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Bad Language on TV, Forums etc.


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Ok I wanna know


I'm from the Netherlands and over here you can say just about everything on TV, radio forums etc.


In the Netherlands you can say the f* word, s*word, b*word, you can curse etc on radio and TV.

We also have commercials with naked ladies etc..

We don't censur on radio and TV, if I watch VH1 a lot of songs and video's are censured.


My sister, who live's in Canada says that dutch TV and Radio is dirty en gross.


How is this in other country's like USA?

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We were founded by Puritans, what do you think? Oh and our country came to a screeching halt when a nipple slipped out during a football halftime show. Literally was front page news for weeks, maybe months, not sure on the duration exactly. Meanwhile, eviscerated bodies, gunshot wounds, etc, get the green light for primetime tv. Go figure. [cursing]

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Completely opposite! Very uptight on public radio and television. I remember the first time I went to Switzerland I fell asleep with the TV on and woke up around 10 or 11 pm and there were naked sex commercials playing. I thought I had hit the PPV on the remote! Concerning forums it just depends on which forum you're on. Since this one is a Gibson forum they want to keep things rated PG at the most. Do some reading about the American FCC and you will find out all you need to know.

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Completely opposite! Very uptight on public radio and television. I remember the first time I went to Switzerland I fell asleep with the TV on and woke up around 10 or 11 pm and there were naked sex commercials playing. I thought I had hit the PPV on the remote! Concerning forums it just depends on which forum you're on. Since this one is a Gibson forum they want to keep things rated PG at the most.



Sex commercials, are also here on TV, and there becomming more gross by the day :unsure:


Doesn't it get more open in the USA?, I watch a lot of American series and sometimes i hear the words bit** and cr**, I don't remember hearing those words for like 10 years ago?

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We were founded by Puritans, what do you think? Oh and our country came to a screeching halt when a nipple slipped out during a football halftime show. Literally was front page news for weeks, maybe months, not sure on the duration exactly. Meanwhile, eviscerated bodies, gunshot wounds, etc, get the green light for primetime tv. Go figure. [cursing]


Yes I remember niplegate, as we called it over here.

We laughed our pants of, because of the reactions in the USA

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Sex commercials, are also here on TV, and there becomming more gross by the day :unsure:


Doesn't it get more open in the USA?, I watch a lot of American series and sometimes i hear the words bit** and cr**, I don't remember hearing those words for like 10 years ago?




In some respects but nothing like Europe. Like Zonkers said and wasn't exaggerating when Janet Jackson's nipple popped out for a brief second during our "Super Bowl" you would have thought that no one In the US had seen one before. It created huge issues and now all the radio stations and television shows get huge fines if they let something deemed "Inappropriate" by the FCC get on the air.

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In some respects but nothing like Europe. Like Zonkers said and wasn't exaggerating when Janet Jackson's nipple popped out for a brief second during our "Super Bowl" you would have thought that no one In the US had seen one before. It created huge issues and now all the radio stations and television shows get huge fines if they let something deemed "Inappropriate" by the FCC get on the air.



And yet they openly showed Dennis Franz's tush nearly 2 decades ago... Which is more disturbing? :P

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In some respects but nothing like Europe. Like Zonkers said and wasn't exaggerating when Janet Jackson's nipple popped out for a brief second during our "Super Bowl" you would have thought that no one In the US had seen one before. It created huge issues and now all the radio stations and television shows get huge fines if they let something deemed "Inappropriate" by the FCC get on the air.


fines for showing a niple [blink] your'e joking???


So, if David Letterman says sh* on his Late Show, CBS will get a huge fine??? [scared]

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So let me get this straight, you will never see a naked lady, or a niple on TV in the USA, never??


All the music on radio and TV are censured right? [scared]


No female nipples, front genitalia, and a list of words that would most likely be censored here, everything above and including the word sh~t is usually censored, or just not scripted.

Again, however, we can see nearly as much gore/violence/mayhem as we want without any fear of the mean old FCC. I still don't get it. ](*,)

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Not on public television unless it can be proved to be "educational" We have cable and satellite Pay television that is pretty much say anything and some Nudity (No showing of the genitals) or you can rent pornographic movies as pay per view although uh hmm cough, I'm not very familiar with that!rolleyes.gif

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No female nipples, front genitalia, and a list of words that would most likely be censored here, everything above and including the word sh~t is usually censored, or just not scripted.

Again, however, we can see nearly as much gore/violence/mayhem as we want without any fear of the mean old FCC. I still don't get it. ](*,)


Yeah you can pretty much see someone get their head blown off without issue and they don't seem to censor stupidity. But s far as America is concerned we have no reproductive or mommy parts and we would never say anything that is vulgar! eusa_liar.gif It's all pretty much either Christian right wing crap or legislation in place of parenting.




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All of which, is amusing, in a kind of "hypocritical" way,

as the everyday street language, and even PDA's, in this

country, are almost X-rated, anymore. Probably one reason

the Porn industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, in the

good old "puritan" USA, alone.


Not long ago, I was having lunch, in a little place, whose

clientele seemed to be mostly young "urban professional" types.

The language, being used, in just their normal conversation,

would curl your hair! I've never heard the "F" word used

so often, and so causually, as to be (basically) "normal"

now...at least among their lot.


So, whatever the censors are trying to "save" us, and our

children from, ISN'T working...IMHO.



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In Spain you see naked adds all the time too... People use regular street language on radio and TV as well. Soap commercials you see ladies in the shower soaping up but these adds are done in good taste and in a very natural way. I mean people do get naked and wash with soap every day... You even see billboard signs in the city with naked people in the adds, it's no big deal... It's not like people stand around gawking at the billboards because it shows a pretty lady putting hand cream on her body. Well maybe the tourists... ](*,)


The thing that gets me when I'm in the states is it's cool to have thrasher movies with brutal murders blood and guts and all kinds of war and killing video games for kids but god forbid you should see a woman's breast...

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We're a scared, confused group of citizens. Hope this helps the answer to the question.

Nipples/genitalia - [scared][-( Not on my primetime tv, dammit!

murder/bleeding/dismembered body - [razz]=D> Hell yes, the evening news greases the wheels for primetime tv.


Yeah, God forbid, we'd see some "nudity," unless it's one of our gallant

soldiers, being dragged, through the streets (dead) that way, in some

"hell hole" third-world country! After all...That, and other diabolically

tasteless, not to mention insensitive images, makes "great 'news'" fodder. Sigh!!!



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I curse, but don't think it is necessary to make an impact....in fact, my favourite risque, loud mouthed, working class comedian Frank Skinner msp_thumbup.gif noticed a year or so ago in an experiment that his live comedy got the same laughs minus swearing, than it did including it!


In English tv and media it is quite relaxed. My mate Logan from NH USA, couldn't believe we had 'normal' newspapers such as The Sunday Sport, which were basically soft porn (loads of **** shots etc).


I don't like smut, but of the extremes, I would rather free speech and 'smut' than uptightness and censorship



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Actually the Puritans who came to the US weren't anti-sex at all. In fact, in ways far less "up tight" than most Anglophone North Americans today.


On the other hand, I think that "our" history shows more of an intentional hypocrisy on a lot of things where "we" have a higher standard of "excellence," but then relatively easily settle for "less."


Also I think North American Anglophones have a very diverse culture and courtesy encourages language and media that may bring a response from part of the culture.


I will admit that although I am pretty "libertarian" in ways, in 1975 I was very, very surprised in the Netherlands to see a souvenir shop with pornographic sex film boxes with sex shown on the cover - right next to children's seaside coloring books.


All that said, it appears to me the U.S. and Canada as well, has a North American Anglophone culture that developed with the frontier where ladies were valued in general and acting like ladies and gentlemen was expected outside the bedroom or a bordello. Ditto with the urban newly wealthy in the late 19th century.


Also, in the U.S. the standard for words changed since President Nixon's office tapes were transcribed for publication. U.S. newspapers used words in print that never would have been used outside "men's" magazines of the time, and often not there.


Not on television, but in normal conversation I believe many Anglophone North Americans today use much more "crude" language than when I was a teen and 20 person. It lost its impact and now just sounds uneducated.


Vids, movies and television show more blood and guts than they used to, both of "news" and in fiction. But that dates back to the 1860s second U.S. Civil War and some photographs of the era.



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