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Chinese made Gothic line???

e/2 Explorer

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This is disturbing. Since when does Gibson allow Chinese manufacturers who spit out thousands of fakes be allowed to manufacture guitars to be sent back here to be assembled? You complain about the fakes and yet you give them business anyway? Seems like a double standard to me and a seriously flawed decision. Gibson is a US company that has always made guitars in the US. If this proves true, I am not sure what to think of a another iconic brand farming work out to China. It's just plain wrong. Is nothing sacred in this world anymore? What is Gibson thinking and why are they hand in hand with the fakers now

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OH BOY!!! This can't be true. This is going to be a hot thread for a short spell...I can't wait for the postings to begin...All I can say is that I am unaware that Gibson does any manufacturing overseas, and I won't research the subject. The more knowledgable guys will answer this. I expect my Epis to be made overseas, I'll buy MIM Fenders, but NEVER a foreign made Gibson.....NEVER.....Only over my cold dead Ampeg..[thumbdn][cursing][scared]](*,)

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I came upon this topic in a thread in the Dean Forum. Someone stated that the Gothic guitars are made in China now and sent back here to be assembled



Gibson already makes quite a few of their guitars in China and sends them here for assembly. All those gothics (not the epiphones either) i have seen made in china on the back of the headstocks


some companies even make their crap in china and but put the made in korea and japan stamp on their guitars now. Its difficult to trust anyone these days. makes me more gun shy buying site unseen anymore.


hell all the peaveys and marshalls are made in china now and assembled in the usa for peavey and england for marshall to keep their made in USA and England stamps on them. Some of them are made and assembled in china now. shruggs.

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It's always a gas when North Americans get on their soap box and rail against Chinese manufacturing and such, and then go out and support it anyway. Don't like it? Buy local and stop shopping at Wal-Mart.


And when you finally realize that it's your own fault for wanting lower prices while driving the jobs away maybe you'll stop whining about it.


My point of view on it? we keep giving China money they'll run into the same problems we already have here. China is well on its way to becoming a consumer market and not an exclusive manufacturing market.

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It's always a gas when North Americans get on their soap box and rail against Chinese manufacturing and such, and then go out and support it anyway. Don't like it? Buy local and stop shopping at Wal-Mart.


And when you finally realize that it's your own fault for wanting lower prices while driving the jobs away maybe you'll stop whining about it.


My point of view on it? we keep giving China money they'll run into the same problems we already have here. China is well on its way to becoming a consumer market and not an exclusive manufacturing market.

Good Points....people need reminding that they only get what they pay for

It's all related to the standard of living and wage expectation of USA/European consumers...... [thumbup]











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It's always a gas when North Americans get on their soap box and rail against Chinese manufacturing and such, and then go out and support it anyway. Don't like it? Buy local and stop shopping at Wal-Mart.


And when you finally realize that it's your own fault for wanting lower prices while driving the jobs away maybe you'll stop whining about it.


My point of view on it? we keep giving China money they'll run into the same problems we already have here. China is well on its way to becoming a consumer market and not an exclusive manufacturing market.


Good point, but it is a winless situation. What happens when you race to the bottom and then reach the bottom? And what will China do when they run out of markets to sell their cheap goods to? Think the average Chinese worker will scrape by on a dollar a day forever?

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No, communism only goes so far, especially when money is involved. China is already shifting loads of manufacturing to S.E Asia and more than likely in the future Africa. As they become more and more the middle man, and their cash flow increases so too does the demand for social welfare, cheap consumer goods, representation by population etc.


Yes there will always be workers in the world working for a dollar as long as we want dollar stores around for cheap everyday goods.


Yes it's horrible


No, there's not much we can do about it, it's the way our system works. Someone always loses.


On the other hand, it's not always the same people losing and winning, as it does shift naturally, based on all the stuff I mentioned above.


China is well on it's way to dealing with the same crap we are.


The shift might see some jobs sent back to N.A though, a renissance in local manufacturing and production, that'd be awesome, but who knows? I'm just predicting trends based on observation.

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I am just waiting for someone in the know to come on here and say that this is just totally untrue


Can you imagine a new Harley-Davidson with a made in China sticker? [thumbdn]


I understand that Gibson is having some financial troubles and on every forum, 85% or better people don't like the swiss cheese Explorer's and the chambered Les Pauls, reverse this and that, robot thingys etc... but at least hold to the defining virtue of a quality guitar made in America. That made in USA on the back of the headstock speaks loudly; "We are an American company employing American workers, we will not sell out our brand for low cost imports and give jobs to foreigners already busy producing fakes"

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No actually this is totally illegal and incorrect whats posted here. For your info the Marshall stuff made in the UK for the most part have the white binding adound the head and cabs and the overseas stuff is made in Vietnam now not china. Peavey's American made stuff is their 6505, JSX, Classic and Custom guitars.


I hate it when people quote crap with no backing or true info.


Hell reading this thread will cause the individual to get dry eyes due to the internal viruses in your PC because of this actual thread..... lol

Hey now! I don't think I fall into your description there!

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I read on another forum where somebody found a shipping receipt from China to Gibson on Massman Drive here in Nashville.


That post failed to realize Epiphone is owned by Gibson and that the Epiphone (where Epis are supposedly inspected) building is right next to the Gibson plant.


The deduction made was that Gibson was making guitar parts in China and assembling in the USA.


Since that post a lot of speculations and missinformation has been going around, all of this started by a young kid.


This is the internet

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Regarding posting the facts...


That's why I posed the question here. To dispell another rumor you go to the source right? No one is deriding China other then for obvious reasons as mentioned in many posts on here. I am not debating politics, economics or anything else, I simply asked if this is true. I also queried the member on the DF for images and other sources of information backing his claim. He is a longtime poster and normally is pretty accurate with information


I think a lot of members here would prefer Gibson to stay an all American company

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I guess it's true


Gibson already makes quite a few of their guitars in China and sends them here for assembly. All those gothics (not the epiphones either) i have seen say made in china on the back of the headstocks


I know you would not say something like that unless you have proof. All the older ones I have seen are definitely made in USA including the Explorer I almost bought a few years ago for $350 at a pawn shop


There is no reference on the Gibson site saying any official Gibson is being made in China


I posted your statement over on the Gibson Forum about seeing China on the back of the headstocks' date=' I hope your right since I expect the suits to reply to it[/quote']


you are correct. I had one I got from musicians friend. Made in china. was ticked so went to local shop to see if I got duped and their said made in china too. I sent it back. there was no way I was going to pay a grand for a guitar made in china for a 100 bux. It was also made of 4 plys of wood.

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Who cares about China and if Gibson is actually making guitars over there? There's been world shakin' news... the firebird X... yep, that's gonna save the company, the US, and ultimately the world.


I think the firbird x will unite republicans and democrats, christians and muslims, cannibals and tourists against it.

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With a gentle dig at their record on human rights from time to time....to keep them on their toes....... [wink]










I'm not a spokesman for China, they have a terrible human rights record. But the fact is we can not afford a war with them, we are better off with them as a trading partner. Our relationship with China goes back to the 1850's, it has only been since 1946 that we have been concerned with their human rights violations by China..

But if we were to ask the members of any tribe of native Americans their opinion about human rights violations, we may get a different take, one we go to great lengths to ignore.

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I'm not a spokesman for China, they have a terrible human rights record. But the fact is we can not afford a war with them, we are better off with them as a trading partner. Our relationship with China goes back to the 1850's, it has only been since 1946 that we have been concerned with their human rights violations by China..

But if we were to ask the members of any tribe of native Americans their opinion about human rights violations, we may get a different take, one we go to great lengths to ignore.



Very well said. [thumbup]

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