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I did the right thing... (beware, long post)


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Hey guys, You know how I was going nuts trying to find a guitar to bring back to Spain with me... Well as it turns out I passed on some pretty dam nice looking R9's that I would have had to buy without playing. I was also looking for a black 57 reissue but couldn't put my hands on one either. When I first got to Boston I went to Guitar Center and told my guitar guy there what I was looking for but they didn't have anything either. I started looking on Ebay and Craigs list where I found some nice guitars but here again, it would have had to have been without playing them. Then I got a call from Rusty, my guy at GC and he said, I just pulled a Black Custom Shop out of the box and I thinik you should see it.... I was there before we hung up the phones....! It was gorgeous, Rusty pulls it off the wall and hands it to me.... Hmmm, meaty, great neck, great feel, heavier than my other LPs but felt great. Then I played it, it was a great one, the sound just rang out rich and full, I could feel the whole guitar resonate when I played a chord. I thought to myself this is it!!! But I didn't buy it that night. I had a buddy of mine looking for a Black 57 reissue and he was going to get back to me the next day... A couple of days go by and my buddy still couldn't find anything. I go into a local music store in my home town just outside Boston and ask where I might find a black 57 and I get a lead on a store in Boston called Mr. Music. I fly in town and find the store. They had some cool guitars including a 2005 black Custom Shop. The guitar was like new hardly any ware, no buckle rash, low action, played nice and the price was right, $2250.00 I would have bought that one but I noticed something wierd was going on in the head stock. The Gibson logo had an odd ring around it and the parallelogram inlay did also. When I ran my finger over the inlays it wasn't smooth and it looked funky. Guitar Center was close buy so I shoot over there and look at the Black Custom Shop again to compare. Its perfect, no rough spots, only thing is the action is a little high so they make a quick truss rod adjustment and hand it back to me. Its still a bit high so I lower the bridge a bit, re-tune and, there it is!!! I buy the guitar and leave GC a happy camper...


So guess what happens next, my buddy calls me the next day and says, Dave I found a black 57 V.O.S. a couple of towns away, maybe about a 45 minute drive. Doubt sets in... Did I do the right thing?? Guitar Center has a 30 day return policy so I think if I go see the guitar, and I like it, I can return the Custom to GC and get the 57. I had to do a map quest to find where the shop was and I went to see the guitar. There it was on the wall. The guy pulls it down and hands it to me. Right off I notice it's lighter, felt like my classic. Then I start looking at it, no shine, worn looking hardware and the binding is yellowed but it looks like someone took a yellow magic marker and went all over the binding and where the nut is the yellow is too yellow and doesn't match at all.... I handed the guitar back to the guy and tell him sorry it's not really what I'm looking for. I realized that I love my shinny, new, perfect Black Custom that will age nicely, hopefully with me... :-)

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Dave, you're an addict.

I say if you're happy with the one you got, stop thinking about the ones you could have had.

Otherwise, you'll always be searching.

With me anyways, part of the LP Custom appeal is the weight. I wouldn't want a light Custom...that's just madness!

If your Custom is around the 10lb mark, you have a good chunk of wood there!

If you're set on owning a '57 Custom, you can get them without the VOS finish. They are harder to find though and you may have to order one.


I understand your situation, how you're in the US and want to buy a guitar to take home.

The problem is you're rushing it and maybe not quite sure as to what you want exactly?

You want a Black Beauty...well, which Black Beauty, right?

I don't know, just my two cents.

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Of course you did the right thing. You bought a guitar you were happy playing. You had an

oppurtunity to get another guitar, if you need to return the first guitar you could.


You never know if you passed on the new guitar tried the V.O.S. and weren't happy and tried

to buy the new guitar, there could have been a chance it was sold.


So in the end you didn't lose.


Enjoy the new guitar.

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Classic GAS symptoms; lust' date=' indecision, sense of urgency w/ the [i']need[/i] for careful patience,

reaching out to friends.... even strangers for the next fix. Fun ain't it? Enjoy it!!!

(The Custom that is!)



That is the best description for GAS I've heard. +1 and hope you enjoy your new beauty Dave.

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Don't get me wrong guys... the whole point of the post was to share my happiness in my final decision. I love the the Black Custon, I love the weight, feel and sound... Everything! It was a good hunt :-) I'll post some more pics soon...

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