. I am no technical player; I am in it for the jams on Saturday afternoons kicking back a couple brews with my boys, then playing out about once a month.


Good luck to you, keep us informed on how it’s going.

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My wife signed me up for a 14 week class at the Royal Conservatory of Music here in Toronto..


Its a beginner course which i am excited about since I am self taught! I know I have some bad habits to get rid of and I am looking forward to understanding the music I am playing!!

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My wife signed me up for a 14 week class at the Royal Conservatory of Music here in Toronto..


Its a beginner course which i am excited about since I am self taught! I know I have some bad habits to get rid of and I am looking forward to understanding the music I am playing!!


when do you start this course john?

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I am 57 years old and have been playing guitar since I was 13. I decided that I would take some formal lessons to try and improve myself. Anyone else do anything like this?


I'm 57. Took guitar lessons for a few years starting at 12. Played on and off 'til I was around 45. Picked it up seriously when I bought an LP. Played a lot for about 7 years until I taught myself all I could and started taking lessons again around 52. Got a great teacher. I am really glad I did cause I really like where I am now and I'm getting better every day.

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I started 2 years ago, I have a great instructor and really enjoy my lessons. We are starting adult jam sessions with groups of not more than 4 guitar players a drummer and bass player. We all will start with Stormy Monday (Allman Bros. version) and BB's The Thrill is Gone, for starters. I think it will be a great learning experience. OBW I am 59 and have been playing for a little longer than two years.

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Had my first lesson last night. Went real well and the instructor, Doug, can play and can teach in a way that I am comfortable.


He seems excited to have a player as advanced as I am so that we can move into different things quickly. Of course I have to learn scales and music theory a little but that is what I am lacking anyway.


We are probably going to learn a song each week also so that he can teach me to solo to different types of music while we are learning scales and theory. It will be nice to jam with someone that is good and can teach and not just show off.


I'll keep you updated.

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It's important that the instructor takes an interest in your progress, and challenges you when you need to, to keep you from getting lazy. I've been doing lessons for 2 years now, going back a week from today after taking some time off for the summer, I don't regret a single one, my playing skill and sound have increased exponentally since I started under his teaching.


Spike, it's really quite a shame that you'd let someone else almost ruin music for you, but then again you were young. One bad teacher is not a good enough reason to not try again with someone else at some other time.


If nothing else having someone to report to every week gives you another reason to improve since you want to show someone else what you can do instead of sitting in your home playing alone.


Great on you for taking the Lessons, G.

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My wife signed me up for a 14 week class at the Royal Conservatory of Music here in Toronto..



Do me a favor. Give you wife a big, wet, slobbery kiss [drool] from me. She in deed loves you very much. :wub:

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I'm 57. Took guitar lessons for a few years starting at 12. Played on and off 'til I was around 45. Picked it up seriously when I bought an LP. Played a lot for about 7 years until I taught myself all I could and started taking lessons again around 52. Got a great teacher. I am really glad I did cause I really like where I am now and I'm getting better every day.


First of all let me say congratulations to G McBride who started this thread. I hope you have a great teacher and have much success with your guitar lessons. Zigag, I also hear you, too, buddy. I'm 57 years old myself and have been playing guitar for a number of years. I always found myself improving when I had the time and money to

take lessons. I haven't for quite a number of years. I'm planning to retire from work sometime mid-2011, collect my pension and work part time. By then I'll be living

with my lady who's all in support of my going back to school and/or finding a good teacher and taking lessons again. What you said inspires me, Zigag, because that's what

I'm looking forward to, finding great teacher where I can be glad, like where I'm at, and get better every day. [thumbup]

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I'm looking forward to, finding great teacher where I can be glad, like where I'm at, and get better every day. [thumbup]



You're never too old to do what you love and playing and practicing is great for your head. You will not be sorry. I recommend you find a teacher who not only is a smart and experienced instructor, but also shares your musical interests. Good luck my friend.

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I am surprised at how many of us older pickers are taking lessons and wanting to improve. A friend told me that I could get all of this on youtube and I know that there is a lot of good stuff on there. I needed to play in front of someone better than me to improve. I needed the encouragement and the instruction on a personal level to continue to improve. Thanks for all the responses and good luck to all of you improving your playing skills.

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You're never too old to do what you love and playing and practicing is great for your head. You will not be sorry. I recommend you find a teacher who not only is a smart and experienced instructor, but also shares your musical interests. Good luck my friend.


Thanks, zigzag. When I get 'round to doing that I'll be living in Northern Dutchess County in NY State. Not far from Rhinebeck, NY,

which is a pretty artsy town, or Sharon, CN. Hopefully I can find a good teacher up in that neck of the woods. :)

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