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Christmas Traditions or Gatherings

Artie Owl

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I know we've had the thread for the presents because we all turn into big kids this time of year, but what about the non present stuff for Christmas?


This might be a bit early for our American friends on here, being prior to their Thanksgiving and all, but I'll pose the question anyway; what are you looking forward to most this holiday season?


Me personally? It might be me getting older but I'm really looking forward to the get-togethers, with the family. I have a divided family like many people out there, so we have specific dates set aside for different wings of the family.


It starts Christmas Eve, where my Dad and Step mom and my brother and sister have their extended family and friends over for a smorgasboard of food and we all sit around the tree talking and laughing, watching the kids enjoy their new presents. It usually last for a good few hours and a guitar or two might make an appearance. Everything from Sea Food chowder, finger foods, dips, chips, and sweets, it is awesome.


Then Christmas, of course, spent with the future Missus where we exchange presents in a cozy apartment and lounge around for the morning/ afternoon. Typically Christmas day/evening is spent with the other part of my family (the ones that raised me) and we eat more food. More. Food. More traditional, hams and turkey and stuffing and spend another evening of putting toys together, finding where batteries go, playing tech support for the people who got phones or cameras or whatnot.


Boxing day is typically our own (Missus and I) to relax and not think about food, probably visit her side of the family that day, or on Christmas, not 100% sure yet.


I can't wait for all of it, but I hope it doesn't come and go too quicly either!


Anyone else? Maybe something new to you this Christmas even?

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I've wanted a Christmas on my own for many years now. I just want to have a quiet day. Just me and my dog.

Cuddle up on the sofa with a throw over us watching tv and peace. It never works out like that. Every one for years now has been utter misery.

Arguments etc.. I've got brothers and a sister. But I want to be on my own for once. My sons (27 + 30) say I'm boring. But I don't drink and want some peace.

I find it's always me clearing up and running about as others have been drinking.



Bah Humbug!!

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I have a small family that I see almost every week, but its still nice to get together at Xmas...


Just my mom and dad, my bro and his wife and my wife and I....and a total of 4 dogs...


Never any fights...just lots of smiling and love. We all get along so well and my folks LOVE both of our wives so it all works nicely.


Also, since my wife is jewish (sorta), there is no conflict for the holidays so that helps!


I'm looking forward to it....my wife and i usually go over to my folks on Xmas eve and watch a movie with them and stay over. My bro and his wife show up at around noon on Xmas day and we have brunch, and then finally get to opening prezzies.


Its a good time!

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I love Christmas! The gift giving is an extremely minimal aspect of it for me now. Best part,the family get togethers then all the decorations and the atmosphere, you can just feel the Christmas-yness. Decorations in the malls, setting up the trees and icicle lights wreaths, all the Christmas movies.


BTW when do you start decorating for Christmas if you do? I want to start but my parents told me its too early.....some people here have started already....I figure I'll wait till next weekend and then go crazy.

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We typically keep it low key on Christmas day and have the family over on the 26th. We're a pretty small family. About 18-20 including the kids partners. My man cave turns into a little restaurant, fully decorated.

I think the thing I'm looking forward to this year is a real tree. I've never had one and when I mentioned that to my wife she said we'll fix that this year.

My wife and I also have about 10 days off at the same time through the holidays so the break is really nice.

We'll have the traditional bon fire between Christmas and New Years. Always a crowd pleaser with as many as 25-40 people showing up at one time or another. A big batch of Chili and a few wobbly pops round out the day.

A great time of year.



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Shopping! I might have mentioned I'm a fair match to Santa.... I go aout, and while everyone around me is pissed off and stressed out, I'm smiling and "ho ho ho"ing and having a GREAT time. I get to take each of my boys out for some quality 1 on 1 time, and at least 1 trip where all three of us get to go together.



I'da said the tree, but Freak Show mentioned that and I was looking for some diversity :) Love the smell of a live tree!

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Put me in the "humbug" group this year.


We're pretty much a family of various degrees of agnostics and atheists (with my brother being the most staunchly faithless, my mother being the most spiritual, my father being the most dismissive of belief in general, and myself being the least certain and most conflicted about the nature of faith,) so we celebrate Christmas as a secular holiday. I thought I'd be happy because I'd be getting a chance to be home from college and to spend time with my family, but this time around I'm feeling pretty down about the whole thing for a few reasons.


First, there's the fact that last year I had a job and I bought presents for everyone in the household--and it felt great, and I wish I could do it again. This time around I'm a broke college student, and honestly I feel bad about going to them empty-handed. I know, I know, it's not really important, but I swear that last year it felt great to do--even if my brother ended up essentially re-gifting what I got for him right back to me. [lol] I guess that's not such a big deal, but I'm sure you can all relate.


Second, I'm apprehensive about how my folks will receive me. I have had a lot of trouble adjusting to college here, which has negatively impacted my grades and my emotional state, so I have the sneaking suspicion that I will be read the riot act the day I get back from school, and it will totally screw up the dynamic. So, basically, I'm afraid that my parents will be disappointed in me, and right around Christmas, too.


I've entirely lost interest in Christmas. I'm sure that, as soon as the season starts to pick up its pace I'll be thinking about it more and it will become more pleasant for me, but for the time being I can't imagine enjoying myself this Christmas season. I just don't want my parents to be upset with me, but I'm afraid that that is exactly what will happen. It's especially scary to me because I remember them telling me how incredibly proud they were when they dropped me off for my first day here...and how far I've fallen since then. [sad]


Ah well, maybe I can still enjoy my family's Christmas tradition--Chinese food!

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xDemonknight, how long have you been at University? I did ok my first semester then terrible my second and third. It took me my fourth and fifth semesters to recover, and by the end of my second and beginning of my third year I was doing courses I was actually interested in. There aren't many people who take straight to universtiy and get all straight A's.


If your parents get down on you use it as motivation to start the upwards spiral sooner. What you're experiencing is normal.

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I'm a parent, XDK... and i was a college student. When I came home after my first quarter (no semesters a Tech at that time) I had mostly B's and C's. I did carry a 4.0 in Freshman Comp, which was the weed the men from the boys class :). My grades showed that I was in the 99th percentile rank for all incoming Freshmen.


99th percentile rank!



Ya know what my Mom said to me as she tossed my grades back into my face?


"Meh... you can do better".





My son will be bringing his grades home from his first semester soon. I swear by all things holy, he can bring me straight F's and I'll brag on him and tell him how tough college is and cheer him on. I have faith in his strength and intelligence. He won't let them beat him forever.



Not all parents are good parents. If you have no faith to fall back on, then look for the meaning within the season itself, and find those that cherish goodwill and happiness. Focus on them, family or not.



I'll be thinking about you and hoping things go well, sir.

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I love this time of year. Christmas is more than the presents and the get-togethers. It's a state of mind and a spirit that everyone should embrace, even if you're a non-believer. It's a time of year that you should put aside your differences and enjoy the season.


My favorite part is sitting in the living room, and just looking at the decorated tree, and enjoying time with family, and of course the time off work is nice too.

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I do get a certain satisfaction when it comes to putting things together for everyone and seeing how happy they are once it's up and running.


As for presents, I do enjoy shopping, but I'm smart about it. Throughout the year I use my Blackberry Memo Pad to discreetly take note of things my fiancee says she wants or likes and then by the time Christmas rolls around I've got a great list of things and she gets things even she forgot she mentioned or wanted!


I spend a little too much sometimes [blush]

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Everything is a retail holiday now, Jocko. It's sad but true, I hope that doesn't take away from the good stuff you get from it on a personal level.


And when you think about it, at the end of the holiday you're not thinking about the retail side of it, you're enjoying the company and the feeling of it all, so it's not all lost yet, at least not to me.

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Blessed Be, Evol, and Happy Yule!




I asked a question on my FB page about pagans and atheists and why they celebrated Christmas. I got all kinds of responses from the snarky "Show me the rulebook where it says who gets to celebrate" (a college professor put that one. Very dissapoint :( ) and the completely shallow "F*** YOU! I like getting presents" to the altruistic " putting aside religious differences in order to embrace the true spirit of the season" (my personal favorite!!) and "We celebrate to keep peace in our mostly Christian family".



I say, celebrate in the true spirit of goodwill, and may all find a peace this year!

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In all seriousness I do miss the Winter Solstice celebrations. Nothing like throwing on the winter garb and drinking & eating too much by a huge bonfire on the beach. Lake Huron is beautiful this time of year.


Because of jobs and two families we get together with mine after Xmas; sometimes after the new year. Mom still cooks up a storm of tasty food. Last year we did a prime rib and I brought some high end champagne. We still do gifts, but with no kids around it's secondary to eating, drinking, and playing games. I won't do cartwheels for new socks and boxers like I did for G.I. Joe's at age nine.

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Blessed Be, Evol, and Happy Yule!




I asked a question on my FB page about pagans and atheists and why they celebrated Christmas. I got all kinds of responses from the snarky "Show me the rulebook where it says who gets to celebrate" (a college professor put that one. Very dissapoint :( ) and the completely shallow "F*** YOU! I like getting presents" to the altruistic " putting aside religious differences in order to embrace the true spirit of the season" (my personal favorite!!) and "We celebrate to keep peace in our mostly Christian family".



I say, celebrate in the true spirit of goodwill, and may all find a peace this year!


This time of year has always been about family; mainly the ones I don't get to see very often due to distance and time. I don't need a label for that. And if it wasn't a holiday your employer wouldn't give you the time off.

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This time of year has always been about family; mainly the ones I don't get to see very often due to distance and time. I don't need a label for that. And if it wasn't a holiday your employer wouldn't give you the time off.



/shrug I don't need time off, and have worked far more Christmases (Christmasi?) than I've had off. I don't need a label or a tree and I damn sure don't need gifts to feel the spirit.


My wife and kids and my inlaws, are all about being together as a family. As long as we can all be together, we're happy. This is enough for me :).

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