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Don't Mess With Texas!


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I'm inclined to say, "Good for the store owner." [thumbup]

Be prepared. Stay alert. Stay alive.


Houston Store Owner Kills 3 Would-Be Robbers

Published December 17, 2010

| Associated Press


HOUSTON -- Police say a Houston jewelry store owner has shot and killed three men who tried to rob his business.


Houston police spokesman Kese Smith says two men were in the store Thursday afternoon pretending to be customers when a third man burst into the store and stated, "This is a robbery."

All three men then pulled out pistols, tied up the store owner's wife and took her to a back room.


They were trying to tie up the owner, when he took a handgun from his waistband and fatally shot one of the suspects. Smith said he then grabbed a shotgun and shot and killed the other two suspects.

The store owner was shot in the stomach and taken to a Houston hospital. Smith says his wife was not hurt.

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Sadly its come to this; although those three deserved exactly what they got. You try to steal rather than earn a living the old fashioned way by working; then this very well could happen.


This past week I finally had a few of my locals snooping around my new place and I surprised him. While he was quickly trying to put distance between my place and him by running away; I made sure he and Sarge shared a few special moments together before he left my property.


Needless to say I hope he shares his little run in with Sarge with his friends when they try to case my house again.


We are more than a little backwards here in Canada.

If my house was being broken into and one of my dogs decided to tear the thief a new a$$hole, I would likely be charged and my dog would be destroyed.

I like to believe that anyone in their right mind wouldn't cross the threshhold with my dogs making their presence known.

That being said, there doesn't seem to be a lack of idiots in the world.



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Why are so many people willing to mess with other people's homes, businesses and property is a better question, IMHO.


David L:


Canadian friends who wear hats and boots as I do tend more toward the perspectives of their rural U.S. brethren. In North American cities they seem to prefer the concept that it's the right of an armed robber to be safe from his/her victim rather than the right of a victim to refuse to be such.





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The first time I lived in Houston there was a strip shopping center in front of the apartment complex I lived in. On Monday night a kid came in and robbed the 7-11 and got away with about $50. Tuesday the same kid hit the same 7-11 again. Wednesday the same kid tried it again - the manager pulled out a gun and shot him this time. No charges filed.

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Armadillo - what area of Houston are you in?

I was in Humble for awhile as a kid.

Richmond 88-89

Highlands/Baytown until 97

Alvin/Manvel until 2000 when I came to the desert.

Worked in every corner of the city, in every 'hood.




... Ron White

capital punishment

Texas installed a express lane to serve their customers faster

I don't remember where I heard it first, but I said for years that Texas needed to get rid of the electric chair.

Replace it in Huntsville with electric bleachers. [thumbup]


Gotta be an old football stadium they could get 'em from.

Fill 'em to capacity, and hook a welding cable to each end.

Flip the switch - done deal.

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Armadillo - what area of Houston are you in?

I was in Humble for awhile as a kid.

Richmond 88-89

Highlands/Baytown until 97

Alvin/Manvel until 2000 when I came to the desert.

Worked in every corner of the city, in every 'hood.







Westheimer and Voss back in 75 - worked downtown in 2 Shell. Living in the Memorial Villages area right now and work near Voss and San Felipe (7 minute commute !).

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Done saved the good people of Houston a whole heep of tax dollars, investigatin' him, protectin' their rights, feedin', clothin', warmin', 'em.


Even in Down State Chicargo (Illinois), a man's home is still his castle ... for now. You invade someone's home with intent to steal or do harm. Expect a load of buck shot and a couple dog bites. The dog is doing his job. Protectin' his pack.

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Done saved the good people of Houston a whole heep of tax dollars, investigatin' him, protectin' their rights, feedin', clothin', warmin', 'em.


Even in Down State Chicargo (Illinois), a man's home is still his castle ... for now. You invade someone's home with intent to steal or do harm. Expect a load of buck shot and a couple dog bites. The dog is doing his job. Protectin' his pack.



Texas extended that to your car a couple years ago after there was an increase in carjackings. And, you don't have to drag them back inside anymore either as long as the body falls on your property.

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Texas extended that to your car a couple years ago after there was an increase in carjackings. And, you don't have to drag them back inside anymore either as long as the body falls on your property.


The old "drag the body inside", and even the "as long as the body falls on your property" are both myths. No such language in any Texas statutes with regard to use of deadly force. I've even heard these rumors repeated by cops. That doesn't make it true.


Texas didn't extend anything, either. They merely dropped the "traveling" confusion and clarified existing law. The bottom line is that you have the right to defend yourself anywhere you have the right to be. You can carry a loaded handgun in your car, as always, provided it's concealed, only now you don't have some silly burden to prove that you were traveling (something that was never clearly defined in the penal code).


If you have a Texas CHL, or a permit or license to carry a concealed handgun in any of the states whose permit or license is recognized by Texas, you have the privilege of carrying a handgun almost anywhere in the state, with very few exceptions. Businesses which don't want you carrying concealed handguns must either tell you verbally, or post a very specific sign in a conspicuous place. It's known as the "30.06 sign". If a store owner posts a "Gun Busters" sign (the red circle with a slash through it, over a silhouette of a handgun), that sign means absolutely nothing under Texas law.


I've spent a great deal of time studying Texas code with regard to the licensed carry of concealed handguns, and the laws regarding use of deadly force. The cards are stacked in favor of the armed citizen. We need to keep it that way.

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Why are so many people willing to mess with other people's homes, businesses and property is a better question, IMHO.


David L:


Canadian friends who wear hats and boots as I do tend more toward the perspectives of their rural U.S. brethren. In North American cities they seem to prefer the concept that it's the right of an armed robber to be safe from his/her victim rather than the right of a victim to refuse to be such.






I think you know where I'm coming from Milod.


I don't want to ever have to level a fire arm, but I have no problem with one of my guardians doing their job.

Fortunately, I don't live in a high crime area.



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Well, h@ll - Howdy, "Y'all"! being in TEXAS, specifically WEST TEXAS.

home of the Oilfield and Cattle Ranches, may I say - We tend to take care of things

ourselves out here.


The "LAW" may get involved, but it's already common knowledge - if you shoot someone,

be SURE to drag 'em inside your house. My Brother-in-Law caught 3 "fellows" trying to

break into the storage building in his back yard, had a shotgun aimed at the LEGS of

any who tried to run, and would have pulled the trigger if they tried. They stayed until the

police showed up.


In the news lately - A hunter was pulled off to the side of the road, looked across the

highway at a State Trooper Stop. The person who was stopped was actually firing a weapon

at the Trooper, and had wounded him. Hunter's reaction? He put the "Bad Guy" in his Rifle scope

sight and shot him DEAD. Punishment? NONE. Just a "Good old Boy" thank you for doing the right thing.


Welcome to TEXAS, folks. It's a WONDERFUL place to visit! We are as friendly as all-get-out!

Commit a crime, better expect to pay - the Police may or may not find your body. [biggrin]

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Businesses which don't want you carrying concealed handguns must either tell you verbally, or post a very specific sign in a conspicuous place.

If a store owner posts a "Gun Busters" sign ... that sign means absolutely nothing under Texas law.

Texas and Arizona both require that you use a specific sign created by the state legislature.

Download and print it - whatever - they don't care.


Any other sign in the window of a business is indeed worthless.

I used that for advertising purposes briefly, before I decided to shelve my gun business for now.

Long story I cannot detail here for obvious reasons...

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Texas and Arizona both require that you use a specific sign created by the state legislature.

Download and print it - whatever - they don't care.


Any other sign in the window of a business is indeed worthless.

I used that for advertising purposes briefly, before I decided to shelve my gun business for now.

Long story I cannot detail here for obvious reasons...


I read that story, or one like it. Seems not so long ago.

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"30.06 sign" That worked out pretty good didn't it?


I've read that the aforementioned GunBuster sign is effective in advertising to the ne'er do well's that "This place of business ain't armed and neither are the patrons." Seems to attract them like iron to a magnet. [crying]


Be careful what you ask for. You might just get it. [blush]

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