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This artist/band can do no wrong in your eyes...


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Leon Russell hasn't let me down, yet. I even liked the weird stuff on "Carny".


Zep for sure. Stevie Ray Vaughan never released a stinker while he was alive. The only one tune I didn't care for was the Title track off the Posthumously released "The Sky is Crying". His singing sounded forced and the leads were too close to Alberts original for my taste.

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I used to think some bands/artists could do no wrong. Like I used to think Gary Richrath could do no wrong, but looking back he could have used more "variety" in his solos. I still like what he does, but I'm not in awe as I used to be. However, he is the reason I picked up the electric guitar and why I dig Gibson Les Pauls, so in that sense he didn't do anything wrong. boo-yah-.gif[biggrin]

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Leon Russell hasn't let me down, yet. I even liked the weird stuff on "Carny".


Wow! Another Leon fan! I saw him back in the late '70s/early '80s. I've never seen a more energetic show. Have you heard his live CD with the New Grass Revival from '81? I bet he goes through a piano a year.

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Wow! Another Leon fan! I saw him back in the late '70s/early '80s. I've never seen a more energetic show. Have you heard his live CD with the New Grass Revival from '81? I bet he goes through a piano a year.

Yeah, that's a great album. He does everything at super sonic speed, I saw him in a little place called Pappy and Harriets about 5 years ago. He had a really good female singer with him and a pretty darn good band. He did a few Ray Charles tunes as well as his own stuff, and actually took his shades off when he took his bow at the end.


I've been listening to Asylum Choir since I can remember (actually Asylum Choir II, but I've never seen a copy of Asylum Choir I so I don't know if it was ever actually released).

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